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Donald Sterling in hot water

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I hope you are kidding

Not kidding, she is so commonly attractive in such a bland and homely way that she wasn't worth remembering.


I had to tineye.com search her and google image search to find out who she was when you said I was kidding. I thought it was Jessica Alba at first, thinking she really fell apart.


I apologize to Alba.

amazing woman, she even called the sale price!

If that is the best you can get at 80 years old and being a billionaire then damn I don't know what I'll end up with when I am 80 and have two pebbles and a rockhard one.

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The thread, the fact that she's in front of a clippers banner, the fact she's making a 'v' symbol??? You didn't think it might be the mistress who goes by the name V who brought all this on?? I understand not everyone follows this story that closely but we are in a thread on this subject...I am not 100% positive it is her but I would have taken a stab in the dark to say it was her before I asked who she was...


Not ragging on you but I have to think you are messing with us a bit.


Not kidding, she is so commonly attractive in such a bland and homely way that she wasn't worth remembering.


I had to tineye.com search her and google image search to find out who she was when you said I was kidding. I thought it was Jessica Alba at first, thinking she really fell apart.


I apologize to Alba.


If that is the best you can get at 80 years old and being a billionaire then damn I don't know what I'll end up with when I am 80 and have two pebbles and a rockhard one.

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The thread, the fact that she's in front of a clippers banner, the fact she's making a 'v' symbol??? You didn't think it might be the mistress who goes by the name V who brought all this on?? I understand not everyone follows this story that closely but we are in a thread on this subject...I am not 100% positive it is her but I would have taken a stab in the dark to say it was her before I asked who she was...


Not ragging on you but I have to think you are messing with us a bit.

I had my guesses. I remember her being Hispanic. And I thought that was a peace sign. Jeeeesh.
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$2B, and he's required to post to Instagram at least two pictures a month of him associating with black people.

:lol: :lol: :lol::worthy:


Not kidding, she is so commonly attractive in such a bland and homely way that she wasn't worth remembering.


I had to tineye.com search her and google image search to find out who she was when you said I was kidding. I thought it was Jessica Alba at first, thinking she really fell apart.


I apologize to Alba.


If that is the best you can get at 80 years old and being a billionaire then damn I don't know what I'll end up with when I am 80 and have two pebbles and a rockhard one.

I dunno, if you're an 80 year old crackpot racist version of Jabba the Hutt Jr. with the world's worst combover and possible dementia, you'd probably be pretty alright with your lot in life.

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i agree completely and I am gonna burn in hell if it turns out he really does have it...i am just very skeptical


What really sucks is how many people think that illness (regardless of truth or not) isn't enough punishment.


I'd burn my worst enemy alive...but I still wouldn't wish Alzheimer's on him.

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i agree completely and I am gonna burn in hell if it turns out he really does have it...i am just very skeptical


I understand the skepticism (I'm less so, because from hearing interviews with him I suspected he might have some sort of dementia.)


I'm talking far more about some of the comments on twitter or below news stories I've seen. "Good! Racist cracker deserves it." "It's not enough! I hope he gets leprosy too!" Really, people? If the payback for being generally stupid and !@#$ish is Alzheimers, a LOT of people in this country should be worrying about their senior years...

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