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Brady 4 game suspension upheld; Will go to court

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I wanted to fill you in on an interesting insight I heard from someone whom I consider to be fairly reliable (he also knows some of the dealings with the PR firm the Patriots outsourced for the social media flood that you guys bang your head against in every comment section on PFT and ESPN, and quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they're using dummy accounts here that were activated long ago, but I digress):


Essentially, the league knows that Bill Beliceck is behind this entire process, and was the main party responsible for instructing the ball boys in how to do what they do by way of stealing and deflating balls to a specific PSI. Believe it or not, Brady is actually innocent, to the extent that he did not command his underlings, OR orchestrate this operation. Because of Spygate, the league was faced with the prospect of essentially banning Beliceck for life, which would have invalidated the last decade and a half of NFL football. So, the ball boys were gagged and fired (that's what she said), Kraft paid a fine, and this now public debacle was heaped on Brady, because the public smelled blood in the water, and the Patriots absolutely CAN NOT walk away from this with no penalty after Spygate. HOWEVER, there IS no evidence that pins it on Brady, and he DID destroy his phone because him and Giselle have been on the rocks for months and he gets a new phone every 3 months. Beliceck, Goodell, and Kraft (who are still very much buddy buddy), assumed Brady would gladly be "the fall guy", and cooperate, and take a game or 2 suspension. Apparently Brady balked at this notion (which actually makes me respect him), and the league was painted into a corner. The word is: win lose or draw this is Belicecks last season coaching and Brady is moving on from New England after this season because he is disgusted by how it went down, but because the league writes his paycheck, he cant turn state.


Take it for what it's worth, but I believe it.


If by some miracle this was true, I would be ecstatic...for the long dark age of patriot oppression would be coming to an end.



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I cannot describe just how much I would love for this to be true.


I don't know, I am getting the information 3rd hand, so it may be like a game of telephone, but I believe the thread that started this sweater unraveling was that Jastremski and McNally signed an NDA with the league and NOT with the Patriots, because it was actually the league offices in New York that want to keep them off the stand.


Brady really didn't know Jastremski or McNally all that well, and did contact them for the first time following this debacle to ask wtf was going on. It's also why he swore under oath he didn't do anything wrong--because he didn't.

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It makes no sense that Brady was innocent and Belichick did it without Brady's knowledge or consent.


No, see, that's the part that actually does make sense.

And it makes no sense that the texts between Jastremski and McNally were about Brady.


Which texts are you referring to?

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Tommy is just fighting this tooth and nail the whole way to save his HOF cred. He doesn't want to be football's version of Barry Bonds, SammySosa, Mark McGwire, or Pete Rose. Guys who would be in but can't get voted in because of the illegal cheating they did while playing.

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I don't know, I am getting the information 3rd hand, so it may be like a game of telephone, but I believe the thread that started this sweater unraveling was that Jastremski and McNally signed an NDA with the league and NOT with the Patriots, because it was actually the league offices in New York that want to keep them off the stand.


Brady really didn't know Jastremski or McNally all that well, and did contact them for the first time following this debacle to ask wtf was going on. It's also why he swore under oath he didn't do anything wrong--because he didn't.

Little of that is true from what has been said. The NFL immediately said they didn't fire Jastremski and McNally after the Patriots said in some unknown source they did. Now, the NFL could be lying but Goodell was asked about it and Goodell himself said "No." There was never to my knowledge any official Patriot source saying the NFL asked them to fire them, just "a source" in maybe one report. Then Goodell was asked if the league had anything to do with it and he said flat no. Again, I suppose the NFL could be lying about it.


Brady knows Jastremski well. Every single week Brady has Jastremski prepare the balls for him and together they pick them out. So they see each other all the time and talk about the balls all the time. To say Brady doesn't know Jastremski well is just not true. He's Brady's guy at all times for how his balls are prepared for the game and he's been doing it for years.

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Little of that is true from what has been said. The NFL immediately said they didn't fire Jastremski and McNally after the Patriots said in some unknown source they did. Now, the NFL could be lying but Goodell was asked about it and Goodell himself said "No." There was never to my knowledge any official Patriot source saying the NFL asked them to fire them, just "a source" in maybe one report. Then Goodell was asked if the league had anything to do with it and he said flat no. Again, I suppose the NFL could be lying about it.


Brady knows Jastremski well. Every single week Brady has Jastremski prepare the balls for him and together they pick them out. So they see each other all the time and talk about the balls all the time. To say Brady doesn't know Jastremski well is just not true. He's Brady's guy at all times for how his balls are prepared for the game and he's been doing it for years.


You do understand that you're arguing with his premise that not everything you've heard is true by repeating everything we've heard.

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No, see, that's the part that actually does make sense.


Which texts are you referring to?

Tom was asking about you last.

Tom says it must be really hard on you.

!@#$ Tom.


Plus all the stuff about the shoes/jerseys McNally would be getting.


It makes sense only if Brady made it clear to Belichick that he likes the balls lower than they are allowed, and Bellichick took it upon himself to make it happen. But it does not at all make sense overall because Belichick would have had to do this with a jastremki and McNally and then their texts about Brady talking about it and about it being hard on you would then make no sense. You have to talk everything that happened into perspective.

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Little of that is true from what has been said. The NFL immediately said they didn't fire Jastremski and McNally after the Patriots said in some unknown source they did. Now, the NFL could be lying but Goodell was asked about it and Goodell himself said "No." There was never to my knowledge any official Patriot source saying the NFL asked them to fire them, just "a source" in maybe one report. Then Goodell was asked if the league had anything to do with it and he said flat no. Again, I suppose the NFL could be lying about it.


Brady knows Jastremski well. Every single week Brady has Jastremski prepare the balls for him and together they pick them out. So they see each other all the time and talk about the balls all the time. To say Brady doesn't know Jastremski well is just not true. He's Brady's guy at all times for how his balls are prepared for the game and he's been doing it for years.


For starters: you guys are experts in this case and the 115 pages can attest to that lol.

I don't know the major characters or players in this case, and my post is third hand information that I am likely getting wrong with specific details, as I don't know who Jastremski or McNally ARE in relation to the Pats, but the push of the story is that Beliceck knows Brady likes his balls flat, and Beliceck is the one that paved the way for whoever did the deflating to do the deflating. Brady was "generally aware" it was happening (maybe), but really, he was equally as "aware" as he was during Spygate. He reaped the benefits then, and he reaped the benefits now.

Please understand the "thesis" statement of the rumor, and fit the facts around it accordingly:

The league is using Brady as a "fall guy" to punish the Patriots for institutional cheating, because

a) they can't NOT punish the Patriots for cheating allegations, after they have been busted for cheating in the past

b) they can't punish the TRUE culprit, because then it would be egg on their face for not kicking Beli out before AND having a cheater win another title AND it was the clause of spygate punishments that he couldnt cheat again or he would be banned AND THEN it would literally invalidate all of New Englands accomplishments (and Goodell's entire tenure as commissioner) so they thought it would be easier to give Brady a game or 2, but the public reaction was so strong they pushed it to (and held it at) 4.


Sorry to edit this, but you can fill in the blanks from there I hope:

Brady fights back because he knows hes innocent

league leaks things to make him look like a criminal

brady camp leaks pics of nanny wearing rings and giselle divorce rumors to show why he might have destroyed his phone


I mean...

if you can come up with a more likely story as to why Patriots fans are 100% certain that Brady is innocent, yet the rest of the world is 100% certain the Patriots are crooks, enlighten me: I'm all ears.

Edited by JohnnyGold
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You do understand that you're arguing with his premise that not everything you've heard is true by repeating everything we've heard.

The Jastemski stuff is inarguable. The league stuff I said it's possible the league lied about it but the sources for the league are Goodell himself and there were no known sources for the idea that is it was the NFL's idea. It's possible the league lied though, yes. Not the Jastremski stuff. There is zero question whatsoever about Brady knowing Jastremski well.

For starters: you guys are experts in this case and the 115 pages can attest to that lol.

I don't know the major characters or players in this case, and my post is third hand information that I am likely getting wrong with specific details, as I don't know who Jastremski or McNally ARE in relation to the Pats, but the push of the story is that Beliceck knows Brady likes his balls flat, and Beliceck is the one that paved the way for whoever did the deflating to do the deflating. Brady was "generally aware" it was happening (maybe), but really, he was equally as "aware" as he was during Spygate. He reaped the benefits then, and he reaped the benefits now.

Please understand the "thesis" statement of the rumor, and fit the facts around it accordingly:

The league is using Brady as a "fall guy" to punish the Patriots for institutional cheating, because

a) they can't NOT punish the Patriots for cheating allegations, after they have been busted for cheating in the past

b) they can't punish the TRUE culprit, because then it would be egg on their face for not kicking Beli out before AND having a cheater win another title AND it was the clause of spygate punishments that he couldnt cheat again or he would be banned AND THEN it would literally invalidate all of New Englands accomplishments (and Goodell's entire tenure as commissioner) so they thought it would be easier to give Brady a game or 2, but the public reaction was so strong they pushed it to (and held it at) 4.

That I guess is possible. Thanks for the qualification.
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Actually their argument is that Brady cheated and none of the other stuff matters because we know he cheated and then lied about it. Now there is some chance that their negligence and stupidity after the fact may get him off on a technicality. I still don't think that will happen but it's possible because they are acting so stupid.

There doesn't seem to be any reason or chance in hell that Belichick did it without Brady's knowledge. It's possible I guess that Brady wasn't behind it and went along with it and it wasn't Brady's original idea. But there is no way BB did this to his QB that wins him all those games. It makes zero sense. It makes sense if Brady knew about it and was complicit.

So McNally's demand that Brady come through with some swag or else he would be getting "f ucking watermelons" or "rugby balls" was in no way related to Brady's desire for softer balls. Right.



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For all of you who have been had by JohnnyGold (of whom I am a big fan), I encourage you to read through a good portion of his catalogue...

I agree, I have not been the best poster on here.

I have been an !@#$.

Some of my beliefs in life have changed quite a bit lately, however, and the Bills are something that brings a lot of joy and love into my life.

I like sharing that on here, and I am trying to be a better poster.

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I wanted to fill you in on an interesting insight I heard from someone whom I consider to be fairly reliable (he also knows some of the dealings with the PR firm the Patriots outsourced for the social media flood that you guys bang your head against in every comment section on PFT and ESPN, and quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if they're using dummy accounts here that were activated long ago, but I digress):


Essentially, the league knows that Bill Beliceck is behind this entire process, and was the main party responsible for instructing the ball boys in how to do what they do by way of stealing and deflating balls to a specific PSI. Believe it or not, Brady is actually innocent, to the extent that he did not command his underlings, OR orchestrate this operation. Because of Spygate, the league was faced with the prospect of essentially banning Beliceck for life, which would have invalidated the last decade and a half of NFL football. So, the ball boys were gagged and fired (that's what she said), Kraft paid a fine, and this now public debacle was heaped on Brady, because the public smelled blood in the water, and the Patriots absolutely CAN NOT walk away from this with no penalty after Spygate. HOWEVER, there IS no evidence that pins it on Brady, and he DID destroy his phone because him and Giselle have been on the rocks for months and he gets a new phone every 3 months. Beliceck, Goodell, and Kraft (who are still very much buddy buddy), assumed Brady would gladly be "the fall guy", and cooperate, and take a game or 2 suspension. Apparently Brady balked at this notion (which actually makes me respect him), and the league was painted into a corner. The word is: win lose or draw this is Belicecks last season coaching and Brady is moving on from New England after this season because he is disgusted by how it went down, but because the league writes his paycheck, he cant turn state.


Take it for what it's worth, but I believe it.

I've thought Belichick was behind it from the beginning because he hates fumbles and is an arrogant &%$#@. I don't doubt any of this, though I thought the destroyed phone might be to protect Belichick. This all seems like the most likely scenario to me. I'm not saying Brady didn't know (in fact he may have been put in the position to see that it happened), but I don't think it necessarily started with him. BB is just not to be trusted. Edited by Augie
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Tommy is just fighting this tooth and nail the whole way to save his HOF cred. He doesn't want to be football's version of Barry Bonds, SammySosa, Mark McGwire, or Pete Rose. Guys who would be in but can't get voted in because of the illegal cheating they did while playing.

He's first ballot regardless. He's fighting either because he's innocent or because HE'S A SHAMELESS RAT BASTARD.

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I've thought Belichick was behind it from the beginning because he hates fumbles and is an arrogant &%$#@. I don't doubt any of this, though I thought the destroyed phone might be to protect Belichick. This all seems like the most likely scenario to me. I'm not saying Brady didn't know (in fact he may have been put in the position to see that it happened), but I don't think it necessarily started with him. BB is just not to be trusted.



Yeah, and in other news, we're supposed to believe that Belichick collected the SpyGate video but Brady didn't look at it because he's a good guy who doesn't cheat.

Edited by BobChalmers
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