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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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Zero dead right, outside the perp (who was shot by police). Fighting for your life is better than being shot dead on the spot. Just imagine if he was packing real heat, could have been much worse. Thank God there is gun control in Germany. Even if a passenger was packing there would surely be more dead. For now, just the perp is dead because the guns are in the hands of the police only.

There's gun control here in the USA as well. Maybe you can educate yourself regarding the German gun laws.

This (now dead) criminal could have had access to firearms including semi-automatic pistols, but the shi thead wasn't disciplined enough to go through with the required process, and he probably didn't have the scoots to buy one on the black market or wasn't plugged into the ISIS network.


I find your assertion that if a passenger was packing that there would be more dead dubious at best.

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There's gun control here in the USA as well. Maybe you can educate yourself regarding the German gun laws.

This (now dead) criminal could have had access to firearms including semi-automatic pistols, but the shi thead wasn't disciplined enough to go through with the required process, and he probably didn't have the scoots to buy one on the black market or wasn't plugged into the ISIS network.


I find your assertion that if a passenger was packing that there would be more dead dubious at best.

Yeah... You are right, he just should have found a straw buyer in Bavaria or somewhere else in the country that has lax gun regs.

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That's not a fair statement. Locks open sometimes


Chicago BANG BANG!


Normal navigational locks only open one way, the pressure of the head (difference in water... So get your mind out of the gutter :D ) keeps the other gates closed. But we are a special case in Chicago as with a few other places, like in New Orleans, etc... We can open both ends @ the same time and let the river run through it. :nana::nana:

You're so friggin' obtuse. You have a lock for a brain. Gigo.



Explain. Does Germany have ONE set of gun regs or FIFTY?

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Chicago BANG BANG!


Normal navigational locks only open one way, the pressure of the head (difference in water... So get your mind out of the gutter :D ) keeps the other gates closed. But we are a special case in Chicago as with a few other places, like in New Orleans, etc... We can open both ends @ the same time and let the river run through it. :nana::nana:



Explain. Does Germany have ONE set of gun regs or FIFTY?

There's no United States of Germany, the last time I looked.

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Profiles in Courage......................



Democrats are advised to tone down their gun grabbing talk for the fall


Thanks to the resurgence of the far left in Democratic politics this year, gun control will be front and center at their convention and in Hillary Clinton’s campaign from here until November. That’s just a given, right? Even when we have an Islamic terror attack on our own soil or criminals are murdering police officers right and left, the Democrats find a way to use that as an excuse to call for more gun control laws. So be prepared to hear plenty of that talk all the way through the election.


Or… maybe not. Rather than suffering self-inflicted wounds, the Democrats have been listening to the public relations advice of some of their own gun grabbing groups and are being advised to tone it down a little. (Politico)

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http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/07/20/the-loophole-mass-assault-weapons-ban/eEvOBklTriWcGznmXqSpYM/story.html ^


"The Massachusetts assault weapons ban mirrors the federal ban Congress allowed to expire in 2004. It prohibits the sale of specific weapons like the Colt AR-15 and AK-47 and explicitly bans “copies or duplicates” of those weapons. But gun manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to define what a “copy” or “duplicate” weapon is. They market “state compliant” copycat versions of their assault weapons to Massachusetts buyers. They sell guns without a flash suppressor or folding or telescoping stock, for example, small tweaks that do nothing to limit the lethalness of the weapon.


That will end now."




Q: If the gun does not have certain features like a flash suppressor or a collapsible stock, can it still be an Assault weapon?


•Yes. If a weapon is a copy or duplicate of one of the enumerated models under one of the tests in the Enforcement Notice, it is a prohibited weapon, even if it does not have certain features such as a flash suppressor and a collapsible stock. In other words, a gun that meets one of the tests is an Assault weapon — even if its flash suppressor is removed and/or its stock is pinned in a fixed position.

•The Features Test, as referenced in state law and set out in the Enforcement Notice, is a separate and independent basis for concluding that a weapon is a banned Assault weapon.



Q: What if I already own a gun that is a copy or duplicate?


•If a weapon is a copy or duplicate of one of the models enumerated in the law, it is an Assault weapon. But, as a matter of her discretion as a prosecutor, the Attorney General will not enforce the assault weapons ban against those who possess or transfer a copy or duplicate of a listed Assault weapon, if the weapon was obtained prior to July 20, 2016, when she issued the guidance.

•The AGO also will not enforce the law against a gun dealer that possesses or transfers a “copy or duplicate” weapon that was obtained prior to July 20, 2016, provided that transfers, if any, are made to persons or businesses in states where ownership of the weapon is legal.



Q: I am a law enforcement officer. Does the guidance affect me?


•No. The guidance does not change the law with respect to ownership of Assault weapons by law enforcement officers.



Q: What can I do to get rid of my gun?


•There are frequent state, regional or local buyback programs. Check with your local police department.


•You may also surrender any gun, at any time, for any reason to your local police department or to the State Police. See 5.15 CMR § 3.06.

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:censored: idiots.


"In the face of utter inaction by Congress, states have a duty to enact and enforce laws that protect people from gun violence. If Washington won’t use its power to get these guns off our streets, we will. Not only do we have the legal authority to do so, we have a moral obligation to do so."


Moral obligation to stop 248 assault weapons deaths nationally. For ease let's divide those 248 by the 50 states. So 5 deaths. Restricting millions of people's rights because of 5 deaths.


Ok so where's the moral obligation to stop pistol deaths? They account for 111 deaths average per state.

What about the moral obligation to help depressed people who plan to commit suicide? They account for 400 deaths average per state.

What about the moral obligation to stop knife deaths? They account for 31 deaths average per state.

What about the moral obligation to stop blunt object deaths? They account for 9 deaths average per state.

What about the moral obligation to stop personal attacks (hands and fists)? They account for 13 deaths average per state.


But by all means take down the epidemic of assault weapons deaths that's sweeping the nation, but also allow people to keep their assault weapons so it actually won't do anything at all. !@#$ing idiots.


Edit: Added in minor handheld weapons and unarmed attacks which interestingly enough are 10 times that of assault weapons deaths. (2662 unarmed, knife, blunt weapon deaths to 248 rifle deaths)

Edited by What a Tuel
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