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Anyone ever get fired or quit

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Sure, when I was much younger I worked at a Wendy's when I went to college. I had an early class test at 7am so I wanted to go home after work and get some sleep. My manager tells me that he wants me to stay after closing to help clean the vents near the intake by the grill. I told him no b.c I was never scheduled to do it and I have a big test tomorrow early. He said I don't care you will be staying g till this place is as clean as I want it. So 9pm came around and I went on break, then never came back. I don't ever know who stayed to clean those vents and I will never care.

Edited by Beef Jerky
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Haha, just did so, but not in an angry huff. Went to work for a good friend December 13, let him know early February I was going to be leaving. I was not 100% committed , and he deserved that.



He asked I stay till end of QTR, which I did , but now still looking for next role. Even at 52, I am looking at roles completely outside of what I who've done in career to date. Fug it, I look like 35 LOL

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I was "fired" once, 15 years ago. I say "fired" in quotes, because the company didn't want to call it that. It was for no reason other than the CEO having a strong dislike for me (for reasons no one ever figured out). They were trying to get me to quit ("constructive dismissal" - rather illegal), then tried to argue non-performance (a month after a stellar performance review), then tried to fire me because of bipolar disorder (highly illegal). That's when I threatened them with legal action...and that's when they finally came to their senses and said "Hey, we're in an at-will state, we don't need to invent a reason to fire him." They did, however, have to pay me a year's severance to keep me from suing them. :D


Then, two weeks later, they laid off half the company, with no severance. I left with a stupid amount of money, because they couldn't wait two weeks.

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Haha, just did so, but not in an angry huff. Went to work for a good friend December 13, let him know early February I was going to be leaving. I was not 100% committed , and he deserved that.

He asked I stay till end of QTR, which I did , but now still looking for next role. Even at 52, I am looking at roles completely outside of what I who've done in career to date. Fug it, I look like 75. Lol.

Fixed the age for you. Knew it was a miss print.

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A job? How bout walk out and tell them off? Anyone have any stories?

Got let go a month after talking to President of company when I heard rumor of layoffs; he felt bad laying me off but he promised new Software VP carte blanch powers and I was given a choice - resign and be on payroll for 2 months with full benefits or be laid off. I chose to resign. Later VP barely managed to keep job after Software department almost collapsed and his hand chosen manager was fired by President.


On the way home I stopped by a place to have my resume professionally printed (before current internet) and person who did printing asked me if everything on resume was fact (it was, I had 4 1/2 years of experience on it). He was a recruiter too and he said if I interviewed for a position he had open to fill he would do resume for free. So on Monday after Friday I was laid off I interviewed and offered job on the spot. So I went from job to job with no time off after being let go.

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Wal Mart in Hamburg. This was back like senior year of high school, Freshman year of college. I was already on a warning, because someones candy got stuck in the vending machine, and I tried nudging it with my shoulder. When that didn't work, I took a running start. Went through the machine. Got the candy though.


Then about a month later, I was out getting carts. We both saw a scooter and wanted to ride it back. We both ran for the scooter at the same time, and the carts hit a car. Young and dumb.

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I actually quit over the Bills once. I was young, working at Ames Dept. store. It was a Sunday and I was the electronics dept. guy. I had the Bills game on. My boss told me I had to turn it off. I told her I don’t need this. I left and never came back. Finished watching the game at home.

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I've never been fired, but in my younger days I had the pleasure of telling a couple a-hole bosses where to stick it.


That's one of the few things I miss from my youth--the freedom to say FUGGIT, because there's not so much to lose.

Edited by Cugalabanza
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I actually got an email a couple minutes ago from someone walking away. It was a very bitter email, talking about having a lot of family issues and HR/the company not offering enough assistance. It came out of left field for me as this person has been someone I've always found to be very helpful with things.

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I worked in a call center as head trainer and held that job for many years. The company itself was a joke and literally hired anyone who applied. The quality of employees was beyond sad.


Having said that an employee who did not like me in training made a false claim to corporate HR and I had to go on a conference call and explain my side. After pretty much saying that the employee’s story was a complete fabrication I was written up and given a “final” warning and was told by my boss that “if I get 1 more complaint about you in the next year I’m going to have to fire you”


I went home that night, told my wife who started helping me look for a new job.


I found one about a month later for a lot more money.


I went into my bosses office, gave her my 2 weeks resignation notice and she had the nerve to say the following…


“I’m shocked by this”

“I wish you had given me more than 2 weeks so I can get a replacement”

And my favorite..


“I had high hopes and big plans for you”


I told her there was no way I was going to stay at a place that would take the word of an employee with no proof or any evidence and also threatened to fire me if any employee complained about me again.


I heard months later that the employee who made the complaint about me was fired so I found that ironic



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You haven't worked in radio until you've been fired. In the 80's in Texas I was fired on my last day at a station for playing one non-format Doors song on my show. I was leaving for a new gig anyway. It was also the first day of the new PD's job and he wanted to show everyone what a badass he was. The d-bag even called my new boss to badmouth me.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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