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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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Y'know, I realize that Bernie Sanders is full-goose-bozo socialist nutbag with unsustainable policies that border on the insane, but I am really starting to like this guy's moxie. It may just be because he's the raspberry seed in the Hillary Clinton wisdom tooth, but jumping on that opportunity was terrific and it would have absolutely been a massive blow to Hillary.


Naturally, of course, and once again, Trump pulls out his favorite "I was joking" excuse, which I'm sure is going to be VERY popular if he ever makes it to the WH.




Hell, being a Trump supporter has to be an excruciating job.


"We're going to build a wall!!! Wait. No. That was just a suggestion, but his suggestions are the best suggestions ever. Besides, we're still gonna ban all Muslims and then we're...wait. What? That was a suggestion, too? Well, then, we're going to repeal Obamacare! Wait. We're not doing that either?


"What are we doing again? Anyone? Bueller?"

Hold on. It might be back on. They're having back-channel talks about actually making it happen. Bern wants it before the CA primary. It could be a master stroke by both of them, and make Hillary look like the vapid, hollow, ego-maniacal, out-of-touch 1 Percenter that she is. Of course, with Trump spinning faster than a lawn whirligig in a thunderstorm ya just never know till ya know... ya know?

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Hold on. It might be back on. They're having back-channel talks about actually making it happen. Bern wants it before the CA primary. It could be a master stroke by both of them, and make Hillary look like the vapid, hollow, ego-maniacal, out-of-touch 1 Percenter that she is. Of course, with Trump spinning faster than a lawn whirligig in a thunderstorm ya just never know till ya know... ya know?


I would love it if this happened. Just for watching Her Royal Highness' head explode at being left out.

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The day after he is elected no one will be a Trump supporter. Sort of how no one voted for Bush

I voted for Bush in 2000.


PS And I don't care what conspiracy crack pots you read, and I have little doubt that you haveread several, Bush won Florida

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I'd fully expect her to come out as a surprise guest to her own theme music, WWF style.


And I would donate my next month's income to Bernie's campaign and get everyone I know to vote for him if he smacked her upside the head with a metal folding chair. :thumbsup:

Edited by Chef Jim
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And I would donate my next month's income to Bernie's campaign and get everyone I know to for him if he smacked her upside the head with a metal folding chair. :thumbsup:


Trump's waiting for the general election to do that.

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I would love it if this happened. Just for watching Her Royal Highness' head explode at being left out.

She would cry Sexism® about being left out of the debate



I'd fully expect her to come out as a surprise guest to her own theme music, WWF style.



And I would donate my next month's income to Bernie's campaign and get everyone I know to for him if he smacked her upside the head with a metal folding chair. :thumbsup:


And then swarm of Lucha Libra's climb over the wall into the ring

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Are there any/many Bernie supporters that are over the age of 26?

Yes. Me. This is a myth perpetuated by the Hillary crowd and the media. I went to the caucus and in my district there were over 50 Bernie people and around 20 Hillary people. Most of the Bernie people, if not all, were well over 26.

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Yes. Me. This is a myth perpetuated by the Hillary crowd and the media. I went to the caucus and in my district there were over 50 Bernie people and around 20 Hillary people. Most of the Bernie people, if not all, were well over 26.


And all the delegates for your district went to Hillary...

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