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1-22: Doug Whaley and Rex Ryan on WGR

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So what you're saying is that the team did worse with better QB play. That's hard to do in the NFL.


No, I'd say they did about the same. Defense took a step back, offense took a pretty significant step forward. If you're just looking at 8-8 vs. 9-7, well, we know how "legitimate" that winning record was -- and this year's team clearly finished on an uptick.


If -- and I'll conceded it's an if -- the Ryan boys get this defense turned around, it's going to be fun watching the backtracking around here next fall.

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No, I'd say they did about the same. Defense took a step back, offense took a pretty significant step forward. If you're just looking at 8-8 vs. 9-7, well, we know how "legitimate" that winning record was -- and this year's team clearly finished on an uptick.


If -- and I'll conceded it's an if -- the Ryan boys get this defense turned around, it's going to be fun watching the backtracking around here next fall.

One area I am not backtracking from is that Rex Ryan did a poor job of coaching (most specifically the defense) this year. The defense took a dramatic step back with a roster that was similar to the prior year. That can't be disputed.


Another area I am not backtracking from is that this team, one of the most penalized teams in the league, lacked discipline. That can't be disputed. If you don't believe that coaching is a factor then our views on that issue can never be reconciled.


Good coaching is not about adhering to one's preferential scheme. It is about taking the roster you have (not the roster you wish you had) and putting those players in a position to succeed. If you believe that Rex did that well this year then you and I have a different evaluation standard that will never be reconciled.


Rex Ryan is not a novice coach who is in the process of learning a new role. He is a seven year veteran head coach who coached as if he was a recently elevated assistant coordinator who was in over his head. It may be surprising to you (not to me) that the team that he got fired from took a major step forward under a new HC. It may be surprising to you (not to me) that the team he went to took a step back. In my view his coaching was the difference between the Bills making the playoffs (wildcard) and not.


You are trying to portray the critics as people who want to see Rex fail in order to prove their point. Not only isn't your distorted characterization not true but it is a foolish way to frame this discussion. Most of the critics simply don't believe that Rex Ryan is anything more than a mediocre coach. How he performed this year demonstrated that assessment.


One way of avoiding success is using a less rigorous standard in judging success. I'm not taking that easy road because it leads you to a road to nowhere good. While you bestow your good wishes on what you hope he does better in the future I'm going to be more hardnosed and evaluate him on what he actually does. Rex is very adept at talking big; he is more likely to perform small. You may be impressed with his bullshiiit but I am not. No more excuses. .

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Low hanging fruit, I know, but it had to be said.

some one had to take the swing. You are just the man for the job.

well done, btw


As long as they don't go crazy with their RFA tenders (and they shouldn't need to), they won't have to gut the roster. Most of the guys that are RFAs will probably take 1-year deals with 10-15% increases without batting an eyelash. They could easily re-sign Powell, Charles, Bryant, and Rambo without cresting $5M in cap attribution.


Mario is an obvious casualty after his dropoff in 2015, and guys like Dixon, Lawson, and Carpenter can save easy money as well.


McKelvin is already willing to take a pay cut, and you could potentially get Urbik to do the same.


The tough decisions will be what to do with Kyle Williams (who could save $5.5M against the cap and isn't a great fit for a 30 front) and the safety position. One of Graham or Aaron Williams needs to have their cap hit reduced, because they're getting too much money for too little production. They seem to be willing to wait on Aaron, so that means that Graham is more likely to get the boot.

Corey Graham is not going anywhere. IMO.

: )

Dixon is gone and Carpenter prolly too. Bills need to gain another roster spot.

Getting the team down to one kicker means both are gone.

Kyle wont be going anywhere either i might wager. He is very good in zone coverage :wallbash:



No one was going to hire Rob Ryan again, other than his brother/Pegulas.

you don't know that.

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One area I am not backtracking from is that Rex Ryan did a poor job of coaching (most specifically the defense) this year. The defense took a dramatic step back with a roster that was similar to the prior year. That can't be disputed.



I will grant you the penalties. There is no excuse for that. However the roster was not at all similar. Maybe at the start of the year but kyle Williams, leodis, and Aaron Williams all missed significant time this year.


That is a pro bowler, a starting safety, and the #2 cb from last year. Add in gillmore and Bradham missing games and we are at half the defense being different for a big chunk of the year.

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No, I'd say they did about the same. Defense took a step back, offense took a pretty significant step forward. If you're just looking at 8-8 vs. 9-7, well, we know how "legitimate" that winning record was -- and this year's team clearly finished on an uptick.


If -- and I'll conceded it's an if -- the Ryan boys get this defense turned around, it's going to be fun watching the backtracking around here next fall.


I dunno about backtracking, which usually means someone withdraws from a position and in modern usage often implies some degree of dishonesty/deception as in pretending one never held a viewpoint one actually did.


I believe Rex did a sucky job coaching our D and coaching our team this year. I thought the players lacked discipline, and questionable time management and challenge decisions were made. I believe the reports of calls coming in late on D as one could see players scrambling to get set and sometimes not set before the snap. The change in the D's ranking speaks for itself. I believe Rex failed to use talented players on the DL to their best advantage and asked more than they could deliver of a LB core that was solid in the right system.


I question whether Rex can actually turn all that around, especially given the Bills cap situation which will preclude adding significant pieces on D via FA. I question whether Rob is the right man to help him, since Payton in NO has gone public with the reasons for Rob's firing saying Saints D had a significant problem with the wrong calls or late calls on D in 2014 and it wasn't fixed in 2015 so Sayonara. It sounds like sending the fox to fix the henhouse, it will likely result in higher levels of chicken consumption. I think Rex is hard working and competitive and wants to win very badly. I just think he's missing something he needs to actually TURN it around and he doesn't know what that is or how to get it.


I will not backtrack a bit from these positions if Rex should succeed in turning the D around and improving his HC fundamentals. I will simply say I was wrong, and I will be very glad to be wrong. I am not blindly loyal, but I AM a Bills fan! I want us to win!

I will grant you the penalties. There is no excuse for that. However the roster was not at all similar. Maybe at the start of the year but kyle Williams, leodis, and Aaron Williams all missed significant time this year.


That is a pro bowler, a starting safety, and the #2 cb from last year. Add in gillmore and Bradham missing games and we are at half the defense being different for a big chunk of the year


Yes, there were significant injuries. But can you grant that the Bills defense laid a huge egg in the 2nd game of the season - when everyone but Leodis was healthy? When you let Tom Brady hang up 450 yds passing on you, over 500 total yds offense, that's a huge red flag for the D, wouldn't you say? While we beat them, Tannehill and the Dolphins hung close to 400 yds offense on us, twice - including before Kyle Williams was hurt.


So yes, we did have to deal with significant injuries, but it was pretty clear that the D was not as expected BEFORE the injuries.

Edited by Hopeful
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Rex has zero credibility with his off-season predictions, here or with the Jets. Why does he still say these things?

I know! It drives me crazy. You would think players and management must lose faith in him with his empty promises and statements.


Don't forget the obvious Clay restructure. They'll be fine; they won't be big players in the FA market outside of their own signings, and they'll need another solid draft.

IMO, we will need to sign a NT and LB in FA and we can draft for safety help. My thought process being NT can come at a reasonable cap hit. The LB we need is a leader and who can lead/run the defense in Rex's system. That would seem to be very hard as a rookie. Sort how I think that tough task proved too hard for a second year Preston Brown.
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I know! It drives me crazy. You would think players and management must lose faith in him with his empty promises and statements.


That assumes players and management pay much attention to media soundbytes. They really don't.


But as Bills fans we've now seen both sides of the coaching hype spectrum in recent years, from Jauron's underselling "it's hard to win the NFL" to Rex's "we're going to beat everyone's asses" schtick. If you were a player wouldn't you prefer Rex's bluster and sincere belief the team is going to win over Jauron (or like minded coaches) who downplay your talent and chances? I guess it would depend on the make up of the player but personally I'd take Rex's style all day every day as a player.


As a fan it might be different I guess. Though I don't understand why Bills fans wouldn't want a more vocal/entertaining coach working the media. Whether he's bombastic or not, It doesn't impact the play on the field in any meaningful way, but it does make for a more entertaining build up than a guy who's "obviously" not interested in talking to the media. After all, press conferences, articles about the team, and Rex's interviews are just done for our entertainment value as fans, they serve no other purpose.


All things being equal, give me the guy who's going to speak with passion and honestly believes in his team over a guy like Jauron.

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I know! It drives me crazy. You would think players and management must lose faith in him with his empty promises and statements.

He is incapable of holding back from his blustering comments even when his performances consistently don't come close to matching his bravado. That's who he is. He is known more for his antics than he is for his coaching excellence. He enjoys needling the opposition by sending out former players for the coin toss. It's not a big deal other than these juvenile acts reflect his immaturity. It's not surprising that his teams are not noted for their collective maturity and intelligence.


Rex Ryan is not a novice head coach. He has been a HC for seven consecutive years. His overall mediocre record speaks for itself. The RR that we hired is the authentic RR. That is what bothers me very much.

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I think McKelvin and Urbik will be pay cuts rather than restructures or releases. I think Wynn stays unless they plan to re-sign Carrington.


Manny Lawson is another guy that could be let go.



I think they'd rather not restructure Clay if they can manage it...it would be much better for 2017-2019 if they don't.

I agree with Clay.


McKelvin could go either way. I think it depends on what the staff thinks of his ability. I think they will and should cut him.


Urbik, for that price he is good and can start when injuries occur and is the back up center. I think they keep him.


Lawson, I think he fits well with the scheme and contract situation is one that a restructure could work.

The Rex bashig that goes on here is commical and unwarrented. For once and for all time please reminder yourself he didn;t have anywhere near the same personal as Schwarz

1 Spikes , admittedly he was a poor fit in passing situation, there where times he lead a run defense that was excellent. Many on this board lameneted when he left.

2 Searcy and A williams . The 2015 Bills suffered through horrible safety play . Graham and Duke williams seemed to be on the field when ever there was a big play

3 Kyle missed most of the season, you know the Pro Bowl guy.

4 Mario , gave little effort. He went from a Pro Bowl player to a cancer and UNDER ACHIEVER

5 Bradham and Gilmore both missed multiple games

5 Wynn, althought a smaller piece he player very well in 2014


Some will say they added Darby which is true , but Mckelvin actully play well in 2014, not elite but certainly wasn;t and issue


Yes Rex shoots his mouth off, but Rex did not destroy the defense . Circumstances did.


enough ALREADY

In Addition the difference between 8-8 and 10 - 6 was Ej and his horrendous start to the Jacksonville game , and while the Jets played Cleveland the Bills played Cinncy



I agree with the personnel was different.


I disagree with the Rex bashing being commical and unwarranted. I also find nothing about Rex commical.


I do think and hope he will do better this year. But, don't think he is capable of taking a team to the playoffs more than once every 4 or 5 years (please don't respond saying he did two years in a row as I know and as I think he has digressed as a coach since then and/or the game has changed and Rex hasn't)

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I agree with Clay.


McKelvin could go either way. I think it depends on what the staff thinks of his ability. I think they will and should cut him.


Urbik, for that price he is good and can start when injuries occur and is the back up center. I think they keep him.


Lawson, I think he fits well with the scheme and contract situation is one that a restructure could work.

I agree with the personnel was different.


I disagree with the Rex bashing being commical and unwarranted. I also find nothing about Rex commical.


I do think and hope he will do better this year. But, don't think he is capable of taking a team to the playoffs more than once every 4 or 5 years (please don't respond saying he did two years in a row as I know and as I think he has digressed as a coach since then and/or the game has changed and Rex hasn't)

The greatest coach in the world would not be able to take the 2012-2014 Jets to the playoffs. they has a serious lack of talent. One of the worse rosters in the league.

Rex keep a badly injured team together and playing hard to the end, this despite the highest paid player trying to cause a mutiny .

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The greatest coach in the world would not be able to take the 2012-2014 Jets to the playoffs. they has a serious lack of talent. One of the worse rosters in the league.

Rex keep a badly injured team together and playing hard to the end, this despite the highest paid player trying to cause a mutiny .

we will never know, but I wonder if Bowles had had the same roster this year that Rex has last year, if the Jets would have taken a step forward. I just don't put a huge amount of emphasis on the HC being that big of a factor in things like that. It's the QB first, rest of roster second, coaching third. Jmo, of course. Edited by YoloinOhio
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No, I'd say they did about the same. Defense took a step back, offense took a pretty significant step forward. If you're just looking at 8-8 vs. 9-7, well, we know how "legitimate" that winning record was -- and this year's team clearly finished on an uptick.


If -- and I'll conceded it's an if -- the Ryan boys get this defense turned around, it's going to be fun watching the backtracking around here next fall

What? Rex can't be judged year to year?

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Their record would say you are wrong.


Your response would indicate you didn't even read my post! No worries.

One area I am not backtracking from is that Rex Ryan did a poor job of coaching (most specifically the defense) this year. The defense took a dramatic step back with a roster that was similar to the prior year. That can't be disputed.


Another area I am not backtracking from is that this team, one of the most penalized teams in the league, lacked discipline. That can't be disputed. If you don't believe that coaching is a factor then our views on that issue can never be reconciled.


Good coaching is not about adhering to one's preferential scheme. It is about taking the roster you have (not the roster you wish you had) and putting those players in a position to succeed. If you believe that Rex did that well this year then you and I have a different evaluation standard that will never be reconciled.


Rex Ryan is not a novice coach who is in the process of learning a new role. He is a seven year veteran head coach who coached as if he was a recently elevated assistant coordinator who was in over his head. It may be surprising to you (not to me) that the team that he got fired from took a major step forward under a new HC. It may be surprising to you (not to me) that the team he went to took a step back. In my view his coaching was the difference between the Bills making the playoffs (wildcard) and not.


You are trying to portray the critics as people who want to see Rex fail in order to prove their point. Not only isn't your distorted characterization not true but it is a foolish way to frame this discussion. Most of the critics simply don't believe that Rex Ryan is anything more than a mediocre coach. How he performed this year demonstrated that assessment.


One way of avoiding success is using a less rigorous standard in judging success. I'm not taking that easy road because it leads you to a road to nowhere good. While you bestow your good wishes on what you hope he does better in the future I'm going to be more hardnosed and evaluate him on what he actually does. Rex is very adept at talking big; he is more likely to perform small. You may be impressed with his bullshiiit but I am not. No more excuses. .


John, you are so overboard when it comes to talking about Rex that it makes it very challenging to have a discussion about it. Last year's defensive performance was disappointing, but it is not an indictment of the coaching career of Rex Ryan. It seems your distaste for Rex's personality and bravado has clouded any ability to see another side to the story. Rex has acknowledged he made mistakes -- the key is whether he will correct them. Those who act as though Rex has forgotten how to coach defense (and will never learn it again) are the ones taking the extreme position -- not those who are willing to see what he does this year.


It's funny that optimistic fans are adjudged to be employing a "less rigorous standard" for success. Dude, it's a game. We're fans. If I want to go around complaining about everything I'll apply for a job writing at The Buffalo News.

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Your response would indicate you didn't even read my post! No worries.


John, you are so overboard when it comes to talking about Rex that it makes it very challenging to have a discussion about it. Last year's defensive performance was disappointing, but it is not an indictment of the coaching career of Rex Ryan. It seems your distaste for Rex's personality and bravado has clouded any ability to see another side to the story. Rex has acknowledged he made mistakes -- the key is whether he will correct them. Those who act as though Rex has forgotten how to coach defense (and will never learn it again) are the ones taking the extreme position -- not those who are willing to see what he does this year.


t's funny that optimistic fans are adjudged to be employing a "less rigorous standard" for success. Dude, it's a game. We're fans. If I want to go around complaining about everything I'll apply for a job writing at The Buffalo News.

Complaining about everything? I'm complaining about the caliber of coaching from a coach who had an overall losing record. I strenuously disagree with you and others who promote the notion that he is a defensive guru. He ceirtainly didn't demonstrate it last season. Rex has been a HC for seven years. It is an all encompassing job. His specialty is on the defensive side of the ball but as the HC he also is responsible for the whole team.

It seems your distaste for Rex's personality and bravado has clouded any ability to see another side to the story.


You are correct that his false bravado irritates me very much. When his rambling mouth matches his performances I will be a little more tolerant of his huckster act, although I will never find that obnoxious type of behavior very appealing.

Edited by JohnC
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Alright look I know there's a lot of hating when it comes to Rex Ryan and his inability to turn it around in one season but it was only one season and for some reason no one has been able to do it in 16 years so give the guy a break. I mean those ravens defenses were legendary top of the line cream of the crop defenses and that was his baby so give it a minute.

There's a lot of successful coaches who needed a second shot to iron it out at head coach so let's have just a touch more patience and as far as Mario's comments shut up and go to work bruh seriously. You gotta realize that as far as both these dudes are concerned (Rex and Rob) their whole life has been building to this moment they're on the same team so let's give them a chance to live out their dream cause I mean come on that's kinda awesome right two bros coaching together on the highest stage as a tribute to their pop, frickin sweet. You can say whatever you want about him hiring his brother but let's face it any of us would make the same choice every time if the stars aligned like that and if you wouldn't your brother probably thinks your a d@!k anyways


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Your response would indicate you didn't even read my post! No worries

you are correct, no worries. I read your post and I responded to your "lead." They were worse overall in 2015 than 2014. That's fact. The offense showed improvement and signs of progress but special teams and defense took bigger strides backwards. Now we hope that the defense can improve with addition by subtraction and maybe a mid-tier FA or two.


As far as backtracking...I'm not someone who sits around keeping score about who said what, but you enjoy doing that. If the team plays better as a whole next season you won't see me complaining about it or saying I'm sorry for talking about the drop off we saw in 2015. This team was held back by their supposed strongest pieces & that is worthy of discussion.

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