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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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presumably the bird carcasses would be fairly easy to quantify in and around turbines. scavengers could be factored in. it's really not difficult to study.


If it's so easy, why are they estimates estimates, that differ by three orders of magnitude?


That's why you're such an idiot on these topics: you have a willful lack of reading comprehension in assuming determinism where clearly none exists.

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Just maybe you missed the point. Obama signed off on allowing the Mexican truck drivers to deliver products into the US rather than having U.S. truck drivers move the goods from the border to the interior of the U.S. For sure that reduces U.S. jobs and there was concern that Mexican trucks are not maintained to the same standards as U.S. and that Mexican drivers are not trained as well. The article seems to say that safety hasn't been an issue, but we were pressured by the Mexican government to agree due to tariffs on US goods going into Mexico. Imagine that, the Mexican government putting some pressure on the US and us caving in to that.


You mean Obama finally relented on the basic terms that were agreed to in NAFTA two decades ago? How come there's no outrage over Canadian truckers on US roads?

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It's far less "science" than it is "wild-ass guesses." I can find "science" that show that windows kill more birds than every other cause combined. I found one estimate that natural gas production kills three billion birds annually. I found estimates for wind turbines that range from 10k to 4 million annually...and found one that claims that wind turbines disproportionately kill less plentiful and threatened predator species like golden eagles.


What you call "science" is nothing more than you cherry-picking random numbers to support your own bias.

Oh, so you are admitting that savings birds is a total bull sh:; issue in trying to stop wind power?

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If it's so easy, why are they estimates estimates, that differ by three orders of magnitude?


That's why you're such an idiot on these topics: you have a willful lack of reading comprehension in assuming determinism where clearly none exists.

firstly, you haven't linked to any of your sources. i'm particularly interested in the raptors claim. I've found national estimates of around 100 golden eagles in a year even at sites likely to be alarmist about this. secondly, even the highest estimates you quote pale in comparison to cat caused deaths of birds. it's still a 1000:1 ratio. given that, it would seem that turbines aren't a major threat to bird populations unless you propose that cats have recently had a huge population increase or have became 1000x more aggressive. as an aside, I had a dalmation once that killed birds occasionally. damndest thing. she would crawl on her belly apparently try to sneak up on them and occasionally get one. couldn't break her of it. getting eaten by a black and white spotted dog seems an evolutionary fail to me. maybe some bird population are destined for extinction based on natural selection alone.

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Trump wasn't talking about truck drivers, he was actually saying the Mexicans would illegally drive the cars here and then he doubled down and said they would sleep in the cars. Totally inanity

No he didn't, he simply made a joke about it. He said this


“Ford is building a $2.5 billion plant in Mexico,” [Trump] roared to a packed auditorium in Birch Run, Michigan, and 2,000 voices responded with lusty boos. “I’ll actually give them a good idea. Why don’t we just let the illegals drive the cars and trucks right into our country?


Given our border policies, it's not a stretch.


My point was that Mexicans very likely will be bringing the cars or parts into the country, except they will be on a truck. Trump actually seems to give a **** about jobs.



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I don't think they're using the climate change argument as a reason to expand government. I think you've got the cart before the horse. I think they're using an expanded government to solve a problem that may or may not be solvable.

That's what they claim, but it's not the reality of it. They propose massive expansion of government power purportedly to combat climate change. But the proposed policies do virtually nothing to accomplish the stated goal, but do quite a lot to advance socialism and redistribution.


I'm sure the true believers (useful idiots) have pure motives, but those advancing this from the top know what they're doing.

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That's what they claim, but it's not the reality of it. They propose massive expansion of government power purportedly to combat climate change. But the proposed policies do virtually nothing to accomplish the stated goal, but do quite a lot to advance socialism and redistribution.

I'm sure the true believers (useful idiots) have pure motives, but those advancing this from the top know what they're doing.


How does cap and trade--a Republican idea that worked with sulfur emissions--advance socialism and redistribution?

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You mean Obama finally relented on the basic terms that were agreed to in NAFTA two decades ago? How come there's no outrage over Canadian truckers on US roads?

We've had a different deal regarding shipping with Canada forever, way before NAFTA. Whether or not NAFTA as written is a good agreement would be a good debate.

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How does cap and trade--a Republican idea that worked with sulfur emissions--advance socialism and redistribution?


Any form of taxation can be argued as a form of redistribution. And it was partly a Repub idea, and a bad one at that.


I've always been a proponent of incentives rather than punitive forms of taxation to change behavior, with the exception of matters related to health.

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Any form of taxation can be argued as a form of redistribution. And it was partly a Repub idea, and a bad one at that.


I've always been a proponent of incentives rather than punitive forms of taxation to change behavior, with the exception of matters related to health.


So you're for the soda tax?

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Any form of taxation can be argued as a form of redistribution. And it was partly a Repub idea, and a bad one at that.


I've always been a proponent of incentives rather than punitive forms of taxation to change behavior, with the exception of matters related to health.

Sure, it can be. But I don't feel like we are really much more socialist since the cap and trade on sulfur helped out with the acid rain problem

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We've had a different deal regarding shipping with Canada forever, way before NAFTA. Whether or not NAFTA as written is a good agreement would be a good debate.


The goal of NAFTA was to equalize the terms, so yes Mexico was to get the same conditions as Canadians. We got comfortable with Canadian rigs on US roads, no reason standards should be different for Mexico, as long as the standards are consistent.


As for NAFTA itself, the data is always going to be inconclusive because you can point to US businesses closing and moving to Mexico, but you don't know whether those businesses would have remained in business without NAFTA. To me the bottom line, if there's going to be cross border outsourcing, I'd much rather it be in a neighboring friendly country than across the ocean in a geopolitical rival's country. Plus, if NAFTA lifts the standard of living in Mexico, that's one less incentive for them to seek out coyotes to smuggle them over the border.


See, things are never as simple as simpletons try to paint them as.

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So for the past month, a cartoon-like Manhattan real estate plutocrat has well-positioned himself to be the potential next President of the United States by sucking all the oxygen out of any room he is in, particularly as his churlish dowager opponent flails about while under FBI investigation.


Yesterday, a Democrat party activist for amnesty for illegal foreign immigrants attempted to hog the microphone at the cartoon zillionaire’s press conference, and today justifies his boorish actions by claiming, as Allahpundit paraphrases, “My ‘right’ to talk over other reporters and ask Trump grandstanding questions was trampled” when Trump’s security man had him temporarily removed from the press conference.



Also today in a far more sinister media development, “A disgruntled former news reporter who shot dead two of his ex-coworkers during a live TV segment this morning is in very critical condition after attempting to kill himself



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Yesterday, a Democrat party activist for amnesty for illegal foreign immigrants attempted to hog the microphone at the cartoon zillionaire’s press conference, and today justifies his boorish actions by claiming, as Allahpundit paraphrases, “My ‘right’ to talk over other reporters and ask Trump grandstanding questions was trampled” when Trump’s security man had him temporarily removed from the press conference.



I heard that press conference. The dumbass reporter tried to talk over everybody, then claims he was bullied. Every other reporter I've heard interviewed says that guy, not Trump, was the bully. And Trump was explicitly clear that he should "wait [his] turn" and be respectful of the other reporters there.


But, since Trump told the Univision reporter to "go back to Univision," that reporter got the anti-Latino slur he was looking for.

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