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EJ positives

The Wiz

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Also, his ball-handling skills are superb -- even on hand-offs.


I think he has all the God-given talent, intelligence and work ethic to be successful. He just has to refine those skills. The reality is that guys like Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck come around once in a blue moon -- but I bet if you look at the history of those guys you will observe that they were groomed from an early age to play the position. Even as FSU, E.J. did not play in a pro style offense, so he still has a larger learning curve to overcome. Hopefully he continues to progress -- and nuances of the position start to become more natural for him.

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He can't possibly suck as much as some people say he does. (Have you been reading this stuff?)


When you look at EJ Manuel your looking at the Quarterback of the Buffalo Bills -Dan Dierdorf


What does that mean, exactly. I mean.... what does it mean? It could be so many things. Thanks, Dan. Always insightful. Or did he mean to incite? We'll never know.

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That would only be an asset of his if he started out playing decent early in the game and then got better. Unfortunately, it is more like he plays like chit for a while and then starts playing better. Playing like chit early in the game is not an asset. It is a drawback.


So far the biggest positive I can see in him is that he is tall.


His second biggest positive is he seems like a nice guy.


I will reserve saying great things about his other skills until I see them in him consistently. Hopefully that starts in game one against the Bears.


Would u rather he plays like chit at the end of the game and starts strong?

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Would u rather he plays like chit at the end of the game and starts strong?

Your scenario would not be a positive either. What is so good about a QB playing bad in any part of the game?


I think common sense applies here.


Ideally I would rather have EJ play great the whole game.


If I can't have that then I would want him to play good at first and great at the end.


If I can't have that then I would want him to just play good the whole game.


His play doesn't resemble any of those yet. So, no, I don't think you can call his rollercoaster game play a positive.

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I picked him for a backup on my fantasy teams because his play goes as the o-line goes and I think they will end up doing well. I honestly think he played well against Detroit last week and the o-line stunk. Only two misses by him that game. He had played better each game. Our o-line wasn't good or together but he showed poise anyway. I can't wait to see him turn out well this year. The haters are going to be drinking Old Milwaukee in there mothers basement wondering what to post when he turns it on.

Edited by SJDK
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I picked him for a backup on my fantasy teams because his play goes as the o-line goes and I think they will end up doing well. I honestly think he played well against Detroit last week and the o-line stunk. Only two misses by him that game. He had played better each game. Our o-line wasn't good or together but he showed poise anyway.

This is what I don't get about some fans. I don't know how you can watch bad football like that and come away with the notion that the quarterback looked good. Wasn't he 3 for 7 in that Detroit game? And he got sacked twice. I don't blame the sacks on him entirely, but he sure doesn't do much to avoid getting sacked. And anyway, even if you completely disregard the sacks and blame them entirely on the offensive line, still going 3 for 7 just plain sucks. And you can't blame the receivers this week. They were getting open. EJ needs to throw better passes. That is his fault entirely. He has to play better than that in order for the Bills to win any games this year even the more winnable games. If he plays an entire game like he played in Detroit, the Bills get blown out. It is hard to argue otherwise.


Marrone says he is streaky. Let's see a hot streak for once. Could we? I sure hope his hot streak starts this Sunday.

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If anyone cares to take a look at one person's analysis of EJ's psyche and why it seems the fan base is so quick to get down on him, this is an interesting read -- worthy, I think, of consideration.



If she is right about EJ's external validation and self-esteem thing, then EJ is doomed as a quarterback. He needs to play somewhere where the fans don't give a crap about their team. Good luck finding that place. I don't know how they would keep him from getting exposed to the local negativity surrounding his play. It seems like an impossible task. Eventually the media will start trying harder to call him out on it.


I think the whole concept of booing your team is not well understood by the Buffalo fan base in my opinion. I have always known that booing your team makes the team play even worse than they have. You are doing your opponent a huge favor by booing your team. A lot of this game, and every sport, is mental. This is part of the reason why it is supposed to be easier to win at home. You usually have the crowd on your side when you play at home. That is a distinct advantage that helps you steal momentum from your opponent. It also helps you kick your opponent mentally when he is already down on himself. Why would you want to kick your own team while they were already down on themselves?

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Since the year started, all I have heard and seen is the negatives of the Bills! I've seen all the games as well and even went to the home games. I agree the Bills do not look at all in sync! Yes this is true but can I simply remind all the nah sayers of a few items here.

1. The Bills have 4 running backs plus a full back. HELLO when was the last time a team had 4 backs plus a fullback on the roster?

2. C.J. has had negative yards running this preseason, does this mean he sucks too?

3. Eric Woods is the smallest guy on our line at 310 lbs, starting to see what I'm getting at yet?

4. EJ is only in his second year, when Manning was in his second year he threw 15 ints to 26 TD's. No I'm not saying EJ is Manning but man let him grow! Yes bumps in the road, but Marrone is a coach for a reason and we need to be behind him!

5. We lost a couple great players on defense, but Swartz has had a reputation of stopping the run so his schemes match better with our team than what Pettine did. Not saying Pettine was bad, but Swartz is an upgrade and proven! LET THE SWARTZ BE WITH YOU! couldn't resist.........

6. Yes we won't score 30+ points a game and we don't have to! The Bills are going to be a very boring team to watch but also successful. Run, run, run, screen, slant pass, run, run, and did I mention run! Yes with an upgrade with the front line and 4 running backs plus a fullback, I bet we run!

7. EJ will not be handed to the keys and told to win the game but manage it with short stints and some check down plays. I'm okay with that for this year. Let Watkins grow into the NFL as Most receivers don't get many huge numbers their first year either. The threat is there so teams will have to respect it, when they don't I'm sure EJ will hit that!


All that being said, I'm looking at a Bills team built like the Baltimore Ravens who won a super bowl with Trent Dilfer! Yes I BILLIEVE THIS DEFENSE IS THAT GOOD! I'm saying we go 10-6 or 11-5 with a playoff run here! Thinking outside the box only brings in new ideas and the best way to keep a high powered offense from beating you is not let them on the field. Just ask anyone who watched the Giants beat the Bills 20-19. They kept Kelly on the bench most of if not all the third and fourth quarter.


Here you go! Bills! I BILLIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Let's say EJ goes 17 of 30 on Sunday, throws for about 210 yds, with a TD, an INT, and takes a couple sacks.


That stat line is basically extrapolating from last year's averages. I tend to think it will be better with the addition of Watkins and Chicago's brutal defense. But let's say he just does about what he averaged last year. Is that good enough to win? Obviously, it depends on the running game, special teams, and the way our defense plays.


I would be disappointed with that stat line because I think EJ can do better against this team. But I do think that type of QB play will give the Bills a solid chance to win.

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I found this from last week - one of the only positive national articles I have seen on him.




that comment doh......jesus. I'm really sure this fanbase is hanging on the edge of sanity. Please EJ. Please just win game one.



Wayne Lester6 days ago





This is just another ploy to divert attention from the fact that we have no starting qb and no hope of making the playoffs.

The only way we can get our Bills team back on track to the playoffs and away from the 4-12 season we are on pace for this season is to make the voice of the Bills fan heard where it will be heard the loudest... in the pockets of the greedy NFL. If YOU keep paying to watch a Bills team that hasn't made the playoffs in 15 years... then thats all YOU will ever see... while the NFL laughs all the way to the bank... with YOUR money.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe (like EJ will take us to the playoffs). You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole (playoff drought) goes.”


A Bills Fan Since 1978.



THE Doug Marone/ Nathaniel Hackett/ EJ Manuel Experiment is over and the current Bills management has failed us. We, the Buffalo Bills fans are offically protesting by refusing to pay the NFL to see an inferior football team, which has given our good city of Buffalo and the surrounding subburbs a bad reputation throughout the USA.


A Bills Fan.

To join this protest, like this comment... and don't forget to spread the word."

Edited by buffaloriles
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If anyone cares to take a look at one person's analysis of EJ's psyche and why it seems the fan base is so quick to get down on him, this is an interesting read -- worthy, I think, of consideration.



Interesting. She may be onto something about the fan base reaction to how EJ answers questions about his performance. However, her analysis of what those answers say about EJ's self-image or self-esteem are nothing more than superficial speculation. Providing an accurate psychological analysis of anyone takes a lot more than reviewing a few press conference clips.

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