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Clemson University Administrator Stops Man From Praying on Campus This isnt a free speech area. (VIDEO)




If you havent been following higher education news, you may not be aware that this sort of thing is happening on college campuses all over America.


Schools are designating certain areas as free speech zones and in some cases even restricting those areas to certain times of day.


Before you get too angry at the administrator in this video, remember that he wasnt the one who created this policy, hes just charged with the awful task of enforcing it.


These ridiculous policies are created by higher level administrators in closed meetings.

Since bathrooms at public schools fall under title 9, wouldn't any university getting govt money fall into the same category?


Which would mean that the govt should be threatening to withhold funding for any university that makes this rule.


I'm eagerly awaiting this press conference.

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Dean of students at the University of Chicago says in a letter to freshmen:


"Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own,"



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Dean of students at the University of Chicago says in a letter to freshmen:


"Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own,"






Good on that guy!

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In 1838, two priests who served as president of the university orchestrated the sale of 272 people to pay off debts at the school.


The slaves were sent from Maryland to plantations in Louisiana.


So...........to make up for that


GEORGETOWN To Give Slave Descendants Priority For Admission...




That sounds fair, I'm sure today's applicants understand

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In 1838, two priests who served as president of the university orchestrated the sale of 272 people to pay off debts at the school.


The slaves were sent from Maryland to plantations in Louisiana.


So...........to make up for that


GEORGETOWN To Give Slave Descendants Priority For Admission...




That sounds fair, I'm sure today's applicants understand


I don't really see a problem with that if they're a privately owned school. At least is makes more sense than some of the other crap that's been going on around colleges and universities lately.


I'd be interested to see how they determine whether someone is descended from those particular slaves though.

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I don't really see a problem with that if they're a privately owned school. At least is makes more sense than some of the other crap that's been going on around colleges and universities lately.


I'd be interested to see how they determine whether someone is descended from those particular slaves though.

Oooh oooooh oooh Mr Kotter!!!! Mr Kotter!!!!


How about we issue a certificate proving blood line back and only those with the certificate are eligible for special benefits.


I swear I heard somebody in Europe tried something similar once upon a time

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I'd be interested to see how they determine whether someone is descended from those particular slaves though.


"Are you descended from Sally Hemmings?"


There are a hell of a lot of white descendants of slaves in the country. Conversely, there are a hell of a lot of blacks not descendants of slaves, as well.


This is a good plan. <_<

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Dean of students at the University of Chicago says in a letter to freshmen:


"Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own,"




Has he handed in his resignation yet?

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‘A safe space for Black CSLA students …’


California State University Los Angeles recently rolled out segregated housing for black students.


The arrangement comes roughly nine months after the university’s Black Student Union issued a set of demands in response to what its members contend are frequent “racist attacks” on campus, such as “racially insensitive remarks” and “microaggressions” by professors and students. One demand was for a “CSLA housing space delegated for Black students.”

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‘A safe space for Black CSLA students …’


California State University Los Angeles recently rolled out segregated housing for black students.


The arrangement comes roughly nine months after the university’s Black Student Union issued a set of demands in response to what its members contend are frequent “racist attacks” on campus, such as “racially insensitive remarks” and “microaggressions” by professors and students. One demand was for a “CSLA housing space delegated for Black students.”


I can't wait to see what happens when campus security has to respond to a call there.

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‘A safe space for Black CSLA students …’


California State University Los Angeles recently rolled out segregated housing for black students.


The arrangement comes roughly nine months after the university’s Black Student Union issued a set of demands in response to what its members contend are frequent “racist attacks” on campus, such as “racially insensitive remarks” and “microaggressions” by professors and students. One demand was for a “CSLA housing space delegated for Black students.”


At least everyone on campus knows where to find weed.


I wonder if they'll make an exception on white women in those dorms...

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