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16 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

The selective spinning is hilarious! That was a quick sample, but yes, you kept giving the benefit of the doubt to a murderous Nazi. And boyst is doubling down on blaming the woman who got murdered!


At the time those posts were made the law was giving the benefit of the doubt.  That's how the law works:  innocent until proven guilty.  People are tragically, and accidentally killed with motor vehicles all the time, and enough information hadn't emerged to make a determination if the driver had intentionally run people down, or if he was attacked by a violent mob and panicked, which is an entirely different circumstance.  I'm sorry if my measured judgment didn't comport with your zealous rush to pitchforks and torches.  


Further, those posts were all taken out of context, as you well know, because you're being intentionally intellectually dishonest.


Mine, as I've already explained, was an intellectual critique of identity politics and critical theory; and a very valid one at that.


The only person doing any selective spinning here is you.


No one here has defended any rhetoric of neo-Nazi's, beyond saying they enjoy the same rights to freedom of speech and assembly that you or I do.  No one here has defended any of their violence in any capacity.


You, on the other hand, have gladly taken up torch for violent militant communists who pose just as much of a threat as the neo-Nazis ideologically, only their numbers are exponentially greater, and they have a much more voluminous record of actual violence.

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Just now, Boyst62 said:

She was Jay walking. She got what she deserved. 


Just my personal opinion.........................


If you are at protest, you know there are certain risks. But that doesn't mean she should get run over.


Me, I would never be at any protest, so I am safe. ?

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4 minutes ago, donbb said:


Someone not making excuses for a Nazi scumbag murdering Heather Heyer.


If you leftists aren't careful, you're going to overuse the 'Nazi' label, and you'll soon wake up to find out is has all the feckless punch of the 'racist' label.






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Just now, TakeYouToTasker said:


At the time those posts were made the law was giving the benefit of the doubt.  That's how the law works:  innocent until proven guilty.  People are tragically, and accidentally killed with motor vehicles all the time, and enough information hadn't emerged to make a determination if the driver had intentionally run people down, or if he was attacked by a violent mob and panicked, which is an entirely different circumstance.  I'm sorry if my measured judgment didn't comport with your zealous rush to pitchforks and torches.  


Further, those posts were all taken out of context, as you well know, because you're being intentionally intellectually dishonest.


Mine, as I've already explained, was an intellectual critique of identity politics and critical theory; and a very valid one at that.


The only person doing any selective spinning here is you.


No one here has defended any rhetoric of neo-Nazi's, beyond saying they enjoy the same rights to freedom of speech and assembly that you or I do.  No one here has defended any of their violence in any capacity.


You, on the other hand, have gladly taken up torch for violent militant communists who pose just as much of a threat as the neo-Nazis ideologically, only their numbers are exponentially greater, and they have a much more voluminous record of actual violence.


And my focus was on the "maybe he was trying to swerve out of the way" bit. People were, and clearly, still are bending over backwards to defend this guy. Take a look through that thread for the full context, and it is so, so much worse. There are people who cheered the 


And believe me, I am criticizing Antifa. They did more damage than I thought. You are not seeing me put on a bandana and stomping people. But man, their body count is lower, and it is in a direct response to opposing a violent movement. And, to quote B-man again "I can't go as far as calling those azzholes, "victims"...........they put themselves there, and I would bet a few of them started fights also "


Not that I agree with them, but him turning around with this bull **** is hilarious


As to "they have the right to free speech", the truth is that they do. They are free to vent and shout. But they storm a college campus with torches, show up armed with rifles, violently bludgeon people and run them over with cars...do you actually think that  arming yourseldf to defend yourself is unjustified? Because if you do, it runs counter to the endless guns rights activism I have heard around here.



34 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Agreed. Your attempted spin and hyperbole and selective memory is hilarious to anyone with a fully functioning frontal lobe. 


Once again I'll ask: in your opinion does antifa represent the views of all people who dislike Trump? 


No, of course not. There are plenty of Republicans who are disgusted with Trump too. I'm just calling up reminders of how many of you were singing a very different tune about protestors a year ago.


37 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Who's the murderous Nazi again?  :unsure:

The Neo-Nazi who ran over people with his car in Charlottesville last year. 

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2 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

No, of course not.



So, in other words, there are good people on both sides. 


Yet here you are blindly labeling individuals as being one group which is "on the wrong side of history" without a hint of irony. 


Don't you see why that makes your message laughable rather than valuable? If you want to have a discussion, best not to start by demonstrating to the audience that you're not willing to be intellectually honest. 

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4 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:


And my focus was on the "maybe he was trying to swerve out of the way" bit. People were, and clearly, still are bending over backwards to defend this guy. Take a look through that thread for the full context, and it is so, so much worse. There are people who cheered the 


And believe me, I am criticizing Antifa. They did more damage than I thought. You are not seeing me put on a bandana and stomping people. But man, their body count is lower, and it is in a direct response to opposing a violent movement. And, to quote B-man again "I can't go as far as calling those azzholes, "victims"...........they put themselves there, and I would bet a few of them started fights also "



Your standard is "body count," and contention that Antifa was only motivated by a counter protest in Charlottesville?

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14 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


She's the violent Antifa member on the far right of the picture who showed up to a "peaceful protest" with a shield, helmet, and baseball bat.


See the source image

If that's really her, swipe left

14 minutes ago, donbb said:


Just dig yourself a deeper and deeper hole. 

Should I guess you had a crush on that little piggy?

15 minutes ago, njbuff said:


Just my personal opinion.........................


If you are at protest, you know there are certain risks. But that doesn't mean she should get run over.


Me, I would never be at any protest, so I am safe. ?

Honestly, I'm in the same boat.


I have no experience with such a protest, nor will I ever. That being said, I'm not going to say what sugar shouldn't happen, although it's such an event that one and believe violence and or death is easily possible. At least those with a thinking head on their shoulders, and it's a matter of time before someone else gets killed because the situation is escalating further and further


At some point all these anti-fascist and other protesters are going to run into an obstacle that they don't want to face, and when they do it's going to be a law enforcement interview that is injured and likely up to being killed that will cause law enforcement to take him or authoritarian role I which Falls right into the hand they want, as a self-fulfilling prophecy


At that point we will have to ban such a vents for the safety of others, and then the reality we're just bending those events from those people stupid enough to attend them such as Heather heyer.

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26 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

And my focus was on the "maybe he was trying to swerve out of the way" bit. People were, and clearly, still are bending over backwards to defend this guy. Take a look through that thread for the full context, and it is so, so much worse. There are people who cheered the 


That was my point:  In the immediate aftermath we had no idea what his intentions were.  None.


Antifa is violent.  They assault people with weapons all the time.  Heather Heyer herself was there armed with a baseball bat and wearing a shield and helmet.  She was there prepared to do violence.  It is reasonable to leave room, in the aftermath of an incident like that, for the possibility that the driver was uninvolved outside of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, was assaulted, and tried to flee, accidentally killing someone in the process.


This is why we wait for facts to come out, and for the law to take it's course.



And believe me, I am criticizing Antifa. They did more damage than I thought. You are not seeing me put on a bandana and stomping people. But man, their body count is lower, and it is in a direct response to opposing a violent movement. And, to quote B-man again "

I can't go as far as calling those azzholes, "victims"...........they put themselves there, and I would bet a few of them started fights also "


Not that I agree with them, but him turning around with this bull **** is hilarious


If you're criticizing Antifa, this is the first time I've seen you do so, though it's a good start.


But here's the thing:  Their body count isn't lower, it's higher.  And they aren't acting in response to a violent movement; they're acting in response to free speech, conservatism, and capitalism.  Their protests include no-platforming conservative speakers at universities and elsewhere by starting violent riots.


Here's an example:



Neo-Nazi's are not doing things like this.


No one is turning anything around.



As to "they have the right to free speech", the truth is that they do. They are free to vent and shout. But they storm a college campus with torches, show up armed with rifles, violently bludgeon people and run them over with cars...do you actually think that  arming yourseldf to defend yourself is unjustified? Because if you do, it runs counter to the endless guns rights activism I have heard around here.


Antifa (violent communist militants) showed up to have a street war with neo-Nazi's.  Full stop.


No one who showed up for that hot mess armed was an "innocent", and no one who showed up at all, save law enforcement, was at all intelligent.  Heather Heyer included.


When animals show up to do battle with other animals they invite tragedy upon themselves.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:




Antifa is violent.  The assault people with weapons all the time.  Heather Heyer herself was there armed with a baseball bat and wearing a shield and helmet.  She was there prepared to do violence.  It is reasonable to leave room, in the aftermath of an incident like that, for the possibility that the driver was uninvolved outside of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, was assaulted, and tried to flee, accidentally killing someone in the process.


This is why we wait for facts to come out, and for the law to take it's course.


If you're criticizing Antifa, this is the first time I've seen you do so, though it's a good start.


But here's the thing:  Their body count isn't lower, it's higher.  And they aren't acting in response to a violent movement; they're acting in response to free speech, conservatism, and capitalism.  Their protests include no-platforming conservative speakers at universities and elsewhere by starting violent riots.


Antifa (violent communist militants) showed up to have a street war with neo-Nazi's.  Full stop.


No one who showed up for that hot mess armed was an "innocent", and no one who showed up at all, save law enforcement, was at all intelligent.  Heather Heyer included.


When animals show up to do battle with other animals they invite tragedy upon themselves.



Well, I cannot put it any better than that.




In the entire United States there are barely 5 - 8,000 neo Nazis, and that's according to the incredibly biased SPLC.............enough for a high school football game in Pennsylvania



But, as I said over in the Media thread.




The media needs to pretend this handful of dildos is an army.

They need the media for a platform and the media needs them to smear conservatives.
Pathetic on both counts.






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4 hours ago, donbb said:


Can't forget this gem... These folks are beyond deplorable. 



Keep projecting scumbag. I f'n hate what you POS have done to my Democratic party. I walked away from it because of scum like you and antifa. They are nothing but a bunch of thugs! Modern day brownshirts. They are such pu$$ies that they have to cover there faces. Are you one of those POS antifa member? I bet you are. Spineless mf'er

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