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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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Trump is pretty funny smacking down on Bush saying he is embarrassed to use his last name.


Trump is very good at mudslinging...since that's basically marketing.


Let's hear him communicate a coherent policy on the Ukraine, or nuclear non-proliferation, or Palestinian autonomy.

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He wasn't ejected for asking questions. He was ejected for interrupting other reporters. He would have been removed from any press conference for acting how he did.


From what I saw, he was persistent, but the problem was that the other reporters deferred to him, rather than standing up to ask their questions. Maybe they hold much respect for the "Walter Cronkite of the Latinos." I'm mostly surprised that Trump said he hadn't ever heard of him.

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From what I saw, he was persistent, but the problem was that the other reporters deferred to him, rather than standing up to ask their questions. Maybe they hold much respect for the "Walter Cronkite of the Latinos." I'm mostly surprised that Trump said he hadn't ever heard of him.


Probably because the other reporters didn't want to turn the press conference into a shouting mob.


Why is it surprising Trump never heard of him? Does Trump strike you as the type to pay much attention to any Hispanics not immediately in his line of sight and providing a personal service to him?

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Probably because the other reporters didn't want to turn the press conference into a shouting mob.


Why is it surprising Trump never heard of him? Does Trump strike you as the type to pay much attention to any Hispanics not immediately in his line of sight and providing a personal service to him?


Trump doesn't strike me as that type, as you said, but I read there was some prior conflict between the two. Didn't Trump publish Ramos cell phone number?



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Probably because the other reporters didn't want to turn the press conference into a shouting mob.


Why is it surprising Trump never heard of him? Does Trump strike you as the type to pay much attention to any Hispanics not immediately in his line of sight and providing a personal service to him?

Oh, they know each other well. Trump previously received a letter from Ramos asking Trump to appear on his network for an interview, Trump feeling scorned because of a previous comparison with someone else that implied that he was a racist from Ramos, published Ramos phone number on his Twitter acct. Edited by Magox
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Oh, they know each other well. Trump previously received a letter from Ramos asking Trump to appear on his network for an interview, Trump feeling scorned because of a previous comparison with someone else that implied that he was a racist from Ramos, published Ramos phone number on his Twitter acct.


That entire thing was staged, and I'm embarrassed at how much play it's getting.

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That entire thing was staged, and I'm embarrassed at how much play it's getting.

This works out well for Trump in the primary as he gains support and works out even better for Ramos in that he virtually guarantees that Trumps support with Latinos will be the lowest in U.S. History if Trump were to Win the nomination which essentially means Trump would lose the election.


People have to keep in mind, Ramos above all else is an activist. His goal is to protect his constituencies special interests. He couldn't have scripted a better outcome. He gets Trump to tell him to "go back to Univision ". (Which was the jackpot for Ramos in that it appears that implied Go back to Mexico), then Trump gets his security to forcibly remove him which symbolized deportation. If you hear Ozy or Laura Ingrahm, Ann Coulter, Jesse Waters and all his cult like supporters in the comments section, that's how they viewed it as well and cheered it on. And of course that's how it was viewed through Univision and the rest of the Latino media.


I'm not gonna say that Ramos laid the trap and that Trump fell in it, I think it was more luck than anything else for Ramos. But he got what wanted. Those. 15 seconds are like gold for what he wants to achieve.

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This works out well for Trump in the primary as he gains support and works out even better for Ramos in that he virtually guarantees that Trumps support with Latinos will be the lowest in U.S. History if Trump were to Win the nomination which essentially means Trump would lose the election.


People have to keep in mind, Ramos above all else is an activist. His goal is to protect his constituencies special interests. He couldn't have scripted a better outcome. He gets Trump to tell him to "go back to Univision ". (Which was the jackpot for Ramos in that it appears that implied Go back to Mexico), then Trump gets his security to forcibly remove him which symbolized deportation. If you hear Ozy or Laura Ingrahm, Ann Coulter, Jesse Waters and all his cult like supporters in the comments section, that's how they viewed it as well and cheered it on. And of course that's how it was viewed through Univision and the rest of the Latino media.


I'm not gonna say that Ramos laid the trap and that Trump fell in it, I think it was more luck than anything else for Ramos. But he got what wanted. Those. 15 seconds are like gold for what he wants to achieve.


I'll say it. Ramos knew exactly which buttons to push, and how to push them. It was as obvious a setup as me asking gatorman a question about QCD, so I can call him an idiot when he can't answer.

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I'll say it. Ramos knew exactly which buttons to push, and how to push them. It was as obvious a setup as me asking gatorman a question about QCD, so I can call him an idiot when he can't answer.


Agreed. Ramos knew Trump would be a douchebag and played him like a harp from hell. Frankly, I would have expected more from Trump. He could have flipped it perfectly. But apparently his intellect is set to 'gatorman.'
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I'll say it. Ramos knew exactly which buttons to push, and how to push them. It was as obvious a setup as me asking gatorman a question about QCD, so I can call him an idiot when he can't answer.

After the "don't speak Mexican" tweet, followed up by the Ramos incident, I've never been more convinced that Trump is a false flag.
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I'll say it. Ramos knew exactly which buttons to push, and how to push them. It was as obvious a setup as me asking gatorman a question about QCD, so I can call him an idiot when he can't answer.


You very well may be right. Either way, it worked out better than Ramos could have ever of hoped.


Also, I don't think I've seen the intensity of the anti Trump FB memes as high as I've seen from Latinos then I am seeing right now. It's a fever pitch. Even my non political friends from South America.

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This works out well for Trump in the primary as he gains support and works out even better for Ramos in that he virtually guarantees that Trumps support with Latinos will be the lowest in U.S. History if Trump were to Win the nomination which essentially means Trump would lose the election.


People have to keep in mind, Ramos above all else is an activist. His goal is to protect his constituencies special interests. He couldn't have scripted a better outcome. He gets Trump to tell him to "go back to Univision ". (Which was the jackpot for Ramos in that it appears that implied Go back to Mexico), then Trump gets his security to forcibly remove him which symbolized deportation. If you hear Ozy or Laura Ingrahm, Ann Coulter, Jesse Waters and all his cult like supporters in the comments section, that's how they viewed it as well and cheered it on. And of course that's how it was viewed through Univision and the rest of the Latino media.


I'm not gonna say that Ramos laid the trap and that Trump fell in it, I think it was more luck than anything else for Ramos. But he got what wanted. Those. 15 seconds are like gold for what he wants to achieve.

Anyone who saw that as Ramos being mistreated and Trump as racist is a !@#$ing moron.

You very well may be right. Either way, it worked out better than Ramos could have ever of hoped.


Also, I don't think I've seen the intensity of the anti Trump FB memes as high as I've seen from Latinos then I am seeing right now. It's a fever pitch. Even my non political friends from South America.

This does not speak well for Latinos. Edited by Rob's House
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So Donald Trump wants to raise taxes on hedge fund guys because they aren't paying their fair share.


How long until his "you didn't build that" speech??


I think his nominee for Treasury, Carl Icahn will take care of that.

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Anyone who saw that as Ramos being mistreated and Trump as racist is a !@#$ing moron.

This does not speak well for Latinos.

Anyone who doesn't see Trump's actions as xenophobic is a !@#$ing moron!!


And Trumps supporters don't speak well for white people.

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On a side note.


Unlike other Hispanic or Latino nonprofits, the LBA is a business-first group stocked with Republicans, a reflection of the influence of Cuban-Americans in Floridas most populous county, Miami-Dade, which has one of the largest foreign-born populations in the United States. The influential association is often a must-stop for presidential and gubernatorial candidates especially Republicans.

Cuban-Americans have a special pathway to legal residency in the United States due to the Cuban Adjustment Act, and so theyre not as affected by immigration policy as those who hail from other Latin American countries. However, the LBAs statement underscores how Latinos across the political spectrum have reacted to Trumps statements about immigration, which are primarily aimed at Mexican illegal immigrants.

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you, Trump told a mostly non-Hispanic white crowd at his presidential announcement earlier this summer. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


This is a republican leaning business group that is largely comprised of Cubans. Even many of the republican Latinos see Trumps comments, the people he has aligned himself with and his proposed policies for what they are. Even my Cuban friends here in Miami that tend to vote GOP are all aligned against him and when Trumps name is mentioned hes always the butt of a joke. If you are the GOP nominee, you have to decisively win the Cuban vote in order to win Florida. Romney last election according to exit polls barely won the Cuban vote, which typically vote GOP at about a 70% clip. If Romney had won what the GOP typically wins, he'd had won Florida. Not only would Trump not win the Cuban vote, but he'd be lucky to win 35%. If Florida goes down, the. that means a Democrat is back in the White House.



Oh, and on a non related note, Here is Palin's interview with Trump.


For your viewing pleasure.

Edited by Magox
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Anyone who doesn't see Trump's actions as xenophobic is a !@#$ing moron!!


Regardless of Trump, it's getting a little ridiculous here. It appears there U.S. a sizeable contingency of Latinos who so desperately want to be racial victims. And it appears they're anxious to annoint their own Am Sharpton.


Case in point: This little race baiting (*^*&%^$^#Ramos acts like a complete ass, Trump handles him appropriately, and as a result whiny pussies throughout the Latino communities are crying racism.


It's utterly pathetic. And calling others "xenophobic" is quickly becoming just another way of calling one's self a blow hard.


And you and others are the ones who keep saying he needs to cater to the double digit IQ crowd to avoid losing the Latino vote.

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