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Multiple Reports : Pegula IS the new owner


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How he kept this mess from falling apart god only knows.........


We need to retain him......and Whaley


How did he keep it from falling apart? That's easy...




Russ Brandon has a Svengali-like hold on us as he deliberately seeks to save money by fielding the least competitive team possible all the while telling us all that we are Superbowl bound! I am SO mad at him because he had MADE be by those tickets and merchandise!



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Let me ask the pro-Brandon crowd a different question, if the Pegulas fire him, would you be mad at the Pegulas or accept it as simply that they want to start fresh with their own guys ?


I'm sure it wouldn't be positioned that way in the press, probably more like a mutual decision.


I realize that Brandon is very polarizing on these boards, while everyone seems to love T Pegs (at least for now), so, if the new owner, whom you love, fires the CEO, whom you love, how do you feel toward the Pegulas ?

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Let me ask the pro-Brandon crowd a different question, if the Pegulas fire him, would you be mad at the Pegulas or accept it as simply that they want to start fresh with their own guys ?


I'm sure it wouldn't be positioned that way in the press, probably more like a mutual decision.


I realize that Brandon is very polarizing on these boards, while everyone seems to love T Pegs (at least for now), so, if the new owner, whom you love, fires the CEO, whom you love, how do you feel toward the Pegulas ?


Nobody, pro or anti Brandon (to use your phrase), is gonna be mad at the Pegulas if they decide to let Russ go. I'll wish him well as he gets on with the next chapter in his life.


The Pegulas have many reasons to keep him aboard though, especially in the short term. You may want to brace yourself.



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Let me ask the pro-Brandon crowd a different question, if the Pegulas fire him, would you be mad at the Pegulas or accept it as simply that they want to start fresh with their own guys ?


I'm sure it wouldn't be positioned that way in the press, probably more like a mutual decision.


I realize that Brandon is very polarizing on these boards, while everyone seems to love T Pegs (at least for now), so, if the new owner, whom you love, fires the CEO, whom you love, how do you feel toward the Pegulas ?

I'd think that it was a mistake (and a big one). I would however understand that he has the right to do that.


We underwent an ownership transfer at the last team that I worked for and they released the president shortly thereafter and it was a HUGE mistake. The team took massive steps back over the next couple of years trying to implement their own philosophies. They came to realize that they didn't know what they didn't know and have virtually reverted back to all policies, procedures and business plans that were in place under the previous regime. Now they have less talented, less intelligent people trying to execute business plans that they don't fully grasp. It's probably cost them around $20M in cash (mind you franchise values are skyrocketing) and who knows how many hours of wasted productivity. It really isn't as simple to transition as people think.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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Let me ask the pro-Brandon crowd a different question, if the Pegulas fire him, would you be mad at the Pegulas or accept it as simply that they want to start fresh with their own guys ?


I'm sure it wouldn't be positioned that way in the press, probably more like a mutual decision.


I realize that Brandon is very polarizing on these boards, while everyone seems to love T Pegs (at least for now), so, if the new owner, whom you love, fires the CEO, whom you love, how do you feel toward the Pegulas ?


I don't think the Pegulas know enough about running an NFL team. So who better to show him the ropes right now than Brandon?

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I don't think the Pegulas know enough about running an NFL team. So who better to show him the ropes right now than Brandon?

That's really the key. IMO, the very best move, unless the team completely tanks which I doubt, is to bring in a smart NFL veteran management type like Polian only as a consultant, to just spend six months working with everyone and reporting back to Pegula on how efficient this team is run. And then make some necessary suggestions.


It's somewhat what I imagine Pegula had in mind for Patty LaFontaine, and even though that relationship soured over mysterious circumstances, the actual result of it was something the vast majority of Sabre fans seem to like, a very sharp young GM Tim Murray who really seems to know what he is doing, a likeable players coach in Nolan, and a solid wise old age adviser in Craig Patrick.


The Polian consultant may just report that the team is in good hands with Brandon, Whaley and Marrone, and he may not.

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I like the part where russ brandon is the only man capable of running this team.


6 last place finishes aside. There were some gaffes too. Uniforms among the worst in nfl history, t.o. The second toronto contract which had to be quashed after a year for some reason... constantly making me angry as a sth, enough to cancel and then inherit other seats years later from a late friend. I also feel that this team can do much much better ticket sales and price wise. Or his big coaching search brought 4chan failey aboard.


Anyhow. Thinking of the bills' future this is a happy occasion and I can't be brought down from that. Huge game this weekend. Don't want to dwell too much on this topic or the negative past right now

Edited by May Day 10
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Let me ask the pro-Brandon crowd a different question, if the Pegulas fire him, would you be mad at the Pegulas or accept it as simply that they want to start fresh with their own guys ?


I'm sure it wouldn't be positioned that way in the press, probably more like a mutual decision.


I realize that Brandon is very polarizing on these boards, while everyone seems to love T Pegs (at least for now), so, if the new owner, whom you love, fires the CEO, whom you love, how do you feel toward the Pegulas ?


When you put up $1.4 B of your own money you can do whatever you want to do. If Pegula fired Brandon I would consider it an unwise move and also accept that it is his prerogative. So I wouldn't have any negative feelings toward him


It just seems to me that regardless the criticisms anyone has with some of the decisions made by the Whaley/Marrone/Brandon regime no one who is fair-minded can't deny that under this regime there is some order,rationality and direction toward football issues. You don't have to agree with everything being done but there are few football decisions that fall under the category as being perplexing or odd. That in itself is a pleasant change.


Brandon is polarizing to a faction of fans because they believe that he is intimately involved with the football operation. That is not the case, although some people continue to believe it. In my view the Littman stranglehold on the football operation (business model) is a thing of the past.


When Pegula took over the Sabres there was a learning curve for him. He got caught up in the spending spree approach to make a quick impact. It didn't take him long to learn his leason. He subsequently brought in some outside adivisors such as LaFontaine and listened to what they had to say. Then he took their advice and hired a new hockey staff and allowed them to do their jobs without his interference.


The source of the LaFontaine conflict was to a certain extent inevitable. Once LaFontaine used his influence to hire Murray as a GM and Nolan as a HC he basically worked himself out of a job (influence). LaFontaine lost his influence to the GM he recommended who was then making the decisions. That was a difficult adjustment for LaFontaine. In the end LaFontaine did a lot to get the franchise redirected and then moved on with some hurt feelings.

Edited by JohnC
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So what exactly does this mean for us? If this marriage does not last for whatever reason then what ramifications are there?

I'm sure that this has already been decided. The McCourt's were the only ones that I remember divorce being an issue with. Ultimately it means though that Terry is the voting member of the family and not Kim. Ultimately he is what JBJ dreamed of being but couldn't afford.
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I'm sure that this has already been decided. The McCourt's were the only ones that I remember divorce being an issue with. Ultimately it means though that Terry is the voting member of the family and not Kim. Ultimately he is what JBJ dreamed of being but couldn't afford.


According to Graham and Carucci each team gets three votes on issues.



What happens when Pegulas are approved as new Bills owners? @viccarucci and @ByTimGraham discuss: http://video.buffalo...CldXT1 … (VIDEO)

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