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Hope Roman watched tonight's game

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The best way to win in this league is to throw, throw more, and then throw it again. The line can't run block very well and they don't pass block much better. Three step drops and shot gun should be 80 % of the plays. Throw the ball to Shady, Clay, Watkins, and Woods. The WR's block for each other and move people better in space than the o-line. Cut Felton and the slow white TE. Sign another WR or H-back. Ditch this run first nonsense.

Brady and the Patriots never stop throwing. They throw to burn the clock.

The only other way is to let your QB run. RGIII, Newton, Wilson, and even Luck make plays with their feet as much or more than their arm. Taylor is even smaller than Wilson. He won't hold up. He needs to run to keep the defense honest but use his speed more to escape than designed runs.


Let the kid throw. Live or die by the pass is the only hope they have now.

Edited by Dragonborn10
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No doubt in my mind he is greatest of all time. Would have loved to see Montana in this era.


But it is the philosophy too. Can't be that difficult to throw a six yard crossing pattern or a back shoulder throw to a perfectly covered TE going up the seam. Those plays can not be defended.

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The best way to win in this league is to throw, throw more, and then throw it again. The line can't run block very well and they don't pass block much better. Three step drops and shot gun should be 80 % of the plays. Throw the ball to Shady, Clay, Watkins, and Woods. The WR's block for each other and move people better in space than the o-line. Cut Felton and the slow white TE. Sign another WR or H-back. Ditch this run first nonsense.

Brady and the Patriots never stop throwing. They throw to burn the clock.

The only other way is to let your QB run. RGIII, Newton, Wilson, and even Luck make plays with their feet as much or more than their arm. Taylor is even smaller than Wilson. He won't hold up. He needs to run to keep the defense honest but use his speed more to escape than designed runs.


Let the kid throw. Live or die by the pass is the only hope they have now.


yeah we don't have Brady or any QB that throw and throw and throw

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I'm rather hoping Rex Ryan watched this game, and has a better plan for the next game to actually get a sack on Brady that isn't a coverage sack.


Both the Cowboys, and Dolphins were able to get pressure on Brady because they actually rushed him, and didn't opt for a soft coverage scheme. (Like Buffalo did) Plus because both their offenses were so putrid that neither were able to help their defense by keeping them off the field.


What gets me is in some games this year opposing defenses have been so bad against Brady that the Patriots don't even try and run the ball anymore. (like Buffalo) Save maybe to run the clock at the end of the game.


59 passes against Buffalo vs 15 runs


50 passes against Indy vs 22 runs


54 passes against the Jets vs 9 runs - This was against Revis Island & Antonio Cromartie!!


Brady proving he will be the GOAT!



To the fans that continually say well the Patriots have a bunch of bums, rookies, and later round picks on their Offensive line so they must be bad.


Phil Simms said in an interview with Bill Belichick that Bill said he has five players on his O line that all can play left tackle. So the talent is there despite how the players were obtained, and the primary concern of the coaches is to protect Tom above all else. When a player on their line goes down they have another behind them to step in and preform decently. When the pass game stops working the Patriots turn to the run game to open up the pass game again.


Looks like the Patriots are winning back to back super bowls this year, and perhaps go undefeated in the process.



@ NY Giants


@ Denver


@ Houston


@ NY Jets

@ Miami



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Another game, much like the Dallas game, where they were getting a rush on Marcia early and hitting him hard. They just keep coming back and completing passes ... moving the chains. It's pretty disturbing to watch at this point…week in/out.


I do not know that there is a way to defend them because they will Gronk the crap out of you the second you start bearing down on the short game.

Edited by filthymcnasty08
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@nihilarian. I don't think the pressure on Brady was due to scheme or the Dolphins blitzing. Seemed like they were basically coverage sacks/pressure, albeit their d-linemen were able to get to brady fairly quickly.


I think to beat the pats you rush 4, but they better all get their fast. I also think you have to take Edelman out of the game; everything runs through him in the passing game.

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I'm rather hoping Rex Ryan watched this game, and has a better plan for the next game to actually get a sack on Brady that isn't a coverage sack.


Both the Cowboys, and Dolphins were able to get pressure on Brady because they actually rushed him, and didn't opt for a soft coverage scheme. (Like Buffalo did) Plus because both their offenses were so putrid that neither were able to help their defense by keeping them off the field.


What gets me is in some games this year opposing defenses have been so bad against Brady that the Patriots don't even try and run the ball anymore. (like Buffalo) Save maybe to run the clock at the end of the game.


59 passes against Buffalo vs 15 runs


50 passes against Indy vs 22 runs


54 passes against the Jets vs 9 runs - This was against Revis Island & Antonio Cromartie!!


Brady proving he will be the GOAT!



To the fans that continually say well the Patriots have a bunch of bums, rookies, and later round picks on their Offensive line so they must be bad.


Phil Simms said in an interview with Bill Belichick that Bill said he has five players on his O line that all can play left tackle. So the talent is there despite how the players were obtained, and the primary concern of the coaches is to protect Tom above all else. When a player on their line goes down they have another behind them to step in and preform decently. When the pass game stops working the Patriots turn to the run game to open up the pass game again.


Looks like the Patriots are winning back to back super bowls this year, and perhaps go undefeated in the process.



@ NY Giants


@ Denver


@ Houston


@ NY Jets

@ Miami



How'd they manage to dodge cinci? The one AFC team that might have a shot at them? Also Peyton won't be able to keep up scoring but that Denver D might be able to slow Tommy down

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Any plan that mimic's Tom Brady is a waste of time.....as we do not have Tom Brady


Really frustrates me though....how is it that EVERY NFL team can sack Tom Brady but we cant?


So what? Sacking doesn't matter. He's been sacked nearly as many times as TT and EJ combined. Sacking him has only resulted in 20 TDs and a single int. And 34+ppg. And 7-0.

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Saw a crazy stat the other day that tom Brady was the first qb to ever win throwing 90% of playcalls and I think the history of the league with 80% passing was something like 6-150, with Brady being 3 or 4 of those wins.


Balance is generally good (with the caveat that today's balanced offenses are like 55 pass 45 run)

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The best way to win in this league is to throw, throw more, and then throw it again. The line can't run block very well and they don't pass block much better. Three step drops and shot gun should be 80 % of the plays. Throw the ball to Shady, Clay, Watkins, and Woods. The WR's block for each other and move people better in space than the o-line. Cut Felton and the slow white TE. Sign another WR or H-back. Ditch this run first nonsense.

Brady and the Patriots never stop throwing. They throw to burn the clock.

The only other way is to let your QB run. RGIII, Newton, Wilson, and even Luck make plays with their feet as much or more than their arm. Taylor is even smaller than Wilson. He won't hold up. He needs to run to keep the defense honest but use his speed more to escape than designed runs.


Let the kid throw. Live or die by the pass is the only hope they have now.


I agree 100%. This is a new age in the NFL. You have to throw the ball or you don't win. All of the rules favor the passing game. Even if you don't complete the pass you still have a decent chance of getting a pass interference call. Brady kills everyone with the dink and dunk passes underneath. The Pats only run the ball when they are comfortably ahead.

How'd they manage to dodge cinci? The one AFC team that might have a shot at them? Also Peyton won't be able to keep up scoring but that Denver D might be able to slow Tommy down


The only possible way I see the Patriots not running the table is if they have everything clinched before the last game or two. If they don't need the game or games they will rest all of their starters for the playoffs. That is the one and only way there is a chance they don't win 'em all. They are just too good to lose a game they want to win.

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The best way to win in this league is to throw, throw more, and then throw it again. The line can't run block very well and they don't pass block much better. Three step drops and shot gun should be 80 % of the plays. Throw the ball to Shady, Clay, Watkins, and Woods. The WR's block for each other and move people better in space than the o-line. Cut Felton and the slow white TE. Sign another WR or H-back. Ditch this run first nonsense.

Brady and the Patriots never stop throwing. They throw to burn the clock.

The only other way is to let your QB run. RGIII, Newton, Wilson, and even Luck make plays with their feet as much or more than their arm. Taylor is even smaller than Wilson. He won't hold up. He needs to run to keep the defense honest but use his speed more to escape than designed runs.


Let the kid throw. Live or die by the pass is the only hope they have now.


You know what I want him to watch and figure out is how every time Brady runs a QB sneak he gets a yard. Every single time it seems. Whatever Brady and his center and guards are doing is working to perfection and we should copy it. Not piecemeal, copy it exactly since the entire league has been watching Brady execute it to perfection for 15 years and still can't stop it. I don't know why they do it so well but I am not an NFL offensive coordinator, he is.


Don't reinvent the wheel, the blueprint for a great wheel is right there on 15 years worth of film, reverse engineer it.

Edited by Coastie
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