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A Few Thoughts About The Game, in no particular order.....

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I hated that we had to sweat this one out. This game shouldn't have been that close. All three of Houston's TDs should have been flagged. Illegal formation, a pick by the receiver and a push off. To be fair, Wood got away with a hold on the second deep ball to Sammy too. But something really needs to be done about the refereeing in this league.

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- I doubt that Mario was close to 100%, they were probably just asking him to get some push and hold the edge


- As frustrating as the D was, have to remember how depleted they are too. A guy from off the street last week played LB most of the game. If guys like Mario, Bradham/Steward, Gilmore don't get healthy it's going to be a huge challenge to win some of these final games. This is where coaching/schemes can really be huge


- McCoy showed so much heart - AGAIN. So impressed with him week after week


- It was good to see they were smart enough to run away from Watt most of the day and generally account for him with multiple players


- They still need to figure out how to keep the level of play up in 2nd half


- I understand teams don't practice tackling during the season, but at least coach/preach to go low and wrap up with your arms


- I'm glad for the Woods TD, but otherwise man he has had some head scratching WTF play lately


- Hopefully some chemistry starting to really grow with Taylor-Watkins


- I was waiting for the FG at the end to be blocked and returned for a TD. Not sure if that has been crossed off the Bills excruciating way to lose list yet


- Philly did not look like a team packing in for the season today. Think this game is going to be a lot harder than many originally thought. Nice to be in it for another week (AND the friggin Pats** lost!)

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1) It was really cool to see Woods score the TD. The truth is that I stopped even thinking about him as a weapon.


2) Another great game for Sammy! I was particularly fond of the first TD play. The timing and placement were perfect, and Sammy just went up and took it.


3) I guess we can say that Clay redeemed himself for the awful drop in the 4th Quarter. He looked as if he didn't want to take a hit and this completely changed the momentum of the game. He caught the TD on what appeared to be a defensive break down, but I will take it.


4) Btw, on the 3rd down incomplete pass in the opening drive of the second half, Hogan was wide open on the sideline, and could have jogged into the end zone.


5) I just don't understand what was happening with Mario today. I know he had 0 sacks, and I don't think he had one tackle or one assist either. But it was strange.....in the first half, they seemed to be neutralizing him with just one blocker. In the second half he was constantly doubled, yet he was bringing some pressure. I don't get it.


6) Since it cost a lot to win,

and even more to lose.

You and me bound to spend some time wondering,

what to choose.


Goes to show, you don't ever know.

Watch each card you play and,

play it slow.

Wait until your deal come round.

Don't you let that deal go down, NO!!!


7) It was a tougher play to make than I initially thought, but it would have saved us quite a bit of grief if Darby made that interception on the first drive.


8) I sure am glad that the Bills are still technically alive. We have at least one more week of hope. We deserve this and more!!! :)


9) Did you hear Wilcotts at the very end of the game? He said (I am paraphrasing)that Rex never met a qb who he didn't want to hit. Before this year I thought the same thing. Imo, this was the most pass rush we had since week one.


10) I like and support Taylor. The kid is good and has a lot of heart. That said, I feel like I am correct in saying that he needs to run to achieve his full potential. Once he ran for the TD and picked up KEY first downs with his legs, the Texans simply had to account for this.


11) Poor Mills lol. Imagine starting a pro career against the best player in football!!! He of course didn't fare well but we didn't miss Henderson all that much, ya know?


12) The 53 yard pass to Sammy went 45 yds. in the air and was perfectly placed, with just the right amount of air under it. It might have been TT's best throw of the season.


13) McCoy did show us some heart today, as well as some great moves.


14) Congrats to the Bills, and to you my friends.


15) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nice post brah. but is it me or did Watts play most of the game on Glenn and Incognitos side?

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Can't agree with you on this one, I was at the game and didn't keep a strict eye on Mills but he did really well on Watt. The one sack Watt got he lined up way far outside and the tight end completely wiffed on the block. I may be wrong, but in the second half (late third or 4th quarter) I noticed Mills and Cordy Glenn swapped positions because Watt had lined up over left tackle. Interestingly, they were bringing Glenn over to the right tight end position to load up that side. Roman/Kromer were very creative in accounting for Watt on every play and deserve kudos for that.


Beyond that, I came away believing Mills will be our starting right tackle next week.

Like another poster said i could be way off base. But from what i saw it was a rough day for mills with no casualties. He was beaten often but none of the plays he was beaten on was without a chip, tandem, or double team. They threw him to the wolves and he came out on top.

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Bill, Excellent observations as usual.


TT throws a beautiful long ball. His ball placement in general is superb. Roman is cautious with play calling for TT. I get a little impatient with the cautious play calling for TT, especially in the passing game. However, he is bringing him along at the right pace.


I thought the newly inserted RT did a credible job.


Captain Obvious would make the statement that Watkins is a big playmaker. And he would follow up that obvious observation that McCoy is an essential player.


Mario is playing with a bad foot. But I get the impression that he is unhappy with the way he is being used. Odds are that he will not be back and Rex will be more happy with his departure than he would be with his retention.


Rambo made an impact in this game.


I thought I was the only one that recognized this in Marios game. He dont like the scheme so hes not playing hard. I understand the foot injury but even before the injury hes been playing pretty Meh for the $$$ he makes.

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The D looked rough today. A few undropped passes by the Texans and there may have been a different 4th Q outcome. I men, that was Brian Hoyer out there throwing for 300 yards and 3 TDs, wasn't it?

Hughes, Dareus and Mario are not playing near the level they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it partially injuries? Our LBs are not playing to the level that they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it coaching? Is it too complex?


I can "what if" myself to a self-inducing frustration but if this team coached by a self-designated defensive guru had this team playing near last year's level this team would be comfortably ensconced in a playoff position.


I'm happy the Bills won. I am still troubled by this HC.

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Hughes, Dareus and Mario are not playing near the level they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it partially injuries? Our LBs are not playing to the level that they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it coaching? Is it too complex?


I can "what if" myself to a self-inducing frustration but if this team coached by a self-designated defensive guru had this team playing near last year's level this team would be comfortably ensconced in a playoff position.


I'm happy the Bills won. I am still troubled by this HC.

Great post!


Listen, Rex sent in lots of players on blitz packages yesterday. I saw Robey, Rambo, Graham and others rush the qb. This is what Pettine used to do and this was what I thought we were getting from Rex. It was also a crucial part of winning this game.


I have no answers for what Rex was doing this season in terms of having a 300 hundred million plus dollar defensive line drop back into coverage. Who knows when he changed from a self proclaimed "bully" to Dick Jauron Jr.?


But I fully agree with you. Rex lost us at least 2 games with his passive defensive scheme.


Let's hope it isn't too late.

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I think Mulligan has quietly been a good blocking TE for us. Holds happen every game and I frankly haven't heard his number called in weeks now. Meanwhile, did you see Gragg try to block Clowney?


I would say this has been our most pressure since New England, though. We hit Brady on half of his dropbacks. If only we had some offense that game...


I think this Houston team is better than any of out upcoming opponents, but I don't think it's going to be easy to take all four games in front of us.

I didn't see Gragg, but no one could miss the "Premier Blocking Fullback in the NFL" totally miss on Clowney.


I thought this was Tyrod's best game. Sure, he got lucky on a couple throws that could have been picked off, but that's probably the case with any QB who tries to get the ball downfield. Either the knee is a lot better, or the sense of urgency is there now -- whatever it is, he's back to using his legs as a weapon. For most of the season I've been wondering whether we can say we're clearly better off with Tyrod than with a Hoyer. After yesterday, I have no doubt.


Substituting Urbik for Pears saved the line last year. I like Miller as a talent with a real future, but right now Urbik is an upgrade. And Mills is an upgrade over Henderson, who I don't like now or for the future. The line is better again. Urbik deserves some credit here. I've said before that he's rated as about the 65th best guard in the NFL -- there's 64 starters. So he's either the worst starting guard or the best backup guard. Sadly, that's an upgrade right now.


Mulligan haters -- love how he managed to take 2 guys with him as he "sprinted" downfield while the actual receiver (Clay) bluffed staying in to block. Can't believe the Texans fell for that. Mulligan quietly does his job most of the time, which is something this line - particularly that right side - needs.

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Biggest props go to the OLine for containing watt . of all the Texans games I've seen that's when he's been the quietest. As we see there's really no one else they have that can step up. Taylor had a nice game, some balls over the middle, decisive throws, and some power getting to the end zone and avoiding sacks. But that deep ball to Sammy, sorry to say was underthrown....few more yards and that's 6. Anyway I'll take it. Could be a pyhric victory of sorts if we lost Gilmore though. Especially against eagles next week, who can wear a secondary down with all the pass attempts and plays run

Edited by JTSP
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I thought Mills was fine. Then again, I watch the ball after it is snapped so I have no idea how people are able to give a fair analysis on offensive linemen unless they re-watch the game and focus on everyone individually. I think people have a tendency to base their judgment of an offensive lineman on one or two replays they see. But as a general rule, the pass protection was fine- especially against that front seven- and there was plenty of room to run when they ran to the right. In fact, I'd be surprised if they don't just leave Mills in there next week even if Henderson is healthy.


Mills was fine because he got a LOT of help. They didn't leave him 1v1 with Watt on a single play as far as I saw - and credit to Rex, Roman and Kromer for that. Henderson has been matched up 1v1 with some pretty good though not Watt level players at times. I'd like to see Mills in that situation before I am willing to anoint him the starter.... but he was not terrible yesterday - far from it.

Edited by GunnerBill
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Mills was fine because he got a LOT of help. They didn't leave him 1v1 with Watt on a single play as far as I saw - and credit to Rex, Roman and Kromer for that. Henderson has been matched up 1v1 with some pretty good though not Watt level players at times. I'd like to see Mills in that situation before I am willing to anoint him the starter.... but he was not terrible yesterday - far from it.

Few people are anointing the vagabond practice squad Mills as anything special. What he did do in this game, whether he had help or not, is not whiff on his assignments. The problem with Henderson is that he makes too many brutal mistakes that result in collapsing the play. No offensive lineman is always going to win their individual battles. However, there is a qualitative and damaging difference in losing the match up on a play and being completely overwhelmed. That happens too often with Henderson. It seems that he is in a fog and forgets what to do in his assignments. You can't have it.


With respect to Mills getting blocking help against Watt that is the norm in all games JJ plays. He is so good that he rates extra attention. If Henderson would have played in this game he also would have received helped.

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Few people are anointing the vagabond practice squad Mills as anything special. What he did do in this game, whether he had help or not, is not whiff on his assignments. The problem with Henderson is that he makes too many brutal mistakes that result in collapsing the play. No offensive lineman is always going to win their individual battles. However, there is a qualitative and damaging difference in losing the match up on a play and being completely overwhelmed. That happens too often with Henderson. It seems that he is in a fog and forgets what to do in his assignments. You can't have it.


With respect to Mills getting blocking help against Watt that is the norm in all games JJ plays. He is so good that he rates extra attention. If Henderson would have played in this game he also would have received helped.


I am not disagreeing with any of that. I just need to see whether Mills left 1v1 can hold up against a decent above average league rusher before I say he should stay in the lineup.

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I am not disagreeing with any of that. I just need to see whether Mills left 1v1 can hold up against a decent above average league rusher before I say he should stay in the lineup.

I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you. Considering what the coaches have as options (Henderson, Kujo) I suspect the coaches are going with the player who isn't a major liability. This isn't a question of whether Mills is good or not; it is a question whether he is better than the alternatives. I believe so.

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Hughes, Dareus and Mario are not playing near the level they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it partially injuries? Our LBs are not playing to the level that they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it coaching? Is it too complex?


I can "what if" myself to a self-inducing frustration but if this team coached by a self-designated defensive guru had this team playing near last year's level this team would be comfortably ensconced in a playoff position.


I'm happy the Bills won. I am still troubled by this HC.

It is the scheme the players are being asked to run, and what is so frustrating for me is when this team does bring the kitchen sink in a heavy blitz they usually get to the QB very quickly. They just don't run it more then a handful of plays a game, and instead play a soft cover gap control defense.


Marcel Dareus has been saying he was being used incorrectly since the pre season games, and the other players just keep quiet while doing their jobs while knowing its the wrong scheme for the players on the roster.


To add to this the defense was maddeningly ineffective at times, and if not for the offense in getting 390 yards against a defense that had only given up 250 yards the last four games this game would have been lost.


Tyrod Taylor had a perfect game 3 TD's passing, one TD running, and looks to be the franchise QB of the future at this point. McCoy earning every penny of his 6 mill per with outstanding play every game now, and Eagle fans must be so pissed he is a Bill.

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It is the scheme the players are being asked to run, and what is so frustrating for me is when this team does bring the kitchen sink in a heavy blitz they usually get to the QB very quickly. They just don't run it more then a handful of plays a game, and instead play a soft cover gap control defense.


Marcel Dareus has been saying he was being used incorrectly since the pre season games, and the other players just keep quiet while doing their jobs while knowing its the wrong scheme for the players on the roster.


To add to this the defense was maddeningly ineffective at times, and if not for the offense in getting 390 yards against a defense that had only given up 250 yards the last four games this game would have been lost.


Tyrod Taylor had a perfect game 3 TD's passing, one TD running, and looks to be the franchise QB of the future at this point. McCoy earning every penny of his 6 mill per with outstanding play every game now, and Eagle fans must be so pissed he is a Bill.

Dareus has to play the nose with K-will hurt - which he doesnt want to do. But he's better than bryant/whoever else.


Mario/Hughes are OLBs in this defense - they will have to cover from time to time to take away hot receivers on certain blitz packages. Mario should be playing 3-4 End at his size- but he wants to rush the passer not plug gaps. That means he has to drop into coverage. We're not going to design a defense around an over the hill DE playing OLB.


Blitzing too often results in big plays given up - and we were fairly sure hoyer was going to be hoyer and not beat us. Once gilmore went out it was clear hopkins was going to get his on darby (interference or not).


The biggest thing i notice with all the backup linemen/backers is that we're struggling with the run game. That is supposed to be the biggest strength. We want them to get stuffed on every run play so they have long conversions on 3rd down, and keep our guys off the field.

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1) It was really cool to see Woods score the TD. The truth is that I stopped even thinking about him as a weapon.


2) Another great game for Sammy! I was particularly fond of the first TD play. The timing and placement were perfect, and Sammy just went up and took it.


3) I guess we can say that Clay redeemed himself for the awful drop in the 4th Quarter. He looked as if he didn't want to take a hit and this completely changed the momentum of the game. He caught the TD on what appeared to be a defensive break down, but I will take it.


4) Btw, on the 3rd down incomplete pass in the opening drive of the second half, Hogan was wide open on the sideline, and could have jogged into the end zone.


5) I just don't understand what was happening with Mario today. I know he had 0 sacks, and I don't think he had one tackle or one assist either. But it was strange.....in the first half, they seemed to be neutralizing him with just one blocker. In the second half he was constantly doubled, yet he was bringing some pressure. I don't get it.


6) Since it cost a lot to win,

and even more to lose.

You and me bound to spend some time wondering,

what to choose.


Goes to show, you don't ever know.

Watch each card you play and,

play it slow.

Wait until your deal come round.

Don't you let that deal go down, NO!!!


7) It was a tougher play to make than I initially thought, but it would have saved us quite a bit of grief if Darby made that interception on the first drive.


8) I sure am glad that the Bills are still technically alive. We have at least one more week of hope. We deserve this and more!!! :)


9) Did you hear Wilcotts at the very end of the game? He said (I am paraphrasing)that Rex never met a qb who he didn't want to hit. Before this year I thought the same thing. Imo, this was the most pass rush we had since week one.


10) I like and support Taylor. The kid is good and has a lot of heart. That said, I feel like I am correct in saying that he needs to run to achieve his full potential. Once he ran for the TD and picked up KEY first downs with his legs, the Texans simply had to account for this.


11) Poor Mills lol. Imagine starting a pro career against the best player in football!!! He of course didn't fare well but we didn't miss Henderson all that much, ya know?


12) The 53 yard pass to Sammy went 45 yds. in the air and was perfectly placed, with just the right amount of air under it. It might have been TT's best throw of the season.


13) McCoy did show us some heart today, as well as some great moves.


14) Congrats to the Bills, and to you my friends.


15) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great post!

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