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and Skurski Throws in the towel as well

8-8 Forever?

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So now it's not even that he's the marketing guy. He's just the bellboy, folks. He's only there for accommodations, move along, there's nothing to see here.


I did not say he had final say or anything like that...I just think know it's absurd that he is heavily involved in the discussion at all. We've been below average for 16 years. He's been in charge for a lot of them. Them's the facts jack.


I don't want to re-hash this debate because we are just never going to agree on this one.

Im not even saying he has not had past say fridge....just that I dont think he has it now

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Optimism says 10-6, 11-5. Tyrod lights it up. Sammy and McCoy are injury free and play to their potential. No injuries on the O-Line and Clay plays to his contract. Plus Ed Reed gets the D talking and comprehending Rex's D.


Pessimism says 5-11, 6-10. Tyrod is good, not great. Shady is hurt. Sammy misses time. One of are starting O-line go down and the D never materializes in Dareus absence. By the time the D is clicking we hit the meat of the schedule and drop to 3-7, 3-8. Late season surge prevents a top 5 pick again.


Realism: 7-9 to 9-7.. Bills football year in year out.


Optimism, 11-5 blah blah blah


Pessimism, meteor strikes the Earth human race is extinct.


Realism, you win some, you lose some and are always depressed.

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75 minutes for me usually, I record and strip out commercials and halftime and watch witht he family during dinner (PS 4:00 games suck!) ;)

I wish i could do that but i have family members and friends who call or text me to talk about the game during the game so i have to watch it live. If i said leave me alone during live football hours I'll have no friends left.

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Don't think they are being attacked, but I agree. Why is a prediction of 8-8 or worse throwing in the towel? Who outside of Buffalo thinks this team will be in the playoffs?

Because Pegs and Whaley killed 2015 by replacing the coaching staff, but now the players now by all indications 'get' the offense and defense after a wasted 2015 "training camp" season of frankly, learning by both players and coaches (thanks to the "no more practice time sorry guys" new CBA) , no QB competition this year with a clear high end starter identified early (no idea last year) , and our talent at key positions is still top 10 in the league. and the local media just goes "same old bills" let's ignore the above and just toss an 8-8 out there. the national media (who pay no attention to this franchise at all) do a better job of prognosticating. it's lame. sorry. lame. the facts indicate that optimism is warranted by what look to me like material improvements in the teams' situation (not just Rex talk) for the first time in a long time.

yeah, 5 starters could go on IR by week 3 and these guys will be vindicated, but on paper the team is materially better prepared for this year and just as talented. I don't get the pessimism already on freakin labor day.

Edited by 8and8-->NoMore
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Im pretty sure these guys are as sick of the ineptitude as many of us are. I thought sullivan put out a pretty solid justification for his prediction.


People can say "year 1" all they want, but pegula took ownership about 2 years ago and chose to stay on the same "course" that ralph wilson set. People bury their heads in the sand, but whaley has been a major decision maker here for a long time, brandon even longer. The head coach's career has been in a nosedive for 6 years, his twin brother was brought in after overseeing one of the worst defenses in league history.


Last year they looked much better on paper, the schedule was there for the taking and they couldnt get it done. This season, the schedule appears more challenging.


We'll see. I certainly wont fault anyone for being optimistic and hopeful this time of year. People who have negative opinions on tge upcoming season certainly arent just "haters" and shouldnt be talked down to as if they are ill informed. I complain about this team a lot. I still very much want them to be good. I still go to games and hope and cheer

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Then you should give up because by your logic the cycle never ends since it's all connected and predetermined. Why even bother?

Giving up and expecting a bad season are two entirely different things, wouldn't you say? I watch virtually every minute of every game. I have since I was able to via DirecTV. If I can, I will come up for a game this season. I have been up at least 15 times and spent quite a bit of money (by my standards). Bills fans are some of the nicest and funniest people on the planet.


Given the above, if I expect a bad season, am I a traitor of sorts? We all have different ways of coping with 16 years of incompetence and futility. Mine is to look carefully at the product and give it an honest appraisal.


My view of this season is not good at all, but I don't claim to know everything. A Bills playoff appearance would make me as happy as anybody on this board, bar none.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Giving up and expecting a bad season are two entirely different things, wouldn't you say? I watch virtually every minute of every game. I have since I was able to via DirecTV. If I can, I will come up for a game this season. I have been up at least 15 times and spent quite a bit of money (by my standards). Bills fans are some of the nicest and funniest people on the planet.


Given the above, if I expect a bad season, am I a traitor of sorts? We all have different ways of coping with 16 years of incompetence and futility. Mine is to look carefully at the product and give it an honest appraisal.


My view of this season is not good at all, but I don't claim to know everything. A Bills playoff appearance would make me as happy as anybody on this board, bar none.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has nothing to do with being a traitor, but linking the distant past as if it has anything to do with prospects for 2016 is IMO ridiculous. People can post the linkage to their heart's content and I can keep on replying that it's ludicrous. Go Bills!

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It has nothing to do with being a traitor, but linking the distant past as if it has anything to do with prospects for 2016 is IMO ridiculous. People can post the linkage to their heart's content and I can keep on replying that it's ludicrous. Go Bills!

Are we allowed to go back to 2015 and point out the crappy coaching or is that too long ago?

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Are we allowed to go back to 2015 and point out the crappy coaching or is that too long ago?

Why are you asking for permission for this? Your gonna do it anyway.

Giving up and expecting a bad season are two entirely different things, wouldn't you say? I watch virtually every minute of every game. I have since I was able to via DirecTV. If I can, I will come up for a game this season. I have been up at least 15 times and spent quite a bit of money (by my standards). Bills fans are some of the nicest and funniest people on the planet.


Given the above, if I expect a bad season, am I a traitor of sorts? We all have different ways of coping with 16 years of incompetence and futility. Mine is to look carefully at the product and give it an honest appraisal.


My view of this season is not good at all, but I don't claim to know everything. A Bills playoff appearance would make me as happy as anybody on this board, bar none.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are in fact the same thing.....I dont know why you would think it otherwise


Not a game played......predicting a bad season.....equals giving up

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Why are you asking for permission for this? Your gonna do it anyway.

They are in fact the same thing.....I dont know why you would think it otherwise


Not a game played......predicting a bad season.....equals giving up


You're not under the illusion that these BN predictions will effect the play on the field, are you?


I mean, for a lot of posters here, that would explain a lot.

Edited by QCity
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Are we allowed to go back to 2015 and point out the crappy coaching or is that too long ago?


No. Please pick up your pom-poms at the door and cheer everything the Bills do. Not doing so means you're a "hater."


There's no middle ground in this debate.

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Haven't you heard, they are supposed to say at least 10-6 and playoffs. If they don't they are hacks. Saying what they really think will not be tolerated, particularly if it is in the range of what the Bills have done for the last 16 years.

that's until they are optimistic and make that prediction,then when the bills don't reach it everyone will call that report a homer and just a schill for the team because of their optimism.


There is no reason for anyone to assume that this team is going to be much better then it has been the last few years, and .500 is a pretty safe bet right now

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