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Anyone ever get fired or quit

Ice bowl 67

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Laid off once for a seasonal job over email. I was issued bc I was going to be at work in 18 hours. This couldn't be a face to convo? Then they asked me to work for two weeks after that, which obviously was not awkward at all. They called me a few months later and asked me to come back because the people they kept weren't working out. I told them no since I was getting my masters, lady bout dropped the phone.


Quit wegmans after working there for 6 years. I had just finished a year long internship and had my bachelors. Before I quit I asked if I could be put into a management program. Nope, Helping Hands.


I said no, signed my resignation and walked out


My current position doesn't seem to be a good fit right now so this list may get longer

Edited by Captain Hindsight
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It will work out eventually. Good things happen to good people.


I was let go after 18 years. I knew I was overpaid and I knew it would come to an end someday via layoff.


Was unemployed for 3 months, but could not collect because I got a 19-week severance package; took a sales job to get some money flow, which was good flow, but I knew I'd be up against my own numbers in a year, so I began looking for something more my style as soon as I got there. It lasted about 9 months and I made decent money, as well as some very good friends.


Landed my current gig in early February agreeing to take less than what I was asking for. I figured I could prove my worth and things would work out. It worked out well and I couldn't be happier.


Good luck, man. I'm sure things will go equally as well.

Screwing you would be telling you to leave.


I am doing just fine. Thanks for the kind thoughts!


Sorry if it came across as a negative post.

At one time in the past, some of the "millennials" were ragging on the "boomers" for ruining their lives. :w00t:

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1988--I was working for a sporting goods store as a part time job while in high school. I was informed I would be working on Sunday which was very unusual. I informed my boss I would not be working as the Bills were playing the Bucs at 1pm and home field advantage for the Bills was potentially on the line. I was informed I would 'no longer have a job.'


Being a purely psychotic Bills fan, I said 'fair enough' and finished my shift and was 'done' with that job after nearly two years. The boss called the next day and said he would put a TV in the back room and I could 'check' it from time to time if I agreed to come to work. I did return but I probably cost the Bills the super bowl that year. They lost to the Vinnie and the Bucs...Cinci got home field advantage and the rest is history.


If only I had stuck it out for the team. :bag:

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Just happened to me in January..spent the last 24 years working as a neuroscientist at a very well known pharmaceutical company...they "restructured" the department and a lot of us with the most experience were let go. It was out of the blue, never saw it coming. I got over a years severance, health care and unemployment for 6 months. Not bad...plus I turned 55 last year so I can do early retirement, pension, health care...but I'm not ready to be retired. I do realize now, after no replies from numerous job applications that I am totally qualified for, that the market for 55+ year old neuroscientists is dismal. However, it does look like I will have an upcoming interview with another company in the Midwest (I contacted an old colleague of mine who is now a senior director), they invited me to apply for an open position, they said they'll contact me in a few weeks when they start scheduling interviews. I'm hoping this will pan out, I don't want to be washed up at 55. :death:


Struggling with "reinventing" (aka less pay) or continuing down the same path. It's the first time in over 40 years I don't have a job...I always "quit" to move on to better things...now I was kicked to the curb. Those bastards!! :lol: I gotta get a job, these honey do lists are killing me. :thumbdown:


From the other side...


We contract out a lot of work every year ($200m), including scientists, engineers and many other skills.


This work is VERY complex and detailed, so we need to see people who have extensive experience.


The contract companies that we hire promise us experienced people, but they always try to push young, inexperienced people on us. They negotiate a price for experts, but instead give us millennials.


We yell at these companies and end up terminating their contract. And the companies yell at us (seriously), saying that their work is "good enough".


Ageism is really a large problem out there today.

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From the other side...


We contract out a lot of work every year ($200m), including scientists, engineers and many other skills.


This work is VERY complex and detailed, so we need to see people who have extensive experience.


The contract companies that we hire promise us experienced people, but they always try to push young, inexperienced people on us. They negotiate a price for experts, but instead give us millennials.


We yell at these companies and end up terminating their contract. And the companies yell at us (seriously), saying that their work is "good enough".


Ageism is really a large problem out there today.

Doesn't sound like ageism is the problem. Sounds like the bottom line is the problem.


Is the work good enough? Sounds like the old gov't saying: "Close enough for gov't work."

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I was working as a waiter in my early twenties while trying to land a better job, and got called to come in on my day off. The manager told me there was a complaint about me, but wouldn't share any other info about it and told me I was suspended for the week. I used the week to kick my job search into over drive and found something much much better. I kept things cordial with the old restaurant, because I didn't know how things would work out, but here I am still working at the new company 10 years later.

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Doesn't sound like ageism is the problem. Sounds like the bottom line is the problem.


Is the work good enough? Sounds like the old gov't saying: "Close enough for gov't work."

It's ageism...I've heard from headhunters that a lot of companies will look at my years of experience and toss the CV in the trash because I'm over 50...one of the people at our state unemployment office said the exact same thing. He said he was shocked I haven't gotten one call from companies based on my CV, said ageism is real and a huge obstacle.

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It's ageism...I've heard from headhunters that a lot of companies will look at my years of experience and toss the CV in the trash because I'm over 50...one of the people at our state unemployment office said the exact same thing. He said he was shocked I haven't gotten one call from companies based on my CV, said ageism is real and a huge obstacle.

Yes... I guess you are right. Yet, bottom line too and some many other things. We are having the problem here. We need young and strong. I started when I was 23... I am 47 now, I can still do everything and will be able to hopefully until I retire. BUT, as we fill the ranks w/older, it is getting hard to finish the mission. This past winter shutdown was brutal @ times w/an older crew. Some of the young guys on work crew were like "Energizer Bunnies!" Older people complain more, especially in manual labor trades and they have a higher wage. Then on top of it, everybody wants to call the shots. Sorry, if I am coming off as age biased, but in some trades it really has an effect on the mission. Now, what do you do with the older ones that "paid their dues" for decades w/loyalty. Thank God I work for the gov't where there are stricter (well I hope) EEO standards against ageism. Now, hire a 60 year old retired Vet to come in and start right off the bat from that age is seriously effecting the mission. They just can't carry their weight and haven't been around through the years @ the place to get the benny of doubt. What happened to you is bad... You devoted and paid your dues to that company and they tossed you out.

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