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Donald Sterling in hot water

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Black people being half a person is "a reasoned position based on logical deductions you've made?"


My sarcasm detection is a little off, but I'm pretty sure you're just messing with me here.


If anyones claiming to be confident on the contents of the nba by laws and constitution they are perhaps overreaching a little. Until yesterday afternoon they had never been available to the public. I imagine the nba had a full legal team work on this, but last night I heard Lester Munson the espn legal talking head discussing that this would be taking a very aggressive reading of a few of the clauses and then pushing the bounds of how you could act on it and that he expected this to potentially be in court a long time because it's not totally clear (as I said though, he's only had access to them for a few hours when he made the comments).


Yeah, it should be interesting to see how this unfolds. I read the bylaws last night and there are two clauses that will be heavily scrutinized. The conduct clause, which I assume will focus on whether his private conversation is "conduct" for the purposes of the contract, will be key. If that's not found to be a violation they can't force a sale of the team. Also, the commissioner can't force a sale regardless, that has to be done by a 3/4 vote of the owners. The other part is a catch-all clause that is very broadly written and will be subject to interpretation. The league will say that it gives the commissioner permission to determine what is and isn't a punishable offense, Sterling will argue it only gives him the ability to determine penalties for violations of existing rules that don't have proscribed penalties. It's an ambiguous clause, the interpretation of which will likely determine the outcome.

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I think the wife released the tapes (not the girlfriend).


legally speaking, another layer of the forced sale is the wife is still an owner of the team under california joint property laws, and has not been punished. plus, of course, whatever drama/ramifications all this creates within their marriage.

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Was listening to lebatard on espn radio just now. Seems to think if sterling said something "anti gay or gay bashing" he would take half the flack and definetly wouldn't lose his team. The majority of African Americans seem to disapprove of the gay lifestyle fwiw.

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Was listening to lebatard on espn radio just now. Seems to think if sterling said something "anti gay or gay bashing" he would take half the flack and definetly wouldn't lose his team. The majority of African Americans seem to disapprove of the gay lifestyle fwiw.


michael smith with numbers never lie on ESPN said the same yesterday afternoon, i hear - that players would never think of boycotting because of it. that there would be some angry folks, a fine, and everyone would move on. Mike and Mike were discussing some of that content this morning.

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Lebron is saying he'll boycott next season if sterling isn't removed as owner and I can't say as I blame him. If an owner of my company acted the way he is I wouldn't want to subject myself to it.


Well...no offense to LeBron, and I understand and sympathize with his sentiment, but I think he is kind of over-stepping here. He isn't playing for Sterling, and will have the power he needs to make sure that doesn't happen, ever. Now, if Chris Paul, or Blake Griffin said the same thing, it might seem more appropriate.


If LeBron did sit out next season, in protest, that would give another team a chance to win a ring! Should I be rooting for Sterling now? :lol:


Love that Donald went into that interview alone while his wife had her lawyer sitting right next to her in her interview. Talk about setting a guy up to fail...


Yeah, that was kind of disaster.... "What did Magic Johnson ever do? All he did was go around and sleep with every woman in America, and get AIDS. He isn't a role model, he should be hiding in shame... (in the same breath) I respect everything Magic has done... I love to give money to minorities....if Magic would tell me where to donate money, I would be happy to."


Apparently, he felt the need to attack Johnson, because Magic declined to do an interview with Barbara Walters, with the two of them, in an attempt to rehabilitate Sterlings' image.

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i hate to be so crass, but i think the 'demetia' angle is completely contrived to try and relieve him of any knowing/willing wrong doing....the wife claimed he had symptoms of it last week then this rambling train wreck....something smells very fishy about this

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