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Americans hate the Federal Government more than ever

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Gr8... More pictures... I love pictures!


So what you are saying is deregulation caused this and we need MORE regulation.


So... By deregulating, they are controlling the message?


Hmmmm the gov't is damned if they do, damned if they dont.


And the message is usually factually wrong more times than it is right. I can think of one area the enviro alarmists are trying to control the cooked-up message... Roll your eyes folks: it is the Asian carp invasion boondoggle... The gov't has been fleeced to tune of 100's of miilions of dollars in the last few years alone and more on the way! It is amazing what the media gets wrong about this issue and the American people buy into it. I would say that's why the American people should hate the Federal gov't. Who's zooming who?


Just my 2 cents from my little Idaho...

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Gr8... More pictures... I love pictures!


So what you are saying is deregulation caused this and we need MORE regulation.


So... By deregulating, they are controlling the message?


Hmmmm the gov't is damned if they do, damned if they dont.


And the message is usually factually wrong more times than it is right. I can think of one area the enviro alarmists are trying to control the cooked-up message... Roll your eyes folks: it is the Asian carp invasion boondoggle... The gov't has been fleeced to tune of 100's of miilions of dollars in the last few years alone and more on the way! It is amazing what the media gets wrong about this issue and the American people buy into it. I would say that's why the American people should hate the Federal gov't. Who's zooming who?


Just my 2 cents from my little Idaho...


My argument is that the government is no longer representing the people's interests. It represents the interests of the few who can afford to pay them off. Our voices in governance as a people have been slowly but surely stripped away over the past 16 years and change. We've lost constitutional rights in the name of "fighting terror", we've lost our ability to influence the legislative branches thanks to the unfettered money flooding the system and posing as "free speech", we've lost the fourth estate in the name of corporate profits and rating chasing, and now we're monitored 24/7 and treated as threats to the government rather than citizens.


So now we're deaf, dumb, blind, and without recourse. We're without recourse because we've been conditioned to see opposing parties and view points as the enemy and waste our times arguing with one another while the powers that be continue to implode our nation from the inside out.


Hillary, Trump, Rubio, Cruz -- they're all owned by the same entities. There is no difference between the political parties, not in any meaningful way when it comes to how they govern, because both parties have been bought and paid for by the same folks. We don't live in a democratic republic any longer, we live in an oligarchy that's quickly devolving into a corporate fascist state.

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My argument is that the government is no longer representing the people's interests. It represents the interests of the few who can afford to pay them off. Our voices in governance as a people have been slowly but surely stripped away over the past 16 years and change. We've lost constitutional rights in the name of "fighting terror", we've lost our ability to influence the legislative branches thanks to the unfettered money flooding the system and posing as "free speech", we've lost the fourth estate in the name of corporate profits and rating chasing, and now we're monitored 24/7 and treated as threats to the government rather than citizens.


So now we're deaf, dumb, blind, and without recourse. We're without recourse because we've been conditioned to see opposing parties and view points as the enemy and waste our times arguing with one another while the powers that be continue to implode our nation from the inside out.


Hillary, Trump, Rubio, Cruz -- they're all owned by the same entities. There is no difference between the political parties, not in any meaningful way when it comes to how they govern, because both parties have been bought and paid for by the same folks. We don't live in a democratic republic any longer, we live in an oligarchy that's quickly devolving into a corporate fascist state.


I would add that too few people understand that to maintain a free society, they need to participate. Most people I know aren't even registered to vote, and even more can't even name their congressional representative. Almost nobody I know can explain the balance of powers or name a single supreme court justice. Abdicating your personal responsibility only serves to create a vacuum that will quickly be filled by special interests.


In other words, the mess we're in is on us, not anyone else.

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I would add that too few people understand that to maintain a free society, they need to participate. Most people I know aren't even registered to vote, and even more can't even name their congressional representative. Almost nobody I know can explain the balance of powers or name a single supreme court justice. Abdicating your personal responsibility only serves to create a vacuum that will quickly be filled by special interests.


In other words, the mess we're in is on us, not anyone else.


No argument. There's plenty of blame to go around. What's that old expression? We're only a generation away from losing our democracy?


Well, it's happened. Just not enough people have woken up to that fact yet. Maybe by 2020.

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I would add that too few people understand that to maintain a free society, they need to participate. Most people I know aren't even registered to vote, and even more can't even name their congressional representative. Almost nobody I know can explain the balance of powers or name a single supreme court justice. Abdicating your personal responsibility only serves to create a vacuum that will quickly be filled by special interests.


In other words, the mess we're in is on us, not anyone else.


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I would add that too few people understand that to maintain a free society, they need to participate. Most people I know aren't even registered to vote, and even more can't even name their congressional representative. Almost nobody I know can explain the balance of powers or name a single supreme court justice. Abdicating your personal responsibility only serves to create a vacuum that will quickly be filled by special interests.


In other words, the mess we're in is on us, not anyone else.

The problem is PPP is just too touchy an issue for many, they would rather live in oblivion & have the issues pushed under a rug like here in PPP. By doing this, people can just avoid all that is unpleasant.


Everything should be open for dialogue. I understand that there is a time and place for everything... But we are way too sheltered when it comes to thorny disussion. People don't like to be criticized so they just avoid all issues.

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This senator is NOT happy with government's response to overreach concerns

by Ashe Schowe


Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., has been trying for months to get the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights to justify it's expansion of Title IX. When OCR finally responded (late), its justification was, let's just say, lacking.



Now Lankford has written back, rejecting OCR's justification and saying he was "unpersuaded" by its response letter.


more at the link: washex.am/1R0zSfw





No, OCR, you can’t justify eviscerating due process rights

Edited by B-Man
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You're welcome.


Wow... Let's not confuse hate w/jealousy, but I guess the two go hand in hand.


Americans are idiots if what you say is true. I know I had influence on what gets done in the economy. You must mean jealousy, not hate. I am one of the few people in TheFed that is bringing in a positive and decent return on all our (I pay federal tax to subsidize my wage) federal tax dollars and they are hating on it? Yikes, I didn't know that I had that kind of influence on the idiots in this country.


Maybe you are confusing jealousy w/hate? If not, then Americans are idiots and really don't know what the issues are! No wonder they are rallying around a guy like Donald Trump.


I used the word: idiot, three times... Boy! Now this is going to cost me w/the man that owns the rights to that word! ;-P ;-P

EII, I don't hate you and I'm certainly not jealous of you. You're a blockhead and miss the point so much it's laughable. It's like birdbrain's take on gatordude's Range Rover payments (or was it BMW)? I'm sure you're competent in your work. That's not the point. It's the attitude you push here which is the kind of thing the public sees when they go to the DMV to get licenses/registrations.

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EII, I don't hate you and I'm certainly not jealous of you. You're a blockhead and miss the point so much it's laughable. It's like birdbrain's take on gatordude's Range Rover payments (or was it BMW)? I'm sure you're competent in your work. That's not the point. It's the attitude you push here which is the kind of thing the public sees when they go to the DMV to get licenses/registrations.


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EII, I don't hate you and I'm certainly not jealous of you. You're a blockhead and miss the point so much it's laughable. It's like birdbrain's take on gatordude's Range Rover payments (or was it BMW)? I'm sure you're competent in your work. That's not the point. It's the attitude you push here which is the kind of thing the public sees when they go to the DMV to get licenses/registrations.

Like Gator hinted above. Huh?


What attitude is that? Being a good steward for the public? Putting others first? Trying to fight the urge to resent others? Attitude that life is more than a highly competitive game and that the group matters more than the individual @ times? It is okay to boost others up even if they surpass you. Being a public servant also doesn't require taking a vow of poverty.


What does the public see when they head to DMV? If it is what I think you think it is, how else do they do their job without creating a bureaucracy of cold, non-caring rules, etc... You want the DMV to be Disney World or something.


The world simply doesn't revolve around Nanker or Eric.


Like I said earlier in the thread... People sure like to hate on things, yet let the hated roll into their town and do something for them and the people quickly change their tune.


I simply don't get your struggle and resentment... I never will. Nobody is keeping you down. Be grateful in many ways.


What's so threatening about this attidue?

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NYC mayor orders that men have access to women’s restrooms

NEW YORK CITY, March 11, 2016 -- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an executive order giving men the right to use women's bathrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa.


The mayor's edict is called, "Access to Single-Sex City Facilities Consistent With Gender Identity and Expression." It means that all New York City single-gender facilities must accommodate both sexes, including city buildings and offices, parks, children's playgrounds, swimming pools, and more, all access given without showing identification or any proof of gender.


Mayor de Blasio declared that transgenders using opposite sex bathrooms and locker rooms "is a fundamental human right that should not be restricted or denied to any individual."


Ironically, he added, "Every New Yorker should feel safe in our city." Critics question whether the mayor includes those who do not feel safe in public showers and toilets that the opposite sex may undress in and use, or if he only refers to making the gender confused feel more comfortable in their ailment.

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NYC mayor orders that men have access to womens restrooms


NEW YORK CITY, March 11, 2016 -- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an executive order giving men the right to use women's bathrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa.


The mayor's edict is called, "Access to Single-Sex City Facilities Consistent With Gender Identity and Expression." It means that all New York City single-gender facilities must accommodate both sexes, including city buildings and offices, parks, children's playgrounds, swimming pools, and more, all access given without showing identification or any proof of gender.


Mayor de Blasio declared that transgenders using opposite sex bathrooms and locker rooms "is a fundamental human right that should not be restricted or denied to any individual."


Ironically, he added, "Every New Yorker should feel safe in our city." Critics question whether the mayor includes those who do not feel safe in public showers and toilets that the opposite sex may undress in and use, or if he only refers to making the gender confused feel more comfortable in their ailment.

Weird... Can't imagine this will have any unintended consequences

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If we moved our architecture into the election industry, this guy would get nowhere.


It's as simple as that. This guy and his 100 lines of code are a joke to us. We've been talking about election machines as a new industry to pursue, but thus far it seems like more trouble than its worth.


Which...is probably how this all came to pass. Why would we, or anybody good, want to deal with schitty clients who won't pay for quality? We even considered doing it for free as a PR move. But then, there's still the schitty client aspect, that will never go away. The PR will wear off, but the schitty stays.


We're not IBM, and therefore don't have millions to waste on failed PR asshattery: http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/03/14/469207779/turmoil-behind-the-scenes-at-a-nationally-lauded-high-school

Actually thinking about starting a thread on this one.

In 1983, 90% of the media was controlled by 50 companies. Today, 90% of the media are controlled by just six companies.


Control the message, control the population.



Yes, and despite all that?


Dan Rather was taken down by the Internet in 15 F'ing minutes from the time he broke the George Bush National Guard Lie.


Or, Breitbart.com exists, warts and all. So does Huffington post, sheer assclowns and all. How's Nate Silver doing these days after missing Michigan by 20 points? :lol: Yet, he exists, and one big FAIL doesn't mean he doesn't offer solid content. So does Real Clear Politics.


I get more from RCP than any other source, largely because all of their in-house articles are fact and data-based. Their election data analysis is second to none.


So, remind me how this great media consolidation affects me, when I watch one TV news program(Special Report w/ Bret Baier) maybe 3 times a week. Beyond Brett, Charles Krauthammer is a flat out pisser. He's hilarious, because he's truthful. He's the white, parapeligic version of Chris Rock.


Somehow I don't feel a message being forced upon me. And, if it is, isn't it my own damn fault for being too lazy to learn/check things out for myself? I have no sympathy for people who have stopped learning. None at all. Especially not when the greatest education tool ever devised costs you $20/month, you can even get it as part of a cell phone plan, and half the damn public spaces in the country offer it for free.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Cannot change Medicare or Soc.Sec. and still win elections

[At CPAC, Trump said}: "As Republicans, if you think you are going to change very substantially for the worse Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in any substantial way, and at the same time you think you are going to win elections, it just really is not going to happen," Mr. Trump said, adding that polls show that tea partyers are among those who don't want their entitlements changed. "What we have to do and the way we solve our problems it to build a great economy."

Source: 2013 Conservative Political Action Conf. in Washington Times , Mar 15, 2013


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