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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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That's not fair. There were beers on the White House lawn. That's TWO Jeopardy questions.


Yep. Quite the legacy.


Perhaps Obama could hit the peregruzka button on his legacy if he gives a big speech on education. He could say something really intelligent to show those Republicunts what a smart person sounds like.


Something, like, oh....


College should be free because it would be good for the country and the individual Wall Street should pay for it because like cigarettes it's bad for the country and the individual.


Yeah. So very smart.

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Trump is having fun with this! He hates the Bush's, that's why he is running. It's a dispute between patricians

I see Trump as doing a good job of getting some Republicans out of contention. How else are they going to whittle the field down to just a few? Without Trump launching scud missiles, there will be a dozen or more candidates in the race until next spring. Get the field narrowed early I say and never fear as there are a bunch of Republicans any one of which will wipe the floor with Hillary or Bernie.

Edited by keepthefaith
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I see Trump as doing a good job of getting some Republicans out of contention. How else are they going to whittle the field down to just a few? Without Trump launching scud missiles, there will be a dozen or more candidates in the race until next spring. Get the field narrowed early I say and never fear as there are a bunch of Republicans any one of which will wipe the floor with Hillary or Bernie.


But think about this. What if it's Trump vs Hillary. Imagine some the insults Trump would be able to lob at the Clintons, lol. Wow! Yes, I'd want her to win, but I'd probably laugh at Trumps barbs anyway.

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But think about this. What if it's Trump vs Hillary. Imagine some the insults Trump would be able to lob at the Clintons, lol. Wow! Yes, I'd want her to win, but I'd probably laugh at Trumps barbs anyway.

would that be more laughs then Americans killed overseas or less laughs?

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Donald is past it. I'm sorry, to a couple of you who take him seriously. Ben Carson is the candidate now.


This is about the most Republican place that I am aware of, and, like, few of you came out for a candidate at all. Now it's decided, without your input, that Ben Carson is the candidate, in Iowa. What's up with that? We've got some major fringe going on up in here, besides the Hillary, Bernie, Trump, and (practically new) Carson threads.


The Hillary thread is #1, but it's all anti-Hillary.


This Donald thread, Jesus...


The Bernie thread is a Locomotive.


The Carson thread just getting started, yet he's tied with Trump in Vermont. I just think that Republicans need to get behind him or not, but I hear a lot of hemming and hawing. The clocks ticking.

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I'd vote Democrat given those choices.


Didn't you say you'd vote Hillary if the GOP nominee isn't libertarian?


So no Rand = Hillary? Or are there more libertarian candidates, according to you

You should vote Trump as a protest vote. Lots of people are just using Trump as a protest vote.


Rand can't win this election cycle, but he's young. If we can use Trump to destroy the GOP establishment, then maybe in 2020 Rand can emerge.

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According to the latest PPP poll:




Will the establishment finally give up on Jeb?


Well, they certainly won't give up willingly, and the media will also try and prop Jeb up


Hopefully, for the good of the country, both Bush/Trump supporters can come together on one of the many qualified candidates in between them.

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What Republican do you like?

Rubio has shown enough libertarian leanings that I feel I may be able to vote for him, I'll need to hear more from him.


Paul is someone I could vote for as well.


Didn't you say you'd vote Hillary if the GOP nominee isn't libertarian?


So no Rand = Hillary? Or are there more libertarian candidates, according to you


You should vote Trump as a protest vote. Lots of people are just using Trump as a protest vote.


Rand can't win this election cycle, but he's young. If we can use Trump to destroy the GOP establishment, then maybe in 2020 Rand can emerge.

I could never, ever, in good conscience, vote for Trump. Ever.


I'd prefer a third term for Obama. In fact, if it came down to it, I'd donate money to Obama before Trump.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Rubio has shown enough libertarian leanings that I feel I may be able to vote for him, I'll need to hear more from him.


Paul is someone I could vote for as well.

I could never, ever, in good conscience, vote for Trump. Ever.


I'd prefer a third term for Obama. In fact, if it came down to it, I'd donate money to Obama before Trump.


That's about the only situation in which I'd vote for Trump. It would at least be a vote for the rule of law, than the cult of one man.

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