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Refs favor the Pats: More proof

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Every time I start thinking it's fixed, something you expect to happen, based on which direction would be most favorable for the brand, doesn't happen.


Either it's part of the brilliant design, or it's just not fixed...





more likely is that during a super bowl run your almost always going to have a few important close games down the stretch and in the playoffs. some you will get a lucky bounce or a close call in your favor. those are the only plays people remember from a rival team.


or in this case, favoritism is created out of thin air. you dont call holding on a game winning kick, just like you dont call a touch foul on the game winning drive to the hoop, or a variety of other "let them play" moments.

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Me in a couple weeks arguing with my Pats* fan buddy:


-Dude, refs blatantly favor the Pats*!

-What are you talking about, bro!?

-I've heard first-hand accounts!

-Dude, from who?

-Some guy on the internet has a buddy who just had a baby, and his uncle reffed the Rams Super Bowl!

-The baby's uncle or the internet guy?

-Internet guy's buddy. I think. What difference does it make!?

-Ha, alright, bro.

Edited by The Big Cat
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I remember watching that field goal and thinking, "they should have at least 3 seconds to do something." The field goal took 7 seconds off the clock. That was weird. Rams blew it, though, by not using Marshall more. And the Patriots were tackling him whenever he came out of the backfield on a route. Blatant holding. Mugging. They got away with it, and that was nonsense.

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I remember watching that field goal and thinking, "they should have at least 3 seconds to do something." The field goal took 7 seconds off the clock. That was weird. Rams blew it, though, by not using Marshall more. And the Patriots were tackling him whenever he came out of the backfield on a route. Blatant holding. Mugging. They got away with it, and that was nonsense.


I don't think the NFL would like to see a MCM ending in a Super Bowl. That's not the time or place for controversy.

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I remember watching that field goal and thinking, "they should have at least 3 seconds to do something." The field goal took 7 seconds off the clock. That was weird. Rams blew it, though, by not using Marshall more. And the Patriots were tackling him whenever he came out of the backfield on a route. Blatant holding. Mugging. They got away with it, and that was nonsense.

Same here. I was totally bewildered as to why the game was over. If I were on the Rams I'd be LIVID to not even have the chance at a miracle kick return or to ground it and then try a hail mary or hook and ladder.
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I fail to find proof in that...


I did enjoy your story, though...


I don't think that it's right that the good teams get the calls... We, as fans, pay for a product... Give us the product we pay for... A game with two teams playing on "an even field"... Win, lose, or draw...

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Same here. I was totally bewildered as to why the game was over. If I were on the Rams I'd be LIVID to not even have the chance at a miracle kick return or to ground it and then try a hail mary or hook and ladder.


+1. I thought the same thing. Norwood's kick was at the 0:08 second mark, and Giants had 0:04 seconds on the clock when they snapped the ball.

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In terms of "proof" the Pats get special treatment, this thread was an epic fail. In terms of getting insight on what may go on with refs in specific situations and stuff, then it was an interesting read.


But like I said, this has zero to do with Pats. If anyone thinks for one second that the NFL would risk this MASSIVE business known as the NFL to try and get any specific team to win is delusional. The NFL will make massive sums of money even if the least watched team in the NFL (probably Jaguars right now) won the SB. So much false emphasis is placed on which team wins the SB by fans and media. Its actual significance to the NFL's bottom line is minuscule at best. NFL playoffs will still pull great ratings...and guess what, the NFL has already been paid for those rights. Its the networks that care about the ratings, not the NFL.


There is NO conspiracy to help the big teams win...if so, why hasn't Dallas won anything since the 90's while being one of the biggest franchises in all of team sports? Especially since they have enough talent to do so, they just blow it late. I don't see them getting any breaks. Or how about SF? Or how about Miami? Or how about Green Bay? All those teams disappoint every year and yet have had talent to win it all and all are big market teams with rich tradition that would drive ratings.


But no, all you hear about on this board is how the NFL always helps the Pats, yet for some reason the Pats have lost their last 2 SB's...and at the same time, people also call them the Cheatriots because they were caught cheating...yet people seem to want to say the NFL still favors them. Makes no sense.


Can please stop the conspiracy stuff because it doesn't exist. I don't see anyone claiming the Bills get special treatment when we get calls that go our way...every team has calls that go for them and against them. And we got calls in our favor against the Pats last year, and I saw the Pats get screwed many times last year by terrible calls.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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All Bills fans remember,"just give it to them", followed by the only hail mary holding call in the history of the league.


Just for kicks, watch SBXXVI.

My wife walked in the house as I was kneeling in front of the television, screaming at the top of my lungs, at the end of this game. I was very proud of Wade for pulling the team off the field. They got completely robbed out of that game. It ended up on the cover of the front section of USA Today on Monday morning, with a picture of the WR landing 5 feet out of bounds a yard short of the first down marker that ended up "Just give it to them."

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I used to live on Lincoln in bewteen the two but closer to Delilah's so I favor Delilah's. It's hard to beat a whiskey dive bar that is home to Bills fans.


True, but actually being able to see the game, lift your elbows and order food help build a pretty sturdy case, too. :thumbsup:

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