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Have we talked about Buffalo being one of worst sports logos


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I've always refered to the team in Washington as the "Washington Proud Indiginous Yet Oppressed People Native To This Land Before The White Man Took Its."


I refer to them as the Deadskins or the Foreskins. To each his or her own... 0:)

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Is the Bills logo perfect? Would it make the top ten? No, but I don't think it's as bad as the article makes out. Also, the Titans' logo is ill, and even if you don't like the Rays' one, to say it's a step back from what they had before is just false. I completely agree with Carolina being #1.

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Do the Bills not already have enough of an identity crisis without changing the logo?


We really need to find better things to talk about in the off-season. Hopefully the FO is concentrating on personnel matters.


BTW, if the FO were to announce new logos, it would be a sure sign the personnel picture just went to crap.

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I like the Bills logo and uniforms... the color scheme is great and they are pretty simple overall.


Jacksonville has hideous "modern" uniforms. Ditto for Tampa Bay. Everything Nike touches with these re-designs turns to crap, IMO.


The Bills uniforms are perfect right now.


I agree. They look great on a nice sunny day at the Ralph, too. What shade of blue would you call it that they use? It's really unique compared to all the other teams'.

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All these "modern" concepts are just gross... who actually thought the Jaguars uniforms looked good? It's actually hard to watch them play both from a talent standpoint and those awful half-painted helmets!


And Tampa.... wow are those hideous! Stripes and triangles all over the place... it's like someone with ADD designed these.

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I want Nike out of the NFL design business. They have really put a hurting on NCAA Football. Ruined so many classic looks. Cant tell who is playing who anymore. Went to an Eastern Michigan game and they were wearing like gold/chrome helmets. Next step will be see-through helmets. Everyone has like 10 uniforms and most of them are nowhere near as awesome as the original look.



One thing the NFL has done right... is keep the uniforms relatively untouched, classic, and the same. Especially compared to other sports, save maybe MLB.

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I want Nike out of the NFL design business. They have really put a hurting on NCAA Football. Ruined so many classic looks. Cant tell who is playing who anymore. Went to an Eastern Michigan game and they were wearing like gold/chrome helmets. Next step will be see-through helmets. Everyone has like 10 uniforms and most of them are nowhere near as awesome as the original look.



One thing the NFL has done right... is keep the uniforms relatively untouched, classic, and the same. Especially compared to other sports, save maybe MLB.


This is great and all but some designs need an update like the Browns, and not just a brighter color. I think a new logo would revitalize that fan base, but then again it isn't my team so what do I know.


http://i.imgur.com/w1rCbYN.jpgI think this one looks great and would give the Browns an identity. I know they aren't the "dawgs" but still something besides the Browns and a logoless logo. The identity of the team gets lost when it is named after a person that I would bet most Brown's fans couldn't accurately remember.

Edited by What a Tuel
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