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The GOP Nomination--The Donald and So Much More!

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The republicunt party is full of racists who go to bed every night worried they may wake up to find they are a minority and may be treated like they treat minorities. That's what a third of your party is about, then there's a third who believe the great sky daddy is watching their every move just waiting to punish them if they don't do their best to enforce bronze age wisdom on everyone- the rest are just sociopaths.

Remind me again why folks who actually think like this are fit, in any way, to represent conservatives at the government level. All you've done here is reinforce my point that it's long past time to split this country up.


Why is it that there isn't a single liberal poster here capable of posting something well-reasoned and worthy of discussion? I know that these people exist, I've met a few.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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The republicunt party is full of racists who go to bed every night worried they may wake up to find they are a minority and may be treated like they treat minorities. That's what a third of your party is about, then there's a third who believe the great sky daddy is watching their every move just waiting to punish them if they don't do their best to enforce bronze age wisdom on everyone- the rest are just sociopaths.



You sound like a very angry, bitter old white dude.

Edited by Magox
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Chris Cilizza, writing in the Washington Post, demonstrates just how wrong the assessment is by some that Trump is the creature of racists and various other nutjobs.

Donald Trump leads the Republican 2016 field in a
. But that’s not the real story.


The real story is contained deeper in the poll. In May, when the Register last polled, 27 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus-goers viewed Trump favorably while 63 percent regarded him unfavorably. In the new poll, which was released Saturday night, Trump’s favorable number is at 61 percent and his unfavorable at 35 percent.


Numbers just don’t reverse themselves like that in the space of a few months (or ever). Especially when the politician in question is totally known by the electorate. Once you are both totally known and broadly disliked — as Trump was in May both in Iowa and everywhere else — you are doomed. One hundred times out of one hundred.


That’s why I was SO certain of Trump’s inability to matter at all in the 2016 race when he, somewhat stunningly, decided to enter it 70-odd days ago. In the almost 20 years — gulp — I have spent following politics closer than close, I’ve never seen anything like the total reversal in how Trump is perceived by Republican voters. It is, quite literally, unprecedented.





Taken together, these polls shows the GOP establishment has two real problems. First, nearly two thirds of the base (and I am using Iowa GOP caucus goers as a proxy for the GOP base) have had it with anyone associated with the GOP establishment or leadership. Second, at least in Iowa, Trump is not fading. The more people see him the more favorable their opinion.


Even if Trump does fade, his voters are not going to Jeb Bush or John Kasich. The same applies to Carson and Fiorina and Cruz voters. And if any of the latter three fall out before Trump, the odds of him winning the nomination grow exponentially.

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who said they did?


lol, yeah, the Jews are doing horribly in this country.


btw, since we're all Bills fans, have you noticed how pretty much all of TSW wanted either Tyrod or EJ to start at QB instead of Cassel? including all of the racist Republicans from PPP.


why would that be? especially at a thinking man's position like QB? you would think we would all opt for the white guy since we're racists

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Chris Cilizza, writing in the Washington Post, demonstrates just how wrong the assessment is by some that Trump is the creature of racists and various other nutjobs.

Donald Trump leads the Republican 2016 field in a
. But that’s not the real story.


The real story is contained deeper in the poll. In May, when the Register last polled, 27 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus-goers viewed Trump favorably while 63 percent regarded him unfavorably. In the new poll, which was released Saturday night, Trump’s favorable number is at 61 percent and his unfavorable at 35 percent.


Numbers just don’t reverse themselves like that in the space of a few months (or ever). Especially when the politician in question is totally known by the electorate. Once you are both totally known and broadly disliked — as Trump was in May both in Iowa and everywhere else — you are doomed. One hundred times out of one hundred.


That’s why I was SO certain of Trump’s inability to matter at all in the 2016 race when he, somewhat stunningly, decided to enter it 70-odd days ago. In the almost 20 years — gulp — I have spent following politics closer than close, I’ve never seen anything like the total reversal in how Trump is perceived by Republican voters. It is, quite literally, unprecedented.





Taken together, these polls shows the GOP establishment has two real problems. First, nearly two thirds of the base (and I am using Iowa GOP caucus goers as a proxy for the GOP base) have had it with anyone associated with the GOP establishment or leadership. Second, at least in Iowa, Trump is not fading. The more people see him the more favorable their opinion.


Even if Trump does fade, his voters are not going to Jeb Bush or John Kasich. The same applies to Carson and Fiorina and Cruz voters. And if any of the latter three fall out before Trump, the odds of him winning the nomination grow exponentially.



Before Trump really declared, he was somewhere around the 2% area. When he made his xenophobic opening salvo, his support went up to around the 12% area. From there he went into a nationalistic tone about China, Mexico, Japan all stealing our jobs etc. That bumped him up some more and then his general non pc approach and taking on the establishment has gotten him a little higher.


So, I'd say about 30% of his supporters are nativists which is the base of his support, another 30% are drawn to his no BS/ celibrity approach and the rest are what I believe is the anti establishment crowd.

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The republicunt party is full of racists who go to bed every night worried they may wake up to find they are a minority and may be treated like they treat minorities. That's what a third of your party is about, then there's a third who believe the great sky daddy is watching their every move just waiting to punish them if they don't do their best to enforce bronze age wisdom on everyone- the rest are just sociopaths.

Isn't it time to drop the term minority altogether? Who is a minority these days anyway? Aren't those that are referred to as minorities tired of being called that? Isn't the term "minority" itself a bit demeaning?

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Isn't it time to drop the term minority altogether? Who is a minority these days anyway? Aren't those that are referred to as minorities tired of being called that? Isn't the term "minority" itself a bit demeaning?



I think you're on to something Faith









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Isn't it time to drop the term minority altogether? Who is a minority these days anyway? Aren't those that are referred to as minorities tired of being called that? Isn't the term "minority" itself a bit demeaning?

The dems in Congress. Let's keep it that way.

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The dems in Congress. Let's keep it that way.

Amen. Am I still allowed to say that?


We just need a good conservative man or woman in the white house at the same time and then we can lay bets on whether the Republican party will do some good or screw up in epic fashion. Some day I'm going to write the book titled "the Party in Power Almost Always Screws Up".

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The republicunt party is full of racists who go to bed every night worried they may wake up to find they are a minority and may be treated like they treat minorities. That's what a third of your party is about, then there's a third who believe the great sky daddy is watching their every move just waiting to punish them if they don't do their best to enforce bronze age wisdom on everyone- the rest are just sociopaths.


Wow. That's quite the rant. Republicunts. Racists. Sky daddy. Sociopaths.


You're like a birdog wrapped in a Kafka, stuffed in a baskin, and dunked in a gatorman.


But hey..look on the bright side. After seven years running the most powerful country in the world -- including two years with full control of all the WH, House and Senate -- you've gotta be happy that Obama's legacy will come down to a Jeopardy question about Mt McKinley, amirite? :lol:

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But hey..look on the bright side. After seven years running the most powerful country in the world -- including two years with full control of all the WH, House and Senate -- you've gotta be happy that Obama's legacy will come down to a Jeopardy question about Mt McKinley, amirite? :lol:


That's not fair. There were beers on the White House lawn. That's TWO Jeopardy questions.

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