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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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You are correct , this is what I meant by tip the scale:



Unequal voting power depending on where you live
The Electoral College gives disproportionate voting power to states, favoring the smaller states with more electoral votes per person.
For instance, each individual vote in Wyoming counts nearly four times as much in the Electoral College as each individual vote in Texas.
This is because Wyoming has three (3) electoral votes for a population of 532,668 citizens (as of 2008 Census Bureau estimates) and Texas has thirty-two (32) electoral votes
for a population of almost 25 million. By dividing the population by electoral votes, we can see that Wyoming has one "elector" for every 177,556 people
and Texas has one "elector" for about every 715,499. The difference between these two states of 537,943 is the largest in the Electoral College.
2000 Pres race Florida vote
2,912,790 Bush won all 25 Electoral votes
2,912,253 Gore 0 Electoral votes


This is a feature, not a flaw.


It works to ensure that the smaller states have a say in Presidential elections, giving them proper incentive to find the union in their interests.

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We probably wouldn't have 50 'united' states if there had not been a compromise way back on how the power was distributed.


2000 Pres race Florida vote
2,912,790 Bush won all 25 Electoral votes
2,912,253 Gore 0 Electoral votes





2000 Pres race Wisconsin vote


1,242,987 Gore won all 11 Electoral votes
1,237,279 Bush 0 Electoral votes
Edited by KD in CA
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Inside the bitter last days of Bernie's revolution

For better and for worse, Sanders made all the big decisions.


There’s no strategist pulling the strings, and no collection of burn-it-all-down aides egging him on. At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders.

It was the Vermont senator who personally rewrote his campaign manager’s shorter statement after the chaos at the Nevada state party convention and blamed the political establishment for inciting the violence.

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He was the one who made the choice to go after Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after his wife read him a transcript of her blasting him on television.

He chose the knife fight over calling Clinton unqualified, which aides blame for pulling the bottom out of any hopes they had of winning in New York and their last real chance of turning a losing primary run around.

And when Jimmy Kimmel’s producers asked Sanders’ campaign for a question to ask Donald Trump, Sanders himself wrote the one challenging the Republican nominee to a debate.



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California could have 1200 Senators and not one of them would speak for me.


I noticed last night that all the House races were combined primaries, essentially means that in most of them two Dems will run against each other in Nov. Is that right?


I didn't understand him. I don't speak old NY Jew.


Jive I'm good with. Old NY Jew not so much.


I don't speak it very well (my accent is terrible), but I can follow Old NY Jew pretty well.

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I noticed last night that all the House races were combined primaries, essentially means that in most of them two Dems will run against each other in Nov. Is that right?

Yup. We will have two Dems running to fill Barbara Boxers spot. Great huh?


BTW when we voted last night they saw my wife was registered independent but she said she'll take a Republican ballot. The woman said I'll try to find one. My wife said (we were in a neighbor's garage) "is it under the car?" I told you, you're going to love my wife. :lol:

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Yup. We will have two Dems running to fill Barbara Boxers spot. Great huh?


BTW when we voted last night they saw my wife was registered independent but she said she'll take a Republican ballot. The woman said I'll try to find one. My wife said (we were in a neighbor's garage) "is it under the car?" I told you, you're going to love my wife. :lol:


"I'll try to find one." What is that bull ****? Christ, can you imagine the protests if someone in Texas said that to a black man requesting a Democratic ballot?

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"I'll try to find one." What is that bull ****? Christ, can you imagine the protests if someone in Texas said that to a black man requesting a Democratic ballot?


Ok I just checked with my wife and I had the wording wrong. The woman said "we'll get one..." as if they weren't readily available.

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Ok I just checked with my wife and I had the wording wrong. The woman said "we'll get one..." as if they weren't readily available.


Not really that much better........... :D



Shouldn't they be right there in front of her ?



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Well done, @heatstreet.



Hillary Clinton Denies Jewish Man’s Attempt at History.




“Hillary Clinton has won enough delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination for president, the Associated Press reported late Monday, effectively crushing Bernie Sanders’ historic bid to become America’s first Jewish president.”



Why isn't it written that way ?


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Precisely why Bernie hasn't dropped out ..........................but I think he's kidding himself


FBI: Records from Clinton's email server being held as 'evidence'

by Sarah Westwood

FBI agents have confirmed that they recovered records from Hillary Clinton's private server and other electronic devices, but won't reveal any details about those records because that information is being treated as "evidence" in a "pending investigation."



"[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value," the FBI said in documents filed with a federal court Monday.


more at link: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/fbi-records-from-clintons-email-server-being-held-as-evidence/article/2593333



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Precisely why Bernie hasn't dropped out ..........................but I think he's kidding himself


FBI: Records from Clinton's email server being held as 'evidence'

by Sarah Westwood

FBI agents have confirmed that they recovered records from Hillary Clinton's private server and other electronic devices, but won't reveal any details about those records because that information is being treated as "evidence" in a "pending investigation."



"[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value," the FBI said in documents filed with a federal court Monday.


more at link: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/fbi-records-from-clintons-email-server-being-held-as-evidence/article/2593333




There's a HELL of a lot of careerists at State and Justice who are going to lose their heads if Hillary's elected.

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Precisely why Bernie hasn't dropped out ..........................but I think he's kidding himself


FBI: Records from Clinton's email server being held as 'evidence'

by Sarah Westwood

FBI agents have confirmed that they recovered records from Hillary Clinton's private server and other electronic devices, but won't reveal any details about those records because that information is being treated as "evidence" in a "pending investigation."



"[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value," the FBI said in documents filed with a federal court Monday.


more at link: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/fbi-records-from-clintons-email-server-being-held-as-evidence/article/2593333




Do you believe any of this will stick? Mind you the question is not whether the investigation will turn up evidence of bad acts...but just whether it will stick. I don't think the public cares about people's records or what they say in this cycle. This election is just about riding one or the other jackass over the finish line no matter what they say.


I don't agree with Bernie on the economy even a little but I'm pulling for him to complete the hail mary.

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There's a HELL of a lot of careerists at State and Justice who are going to lose their heads if Hillary's elected.


Maybe they'll use the services of the White House travel department

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Do you believe any of this will stick? Mind you the question is not whether the investigation will turn up evidence of bad acts...but just whether it will stick. I don't think the public cares about people's records or what they say in this cycle. This election is just about riding one or the other jackass over the finish line no matter what they say.


I don't agree with Bernie on the economy even a little but I'm pulling for him to complete the hail mary.



No, I'm afraid that I don't.


I am sure that there IS evidence of law breaking, but at this point I am cynical enough to say that it will not be released...............probably because they think its best for the country ,


Of course the opposite is true.



Tom's (insider) comment that a lot of careerists at State and Justice who are going to lose their heads if Hillary's elected, makes you wonder just a little bit though,


could just one or two people leak something big enough to make a difference ?


Lord knows, they have proved that their security is bad enough for that to happen. :unsure:

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No, I'm afraid that I don't.


I am sure that there IS evidence of law breaking, but at this point I am cynical enough to say that it will not be released...............probably because they think its best for the country ,


Of course the opposite is true.



Tom's (insider) comment that a lot of careerists at State and Justice who are going to lose their heads if Hillary's elected, makes you wonder just a little bit though,


could just one or two people leak something big enough to make a difference ?


Lord knows, they have proved that their security is bad enough for that to happen. :unsure:


In today's world, Nixon rides out the impeachment process with ease. Accountability for actions and words died somewhere after Nixon and the surgeons called it after the Saddam war/WMD zero accountability debacle. Since then, no one takes the blame and no one takes a fall unless it's for texting dick pics.


Unless Hillary was selling nuclear secrets to Bin Laden by email, she's not going to get in trouble.

Edited by Observer
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