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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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You're welcome to take the bet that I've offered to everyone.


If Trump can win the nomination, he will waltz to the presidency.


I swear, it's like you've completely forgotten what the left can and will do to a person who has absolutely zero ability or desire to control their mouth.


He will go down in flames soon, and when he does, many people will look behind them and see a rancid wasteland littered with missed opportunities and pissed-away time.

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You're welcome to take the bet that I've offered to everyone.


If Trump can win the nomination, he will waltz to the presidency.

I think Trump had a great chance to be President. He's blowing it though and all due to his mouth. This last comment about Carly is an inexcusable high schoolish personal attack and just a continuation of some of the previous similar comments. He could attack her record or her policies. Instead he made another headline but a really ugly one this time. His worst yet IMO. Trump's simply going about this the wrong way.

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I think Trump had a great chance to be President. He's blowing it though and all due to his mouth. This last comment about Carly is an inexcusable high schoolish personal attack and just a continuation of some of the previous similar comments. He could attack her record or her policies. Instead he made another headline but a really ugly one this time. His worst yet IMO. Trump's simply going about this the wrong way.


He's actually going about it the Trump Way.


Now here's Hillary saying she would love to debate the "one candidate" who "delights in insulting women every change he gets."


Like I said: the left is just stocking piling this crap until they're ready to release the hounds from hell.

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Jindal's had enough of Trump.



But, it is now time for us to do what Donald would do, and say the thing that everyone is thinking, but is afraid to say out loud. So I'm going to do it.

The Donald Trump Act is great, and the idea of Donald Trump is great -- BUT the reality of Donald Trump is absurd, he's a non-serious carnival act.


III. So here's the truth about Trump that we all know, but have been afraid to say….

Donald Trump is shallow. Has no understanding of policy. He's full of bluster but has no substance. He lacks the intellectual curiosity to even learn.


It's silly to argue policy with this guy, he's doesn't know anything about it, he has no idea what he is talking about, he makes it all up on the fly. According to him his health care plan will be "fabulous" and his tax plan will be "really, really terrific." He's shallow, no substance.


He does not believe in limited government and he has told us that over and over. From his belief in socialized medicine to his desire for tax increases, he's told us over and over that he's got no problem with big top-down style government. He's only got one real problem with Washington – that he's not running it.


Donald Trump is for Donald Trump. He believes in nothing other than himself. He's not a liberal, he's not a moderate, and he's not a conservative. He's not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. He's not for anything or against anything. Issues and policies and ideals are not important to him. He's for Donald.


Donald Trump is a narcissist and an egomaniac. That may sound like a serious charge to make, but it is also something that everyone knows to be true, and he knows it too, and he celebrates it. He told us the other day that he's likes Kanye West, why? "Because Kanye loves Trump." He may be an entertaining narcissist, but he is one nonetheless.


Like all narcissists, Donald Trump is insecure and weak, and afraid of being exposed. And that's why he is constantly telling us how big and how rich and how great he is, and how insignificant everyone else is. We've all met people like Trump, and we know that only a very weak and small person needs to constantly tell us how strong and powerful he is. Donald Trump believes that he is the answer to every question.


Donald Trump is dangerous. But not in the way you think. Many say he's dangerous because you wouldn't want a hot head with his fingers on the nuclear codes. And while that's true, that's not the real danger here.


The real danger is that, ironically, Donald Trump could destroy America's chance to be Great Again.


As conservatives, we have a golden opportunity in front of us. The Democrats have terribly screwed things up, and are basically giving us the next election.


If we blow this opportunity – we may never get it again, the stakes are incredibly high.


Donald Trump is not a serious person. It's all a solo act, it's all just a show, and the joke is on us. He's laughing all the way to the bank, or to the polling location. P.T. Barnum was never more right."


(story continues at the link)

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Just a note to Trumpsters: I've said it before and will say it again, you can NOT win the presidency with his mouth.


The left has been sitting back, letting the right eat itself, but don't think for a moment that they're not stockpiling every misogynistic comment he's ever made to ensure that no woman would ever vote for him. These aren't isolated incidents. This is a guy who treats women like whores. Pissing away the biggest presidential gimme in years because you like someone who mouths off is a bad plan.


You'll see the 'on the knees' loop, now attached to the Fiorina comment. Having an answer like "Oh, that's not what I meant" is standard SoProg response, not conservative.


On the upside, everyone is talking about Carly right now, and that's a very good thing. One more debate and hopefully the Trump show will come to an end.

What misogynistic comments?

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I knew it!!! I'll play though. Rich people have a lot of money.


You brought it up so you must have an idea. Is it $250k per year? $500k per year? $1m per year. Is it per person? What's the number for married filed jointly? Is it earned income? Passive income? Is it based on investable assets? Come on you must have an idea. Let's hear it.

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What misogynistic comments?




From calling Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig to calling an attorney "disgusting" for asking if she could take a break to pump breast milk to telling an employee he'd like to see her on her knees to Megyn Kelly's menstrual cycle to Carly Fiorina's face...


Do I really need to go on?


Wait. Let me guess. You can discredit most of those, right? Well, guess what? No one gives a schitt what you think because neither you nor Trump will be able to make your case against the cacophony of schitstorm the left will rain down on all of you if he gets the nomination.


Do you not remember what they did to Romney? We heard about his 'binder full of women' for weeks. He pulled a college prank and was suddenly 'a bully.' Harry Reid literally and admittedly LIED about Romney not paying taxes for 10 years. He phucking LIED!


And why does the left lie and cheat like this about Republican presidential candidates? Because when you're spending all your time explaining, you're losing. And all Trump does is say stupid schitt about people on his OWN side of the aisle, and then spends the rest of the time explaining it before he says some other moronic comment.


Wake up. Just because Brady** and Belicheck** cheat doesn't mean they don't win. The left smear machine will have Trump's own family hating him in no time. The right will have a hard enough time winning 2016 without trying to win it with a guy who can't eat his breakfast without saying something stupid.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Dem Activists to Release “We’re All Mexicans” Song to Combat Donald Trump


Top Democrats and Obama supporters will release a video in the coming weeks to combat Donald Trump’s remarks on criminal illegal aliens.


Gloria Estafan, Shakira, Carlos Santana, and other Hispanic activists will title their song – “We’re all Mexicans.”


illegalaliens.jpgGood luck with that.



Grammy-winning producer Emilio Estefan has enlisted an all-star small army of famous friends — including Shakira, Carlos Santana, Thalia, Pepe Aguilar and his wife, singer Gloria Estefan — to combat the spate of anti-Mexican rhetoric that Donald Trump sparked earlier this summer.


Estefan, 62, tells Billboard exclusively that, after listening to a TV talking head make false and vindictive anti-Latin statements on TV, he has rounded up dozens of Latin celebrities to record “We’re All Mexican,” which he describes as a musical “celebration of Hispanics and our accomplishments.” The track, set to be released later in September, will also include reggaeton singer Wisin, Wyclef Jean, radio personality Enrique Santos and famed Spanish-American chef José Andrés, most of whom will be rapping on the record.




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I swear, it's like you've completely forgotten what the left can and will do to a person who has absolutely zero ability or desire to control their mouth.


We have completely opposite takes. (Usually two people in that situation can make a bet). The Left's PC attacks will not work against Trump, who will have inoculated himself if he wins the nomination. Trump will win the independent/undecided vote and the presidency.




He will go down in flames soon


Based on what? He's polling at 30-35% and rising in a 17-candidate field.


Not saying he's going to win the nomination, but it seems to me he'll be in this thing into the first few primaries at least.

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Based on what? He's polling at 30-35% and rising in a 17-candidate field.



Based on the fact that he continues to talk and other Republicans are beginning to nail him on it. I think many conservatives, such as myself, at this time are very undecided. Those polling for him tend to be, I would assume, the whacked right.

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We have completely opposite takes. (Usually two people in that situation can make a bet). The Left's PC attacks will not work against Trump, who will have inoculated himself if he wins the nomination. Trump will win the independent/undecided vote and the presidency.




Based on what? He's polling at 30-35% and rising in a 17-candidate field.


Not saying he's going to win the nomination, but it seems to me he'll be in this thing into the first few primaries at least.


I have no idea what it is about you and your bet, but you keep bringing it up like it's the cage match true test in the confidence of my beliefs. What is it...something like fifty bucks if you're right or wrong about something?

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Based on the fact that he continues to talk and other Republicans are beginning to nail him on it. I think many conservatives, such as myself, at this time are very undecided. Those polling for him tend to be, I would assume, the whacked right.

Trump is a birther.


That's all you need to know about his polling.

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We have completely opposite takes. (Usually two people in that situation can make a bet). The Left's PC attacks will not work against Trump, who will have inoculated himself if he wins the nomination. Trump will win the independent/undecided vote and the presidency.





What you stated may have been possible a month ago. I doubt it now. Trump got off to a great start obviously. His bomb throwing appeals to many but where is the seasoned business guy who can offer wise solutions? The one that shows how to get things done and done right and done quickly. That should be his headlines. Instead it's the crass comments. He's now entering idiot territory and hurting his own brand beyond the campaign. My guess is that his daughter and sons are letting him have it today.


I never expected Trump to win or even win my vote. Frankly he's become embarrassing. The only way he turns it around is if the jackass in him is buried and the more serious and measured business guy emerges and a lot of time goes by.


The left which includes the substantial majority of the media will slice him up. Some on the right will join that effort. The only thing he'll be able to say is that he went down swinging and when he's done his personal brand won't be what it was before he ran.

Edited by keepthefaith
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I have no idea what it is about you and your bet, but you keep bringing it up like it's the cage match true test in the confidence of my beliefs. What is it...something like fifty bucks if you're right or wrong about something?


If Trump wins the nomination and loses in the general, I'll paypal you $50. If he wins the nomination and then wins the presidency, you paypal me $50.


You don't need to accept the bet. I don't believe I've challenged anyone's manhood for not accepting.




Those polling for him tend to be, I would assume, the whacked right.


His support is actually quite broad if you check the crosstabs. And right now he's beating every Republican and Democrat in head-to-head polling except Carson.


That could certainly change, of course.

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If Trump wins the nomination and loses in the general, I'll paypal you $50. If he wins the nomination and then wins the presidency, you paypal me $50.


You don't need to accept the bet. I don't believe I've challenged anyone's manhood for not accepting.




His support is actually quite broad if you check the crosstabs. And right now he's beating every Republican and Democrat in head-to-head polling except Carson.


That could certainly change, of course.

If you gave my dog the amount of media attention Trump gets, she'd be polling that high as well.

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