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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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I read an interesting article according to insiders of how things played out between Trump and Ailes.


Let's see, who is gonna be around longer? Kelly as a successful TV anchor or Trump as a successful politician? I know where my money would be.


Trumps scorched earth idiocy will ultimately be his downfall.


Ever notice who he spends all his time attacking? If only he'd attack his opponents with the same ridiculous venom.


But he won't, because he knows if he spends all his time attacking Hillary, Bernie, O'Malley and Obama policies...the media will turn him off.

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Way to walk into the trap into this debate. If you had been paying attention, the goal is to reform immigration such that there will be much less incentive for illegal immigration to continue. But keep pretending that a fence will cure the issue.


How is Trump going to secure thousands of miles of coastline even if he's successful in building the fence?



None of my friends that came here illegally would have been stopped because of a wall. Not a single one of them. Most of them basically applied for work visas to work in the Bahamas, the plane trip from Bolivia to the Bahamas stops in Miami. From there they stay here.


The best way to control illegal immigration is cracking down on the employers. Because that IS the reason why the vast majority of illegal immigrants come, which is to work. Crack down on the employers and you will cut off the flow of illegal immigration.

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lol, economic conservatism. I completely disagree with what you said before about how the GOP should only focus on economic issues. You guys can't even convince America to understand that the minimum wage is bad and that raising it is even worse. The minimum wage should've been abolished years ago if economic messaging were persuasive with the populace.


No, the way to win national elections is to energize your base, the way Trump is doing with his nationalism. There is more than one candidate out of the 17 that are running that will energize the base, btw. It remains to be seen whether the GOP Establishment will pivot to those candidates to try to unite the party.


Nobody wants Jeb, and he will not win a general election. Jeb is also not an "economic conservative":








As long as you bring up Michelle Malkin into the picture.


But yes, let's trash Bush's record but hold up Trump as the conservative role model. So far, the nativists are twisted up in gatorific contortions of logical leaps to justify

their love affair with Trumpism.


So I'll ask again, what makes Trump a conservative?

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Trumps scorched earth idiocy will ultimately be his downfall.


Ever notice who he spends all his time attacking? If only he'd attack his opponents with the same ridiculous venom.


But he won't, because he knows if he spends all his time attacking Hillary, Bernie, O'Malley and Obama policies...the media will turn him off.



You are right. Look at how he goes after his opponents. Remember you, GG and I were talking about him being a plant for Hillary. Honestly, I don't believe that, but this is better than what she could have possibly concocted. Which is to gain support of a good portion of the base, have them abandon their core principles and turn into quasi big government liberals who are ok with raising taxes, taking people's property for the "greater good", huge government spending etc etc. Then have his cult like followers then endorse white identity politics, and attempt to have them turn on FOX news.


He is a liberal's wet dream.

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Yes, the Nationalist parties are doing sooo well in Europe and is destined to do well in a country likes ours where whites will become the minority in just 20 short years. :lol:


It's about the direction of the arrow, not where the arrow currently sits. Those parties went from like 5% to 20% in a short time. Within 15 years, Marine Le Pen will be president of France, imo.



Trumps scorched earth idiocy will ultimately be his downfall.


Ever notice who he spends all his time attacking? If only he'd attack his opponents with the same ridiculous venom.


But he won't, because he knows if he spends all his time attacking Hillary, Bernie, O'Malley and Obama policies...the media will turn him off.


Trump has attacked Hillary and Obama plenty. He also called Bernie weak. O'Malley is irrelevant. And the media loves the ratings boost from Trump, so I don't see the tap getting turne off.

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It's about the direction of the arrow, not where the arrow currently sits. Those parties went from like 5% to 20% in a short time. Within 15 years, Marine Le Pen will be president of France, imo.



Trump has attacked Hillary and Obama plenty. He also called Bernie weak. O'Malley is irrelevant. And the media loves the ratings boost from Trump, so I don't see the tap getting turne off.


You are one delusional pup.

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You are right. Look at how he goes after his opponents. Remember you, GG and I were talking about him being a plant for Hillary. Honestly, I don't believe that, but this is better than what she could have possibly concocted. Which is to gain support of a good portion of the base, have them abandon their core principles and turn into quasi big government liberals who are ok with raising taxes, taking people's property for the "greater good", huge government spending etc etc. Then have his cult like followers then endorse white identity politics, and attempt to have them turn on FOX news.


Actually, his tax plan is going to be released soon, and it will probably be similar to the plan he proposed in his book from 2011. Major cuts to income and corporate tax




Please try to become more informed about our presidential candidates. Low-information voters won't help make our country great again.



As long as you bring up Michelle Malkin into the picture.


But yes, let's trash Bush's record but hold up Trump as the conservative role model. So far, the nativists are twisted up in gatorific contortions of logical leaps to justify

their love affair with Trumpism.


So I'll ask again, what makes Trump a conservative?


Asked and answered. Why do you continue with the strawman that Trump is a conservative. I've already called him a moderate.

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Actually, his tax plan is going to be released soon, and it will probably be similar to the plan he proposed in his book from 2011. Major cuts to income and corporate tax




Please try to become more informed about our presidential candidates. Low-information voters won't help make our country great again.



Asked and answered. Why do you continue with the strawman that Trump is a conservative. I've already called him a moderate.


What color is the kettle, again?


Trump is a moderate weathervane.

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The interesting thing is that I think there's a decent chance Malkin will vote for Trump. As all long-time readers of Malkin know, she's a border hawk.


Magox, since you love Domenech opinions so much, check this out: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/08/24/is-ted-cruz-the-new-frontrunner-for-the-nomination/


That is the end-game I'm hoping for, but I know the GOP is too stupid to do it. They're going to shove Jeb down our throats and have him get trounced in the general elections.

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Trump has attacked Hillary and Obama plenty. He also called Bernie weak. O'Malley is irrelevant. And the media loves the ratings boost from Trump, so I don't see the tap getting turne off.


You have plenty of people firing at you, and my current workload doesn't permit my piling on, but I spend more than my fair share of time reading the news and the only thing that readers see is his attacks on what is supposed to be his own party.


If he were near as smart as he thinks he is, he'd shut up and listen to the way Carly Fiorina handles things. When she rises up the ranks in the next few months, he's going to have to do more than call her a pig or suggest he'd like to see her on her knees.


Her discussion with Couric on global warming cooling climate change is making the rounds lately, and it's simply brilliant. Spend 5 minutes to see how you get a point across.


Edited by LABillzFan
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None of my friends that came here illegally would have been stopped because of a wall. Not a single one of them. Most of them basically applied for work visas to work in the Bahamas, the plane trip from Bolivia to the Bahamas stops in Miami. From there they stay here.


The best way to control illegal immigration is cracking down on the employers. Because that IS the reason why the vast majority of illegal immigrants come, which is to work. Crack down on the employers and you will cut off the flow of illegal immigration.


And the first crackdown on employers seems to be to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. :lol:

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Actually, his tax plan is going to be released soon, and it will probably be similar to the plan he proposed in his book from 2011. Major cuts to income and corporate tax




Please try to become more informed about our presidential candidates. Low-information voters won't help make our country great again.



Asked and answered. Why do you continue with the strawman that Trump is a conservative. I've already called him a moderate.



You are the epitome of what a low-information voter looks like.

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If he were near as smart as he thinks he is, he'd shut up and listen to the way Carly Fiorina handles things.


Her discussion with Couric on global warming cooling climate change is making the rounds lately, and it's simply brilliant. Spend 5 minutes to see how you get a point across.



I've already seen this, and it's great. Have you seen the one where Fiorina leaves Chris Matthews speechless with a vicious attack on Hillary? Love that one, too.


Trump can't talk like a Cruz (who also did great with Couric) or Fiorina. It's not in his toolbox. If he tries to emulate, it will backfire.

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You have plenty of people firing at you, and my current workload doesn't permit my piling on, but I spend more than my fair share of time reading the news and the only thing that readers see is his attacks on what is supposed to be his own party.


If he were near as smart as he thinks he is, he'd shut up and listen to the way Carly Fiorina handles things. When she rises up the ranks in the next few months, he's going to have to do more than call her a pig or suggest he'd like to see her on her knees.


Her discussion with Couric on global warming cooling climate change is making the rounds lately, and it's simply brilliant. Spend 5 minutes to see how you get a point across.


you're joking right? clean coal and slaughtering eagles? the coal biz has been destroyed by market pressure. adding the cost of making it burn "clean" isn't going to help. and the eagle population is higher than since 1930. saw a bald eagle while I was fishing the other day. fellow anglers tell me they see them all the time. this is new.


and cleaning up the environment isn't all or nothing. because china doesn't do it, we shouldn't either. what bs logic.

Edited by birdog1960
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you're joking right? clean coal and slaughtering eagles? the coal biz has been destroyed by market pressure. adding the cost of making it burn "clean" isn't going to help. and the eagle population is higher than since 1930. saw a bald eagle while I was fishing the other day. fellow anglers tell me they see them all the time. this is new.


and cleaning up the environment isn't all or nothing. because china doesn't do it, we shouldn't either. what bs logic.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she wasn't trying to get her message across to folks like you who are clamoring for the next US president to be a socialist, so relax.

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you're joking right? clean coal and slaughtering eagles? the coal biz has been destroyed by market pressure. adding the cost of making it burn "clean" isn't going to help. and the eagle population is higher than since 1930. saw a bald eagle while I was fishing the other day. fellow anglers tell me they see them all the time. this is new.


and cleaning up the environment isn't all or nothing. because china doesn't do it, we shouldn't either. what bs logic.

The argument is not the straw man you're presenting; the argument is that, even if HIGW is real, our introduction of ridgid environmental protection policies won't make a dent given both China and India entering their industrial revolutions while not embracing similar policies which they haven't and won't. All it will do is decimate our economy while not impacting the environment.
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you're joking right? clean coal and slaughtering eagles? the coal biz has been destroyed by market pressure. adding the cost of making it burn "clean" isn't going to help. and the eagle population is higher than since 1930. saw a bald eagle while I was fishing the other day. fellow anglers tell me they see them all the time. this is new.


and cleaning up the environment isn't all or nothing. because china doesn't do it, we shouldn't either. what bs logic.



Mighty environmentally friendly off you. Who cares about a million birds or so?

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Way to walk into the trap into this debate. If you had been paying attention, the goal is to reform immigration such that there will be much less incentive for illegal immigration to continue. But keep pretending that a fence will cure the issue.


How is Trump going to secure thousands of miles of coastline even if he's successful in building the fence?

Trap? Hardly. Where have I ever said a fence will cure the issue? My position on illegal immigration is not known by anyone here as I have never posted it. I've simply commented on other people's position. As for the answer to your silly question, I think Trump or anyone else serious about securing the border understands that simply building a fence and walking away is not going to do it. Others running for President would take a different approach (and they have said so) which would use more technology and law enforcement. There are probably several approaches that can work.

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The interesting thing is that I think there's a decent chance Malkin will vote for Trump. As all long-time readers of Malkin know, she's a border hawk.


Magox, since you love Domenech opinions so much, check this out: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/08/24/is-ted-cruz-the-new-frontrunner-for-the-nomination/


That is the end-game I'm hoping for, but I know the GOP is too stupid to do it. They're going to shove Jeb down our throats and have him get trounced in the general elections.

I don't think Jeb is going anywhere even with the party leadership firmly behind him. He seems like a very good and competent man but I don't think he is charismatic enough to overcome the large field of candidates in most of the primaries.

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