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Head Coach candidate: Mike Shanahan


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I agree - I think Schwartz will only stay if the pick is someone like Shanny - he lets the DC run their own ship which would mean no change in scheme. He also has a track record for developing a running game and until RGIII power played him with the goof Snyder did a good job maximizing his strengths which are similar to EJs


Didnt he draft Cutler? If I remember that was part of the issue between mcDaniels and Cutler was that he was Shanny's guy -

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Shanahan would probably be best case scenario. Keep Schwartz and defense in tact. Bring Shanahan aboard and you gotta think he'd fix offense. Cutler or Bradford more likely if Shanahan is here.

Just as important as finding head coach or maybe moreso is how we're gonna improve QB situation. Bradford and Cutler, with their horrible contracts, are basically free agents. Gotta think at least one of those guys would prefer playing for Shanahan over their current situation.

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I think, and hope, this one falls into the Pegulas interviewing as many candidates as they can and learning what top minds in the league feel about their players. Hopefully they go into these meetings with open minds and just listen. If Shanny blows them away they consider everything, including what we all know about his past successes and failures.

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Shanahan's a good choice,


but i still think EJ's career is savlagable in a system that limits the need to hit receivers coming out of their break - and Shanahan's timed passing game would demand that.

now on the positive side, the man knows how to install the zone blocking running game that i covet for the Bills. so there's that..

and his seasons in DC have shown him and the rest of the league that the read option should only be taken in doses - but he did have it working for awhile - and that's pretty good for an older coach... shows he keeps his head in the game..

if he were willing to teach our strong armed QBand gifted receivers how to exploit defenses by going north and south, and limit the need to throw precision passes, yeah - i'd like that.


the only other concern would be how any HC signing impacts our D and our DC. those guys are close to being elite, and i'd bring in a HS coach with a good head on his shoulders to coordinate our O, before doing anything to upset that side of the ball.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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LOL, a 2 time Superbowl winning coach criticized by Buffalo fans who will probably end up with some bright young assistant is very entertaining




John Elway is not on the roster. Any coach we bring in is set up to fail right now. Who care how many super bowls they have. In fact I would say thats a negative. The fact that he has rings makes it a lot easier to give up. i.e Parcells, Jimmy Johnson, Gibbs

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I don't hate the idea, as long as he doesn't bring his kid along. He knows offensive football and his experience in Washington may have knocked some of the arrogance out of him. The fact that he could not coexist with Snyder and RGIII is not necessarily a strike against him.

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Now you know why we finish 6-10 almost every year :cry:

Shanahan would have this team 1-15. This guys doesn't look like a respected coach anymore. I think his views are outdated and that is why he doesn't work in the NFL anymore.

Edited by Beef Jerky
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I imagine they're going to contact and interview just about every potential candidate out there.


Now... If you believe the rumors about Whaley not listening to his HC, how do you think that plays out with Shan-I-want-my-Han-in-everything?

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