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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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You are so biased. Republicans are bashing Trump. How did you miss that? Oh that's right, you ignored it


And has it ever been proven Reid lied? I don't remember the Old Rommer ever releasing his taxes so we can see



"When asked about it three years later, you would think Reid would apologize or at least show the proper level of contrition that matches the irresponsible and undignified act of using the Senate floor to spread false allegations about a politician from the opposing party.

But Reid has no regrets. "I don't regret that at all," he told CNN's Dana Bash on Tuesday in the interview clip above. "Romney didn't win did he?"

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"I know she like chocolate men

She got more niggas off than Cochran."



... And the B word still married me. No one does anything better than Yeezy, not even misogyny.



kinda like obscenity, huh? ya know it when you see it. I see a lot more of it than rob.



“Barack Obama and Donald Trump have more in common than once favoring single-payer national health plans,” Roger Simon writes.


“They are both thin-skinned. Neither ever says he’s sorry or expresses regret. Instead they blame and deride others…Maybe it’s time to amend one of Hollywood’s more famous lines: Self-love means never having to say you’re sorry.”



At times, you do sort of expect one of them to pull off his mask, Mission: Impossible style, and reveal the other man lurking underneath.




they couldn't be more different. but at least trump is right on oine thing: single payer. has he pulled a Romney on that yet?

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"When asked about it three years later, you would think Reid would apologize or at least show the proper level of contrition that matches the irresponsible and undignified act of using the Senate floor to spread false allegations about a politician from the opposing party.

But Reid has no regrets. "I don't regret that at all," he told CNN's Dana Bash on Tuesday in the interview clip above. "Romney didn't win did he?"

I'm proud of what he did. Loved it when he was on the floor of the Senate calling out Romney. Thought it was great

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I'm proud of what he did. Loved it when he was on the floor of the Senate calling out Romney. Thought it was great


I'm not surprised that you're ok with, sorry not ok with, proud of a politician stating something on the Senate floor as fact when he could not prove it. But then again you're cool with politicians lying right?

Edited by Chef Jim
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I'm not surprised that you're ok with, sorry not ok with, proud of a politician stating something on the Senate floor as fact when he could not prove it. But then again you're cool with politicians lying right?


Not only could he not prove it, he knew it was patently false, but like just about everything else his party has put forward in the last 15 years, it was a lie.

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Looked up Ben Carson as he's gaining popularity. It turns out he represents the core value of idiocy that defines the Repube's party of today:




Carson's views on evolution and creationism have been controversial.[64] In a 2006 debate with Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins, and Daniel Dennett, Carson stated: "I don't believe in evolution...I simply don't have enough faith to believe that something as complex as our ability to rationalize, think, and plan, and have a moral sense of what's right and wrong, just appeared."


Gun Rights


he stated that he is strongly in favor of the Second Amendment and that while guns being used on innocent people "is horrible," it "is not nearly as horrible as having a population that is defenseless against a group of tyrants who have arms.



Marriage and homosexuality


In March 2013, Carson described his views about same-sex marriage on Hannity, saying: "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be theyNAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."

Cannabis legalization

Carson is against the legalization of recreational cannabis. He believes it to be a gateway drug that leads to more serious drug use


Global Warming

In a recent interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Carson stated, “there is no overwhelming science that the things that are going on are man-caused and not naturally caused.”

Edited by JTSP
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Then whats new about him? Why that dodo bird over the other dodos?


lol, why should I waste my time trying to convince a dumb leftist like you about Carson? I'm not even a Carson supporter, and philosophically, I prefer to put progressives in ovens rather than try to reason with them.

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Looked up Ben Carson as he's gaining popularity. It turns out he represents the core value of idiocy that defines the Repube's party of today:


So in conclusion, your preferred candidate would be a white atheist gun-confiscating NAMBLA member who blames terrorism on global warming.


Sounds about right.

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