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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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George Will has left the Republican party in response to Trump



Let's see how many Bernie supporters have the principles to follow suit, or will the Leftist anti-Establishment types do exactly what the Left Wing Establishment expects them to do?

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George Will has left the Republican party in response to Trump



Let's see how many Bernie supporters have the principles to follow suit, or will the Leftist anti-Establishment types do exactly what the Left Wing Establishment expects them to do?

I caucused for Bernie but will not be voting for Hillary.

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More details from the House Dems meeting where Sanders got booed http://huff.to/29yvVTP


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) received a tough reception from House Democrats on Wednesday morning, with many encouraging him to endorse Hillary Clinton and some showering him with boos when he declined to do so.





Sanders supporters melt down over FBI's Clinton decision

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More details from the House Dems meeting where Sanders got booed http://huff.to/29yvVTP


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) received a tough reception from House Democrats on Wednesday morning, with many encouraging him to endorse Hillary Clinton and some showering him with boos when he declined to do so.



Lame, but not surprising.


I will be very disappointed in Bernie if he sucks in and supports/campaigns for Hillary.

Edited by reddogblitz
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Lame, but not surprising.


I will be very disappointed in Bernie if he sucks in and supports/campaigns for Hillary.


I doubt he will. I think he has integrity.


I mean...old Socialists never die, they just become your crazy uncle...but he's a crazy uncle with integrity. Not like the other crazy uncle we have running, or the self-important aunt who gives you a six-pack of cheap tube socks for Christmas and thinks she's the Greatest Aunt Of All Time.

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For the Bernie fans:


While his policies are chocolate-covered pipe-dreams dipped in unicorn farts, Bernie has always stood for everything that is NOT Clinton. Did Bernie sell his soul today? Does this damage his political value in your eyes?

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For the Bernie fans:


While his policies are chocolate-covered pipe-dreams dipped in unicorn farts, Bernie has always stood for everything that is NOT Clinton. Did Bernie sell his soul today? Does this damage his political value in your eyes?


As Bird said several times, being principled means only acting when there is a benefit to you. So I wonder what Bernie got in return for his "principles". It wasn't changes to the DNC platform on TPP/TTIP, nor student loans, nor the environment... must have been something good though.

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As Bird said several times, being principled means only acting when there is a benefit to you.


So I wonder what Bernie got in return for his "principles".


It wasn't changes to the DNC platform on TPP/TTIP, nor student loans, nor the environment... must have been something good though.




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He does not want Trump to be elected. His ideas were heard and the young generation has to take it from there.


By standing behind a woman who represents the antithesis of everything he stands for? That's nutty. It's also politics. And this election cycle is nuttier than most.


Not that it matters, as it's always been this election is just a show. There is no choice. There is no real democracy left in this republic. We're an oligarchy run by multinational corporations who have no interest in helping the regular folks or this country. And Hillary is their queen.


The coronation will not be interrupted.

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He does not want Trump to be elected. His ideas were heard and the young generation has to take it from there.





The Donald responds....................... :lol:




DJT_Headshot_V2_bigger.jpgDonald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 19m19 minutes ago

Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.


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