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54 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


Why don't we just make this place 18 or older and we can say whatever the ***** we want in any ***** son of a B word ***** ***** way we want.  I'm mean seriously.....


If you make this place 18+,  you lose virtually all of your Democrats.

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1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:


Why don't we just make this place 18 or older and we can say whatever the ***** we want in any ***** son of a B word ***** ***** way we want.  I'm mean seriously.....


If they censor "idiot," I'm going to have a talk with someone...

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7 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


One of my earliest journalism assignments years ago (mid 80s) involved the death of two teenage boys and a Boy Scout camp caretaker formerly convicted of pedophilia in McDowell County in NC. Dude's name was James Keith Ross.


Two teen-age boys visited the camp when only the caretaker was there, ended up missing, police hunt ensued, and the caretaker ultimately led the police to an oil pit where he buried the boys. Both boys were executed, and beyond the fact that the guy admitted he did it, the weirdest evidence was the gun he used to kill them had hair from both boys, and pub1c* hairs from the caretaker, stuck to the gun barrel with blood.


Needless to say, in that part of NC, people were out for blood. They burned down the house the guy lived in on the campground. It was crazy town, which is saying a lot for a place like McDowell County.


*Really? We can't type pub1c hairs here? :lol:

What ball park age are you?

5 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


Why don't we just make this place 18 or older and we can say whatever the ***** we want in any ***** son of a B word ***** ***** way we want.  I'm mean seriously.....

Snowflake faggots making it unbearable.


***** yeah, faggots is still good.  ???. Bundles of wood still get their due!

Edited by Boyst62
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3 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

I know your age, doofus.  I don't know LABillsies.  I'd have thought maybe 40's but now I'd guess 60's.

LA, by his own admission was an adult in the 80's. He has a teenage son. He's planning a move from California along with his business. There's some hints for you to work with.

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Empty seats galore in week 15 of the NFL season.

Regular season of the NFL  is winding down and the stadiums were plagued with thousands of empty seats.



Empty seats at Raiders vs Bengals at the Paul Brown stadium on Sunday:








1st place NY Giants

Duj03wTWkAEnFcU.jpg......of course , it was raining





Houston vs Jets


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This is now ‘Hannah’ Moucey. ‘She’ identifies as a woman.

‘She’ is 6′ 3, 250 lbs, allowed to play in the women’s division of the Australian Football league.

‘She’ said she wouldn’t hold back - and went on to break a biological female’s leg.

I ask you. What have we become?








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Broadway Sacrifices a Classic to Mock Trump


Atticus Finch may soon be de trop in polite company. That is, the Southern gentleman lawyer could be cast out, if he were real and not a projection of the collective American imagination.


Harper Lee’s beloved character, based upon her real-life father, is being pressured to do what’s only proper in our shame-happy culture: repent for his past sins. But since the stoic Finch is nothing but ink, paper, and a pinch of personal memory, he has no means to defend himself against the new calumny being heaped upon his reputation.


A new theatrical adaptation of “To Kill a Mockingbird” just debuted on Broadway. Written by Aaron Sorkin, the staged version of “Mockingbird” takes a decidedly more political tone. And, in Sorkin’s morally preening style so beloved by college frosh, the South’s benighted values are put under an extra sharp glare from the theater’s spotlights.


You see, Lee’s wistful, innocent tale of a young girl learning that good can conquer misguided prejudice isn’t enough for modern liberal audiences. Racism must be stamped out, even in a fictional world. Finch, who accepted his duty to defend an innocent man against the mob, isn’t harsh enough against his fellow townspeople. Sorkin strips Finch of his nobility, portraying him as a good-intentioned but hapless defender of colorblind justice.


Drama critic Terry Teachout doesn’t mask his disdain for the revisionist revival of “Mockingbird,”

Mr. Sorkin’s Atticus, it seems, is incapable of fully appreciating the total depravity of his racist friends and neighbors, a hookwormy gaggle of populism-spouting gargoyles (I’m surprised they weren’t wearing red MAGA caps with their KKK hoods) in whose underlying humanity he benightedly believes.

Sorkin’s dirtying the waters of Finch’s legacy is deliberate. In an essay for New York, he describes the search for Finch’s fatal flaw, discovering it in what we all considered a virtue up until, approximately, the minute Donald Trump took the oath of the presidency. Finch’s problem, Sorkin observers, is that he “believes in the fundamental goodness in everyone, even homicidal white supremacists. He believes … that there are fine people on both sides?”


The horror! Harper Lee’s creation is nothing but our doddering president apologizing for neo-Nazis! Who knew?


With the moral ambiguity of a rock, Sorkin rejects swaddling “the book in bubble wrap and transfer it gently to a stage.” Instead, he’s created a critical literacy student’s take on “Mockingbird.”


Sorkin’s iteration of an American classic will appeal to woke Manhattanites who mock blinkered southerners from the comfort of their prohibitively expensive high-rise apartments. But, it really only amounts to lazy moralizing. Sorkin thinks empathy has limits, that consideration extends only to the non-racist or prejudicial. That Finch could defend a black man in the segregationist Deep South while still believing in the humanity of his neighbors is unconscionable. Far better for Finch and family to high-tail it out of Maycomb and settle somewhere north of the Mason-Dixon.


Life doesn’t work like that, as anyone who doesn’t rest easy on a cushion of wealth can attest to. We don’t choose our family; we rarely get to choose the people we’re raised around. Yet we’re bound by obligation to love and respect them regardless of their views.


As for superimposing modern values on the past, the entire business, which seems to have taken root in many universities, is myopic. It is sanctimony disguised as wisdom. From Rudyard Kipling to Thomas Jefferson, the bright lights of the West, and of humanity in general, are being dimmed because of perceived moral failings. Contextual consideration is dropped. The struggles that were present in the subject’s time are forgotten about. An entire life -- accomplishments, courage, ideas, and reputation -- is dismissed because a person didn’t check off the proper woke boxes circa 2018.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/12/broadway_sacrifices_a_classic_to_mock_trump.html#ixzz5a90PScFb 



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