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Michael Sam is out.


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Alrighty then, how many of you would be comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay teammate? Would you go about your business, try not to change in front of him/her, demand that he/she change in another part of the locker room, etc.? I occasionally work with an openly gay colleague who does per diem for us and one time I was just getting into the locker room and was ready to get into my scrubs and he walked in. I could have milled about or gone to the bathroom, but instead continued to start changing just to let him know it wasn't a big deal. So even though I didn't have a problem with it, it still was on my mind. Now maybe next time I won't think twice, but that time I did.


I think it's logical that it was on your mind. The reason that most facilities offer separate bathrooms for men and women is to create a zone of privacy from sexual attention, so the presence of a gay person blurs that line.


That said, imagine if you had to use a women's locker room because the men's was out of order or something. Would you act like a creep and stare at the women? Come onto them? No, I imagine you'd respect the vulnerable situation like other decent people.

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His agent is prob already getting calls from Nike or Starbucks. Not sure where you live, but many people will want to buy something with his name on it for being the first openly gay player. Nike already makes "gay" oriented appeal. Gm's will prob ask him how he would deal with morons who use slurs toward him. I doubt Whaley, Colbert, and GMs from other classy organizations will harass him. That's why I said I hope he ends up on a professionally run team (Buffalo, pit, GB, etc). I wish him nothing but the best. I don't see him falling. if the Bills miss an opportunity to get him at a good value/ where he should be and don't I'll be upset.


Gay oriented apparel (I think that's what you meant by appeal).


What is "gay oriented apparel, exactly?



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Alrighty then, how many of you would be comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay teammate? Would you go about your business, try not to change in front of him/her, demand that he/she change in another part of the locker room, etc.? I occasionally work with an openly gay colleague who does per diem for us and one time I was just getting into the locker room and was ready to get into my scrubs and he walked in. I could have milled about or gone to the bathroom, but instead continued to start changing just to let him know it wasn't a big deal. So even though I didn't have a problem with it, it still was on my mind. Now maybe next time I won't think twice, but that time I did.


Why would you "think twice"? Do you think he might have been "checking you out"? Why is this (your brave clothes changing statement) such a grand gesture? I'm sure you have undressed in locker rooms in front of gay men for as long as you have been undressing in locker rooms--we all have, whether we know it or not. Big deal.


Becuase a man is gay doesn't mean he is "cruising". He's just another guy changing in the locker room.


A room full of muscular/ripped/mangroomed dudes milling about and hanging naked after a gang shower? The NFL locker room may already be the "gayest" place on earth, so all this "concern" about the "culture of the locker room" being changed by an openly gay player in the mix is a bit much...

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Why would you "think twice"? Do you think he might have been "checking you out"? Why is this (your brave clothes changing statement) such a grand gesture? I'm sure you have undressed in locker rooms in front of gay men for as long as you have been undressing in locker rooms--we all have, whether we know it or not. Big deal.


Becuase a man is gay doesn't mean he is "cruising". He's just another guy changing in the locker room.


A room full of muscular/ripped/mangroomed dudes milling about and hanging naked after a gang shower? The NFL locker room may already be the "gayest" place on earth, so all this "concern" about the "culture of the locker room" being changed by an openly gay player in the mix is a bit much...

Great post

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Good for him and this is huge deal. It takes a ton of courage to put yourself out like this. Personally, I could care less someone's sexuality. In fact, I wish more guys were gay because it means less competition. :devil: But the guy is pathing away for other players to be open so that hopefully in the future, this won't be a big deal.


And to the people worried about him checking you out in the lockerroom, I have a feeling you probably aren't his type anyways. :lol:

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The idea that sexuality is some kind of choice is ignorant of fact. I wonder how many of these people chose to be hetrosexual?

Agree. I have some friends who think this way. I asked them when they made the choice to be heterosexual. They couldn't answer. I said I figured that would be a big day in your life. Got a few dirty looks after that comment.

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Agree. I have some friends who think this way. I asked them when they made the choice to be heterosexual. They couldn't answer. I said I figured that would be a big day in your life. Got a few dirty looks after that comment.


Most of these people don't think sexuality is a choice. They think homosexualiy is a choice (ie. straight is the default, but some people choose gay).


Logical as it is, the "when did you choose hetero?" argument doesn't change many minds.

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He's not the first gay player in the NFL, just the first one to openly admit it. I can't help but think the country is far enough along that it won't be a big deal. The question is going to be how well he plays and if he can help his team. I admire his willingness to be so open about it and to take whatever heat might be there. Me...I'm hoping he's very successful and has a terrific NFL career.

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Agree. I have some friends who think this way. I asked them when they made the choice to be heterosexual. They couldn't answer. I said I figured that would be a big day in your life. Got a few dirty looks after that comment.


Um, Wil and Grace and Ellen made it cool to be gay. That's the only reason people choose to be gay. Because it's cool. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, intolerance! Awesome! I wish I was an NCAA football player, I'd tweet stuff about minorities playing football. Ya know, Hispanics should stick to swimming because they're good at it. And minorities should whatever is racist or something. Yeah! Intolerance! Hip hip hooray!


Do you believe that everyone that opposes same sex is because of intolerance?

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Maybe if the Bills draft him, this board would finally, finally, retire the term 'Dolfag.'


Also, this seems relevant: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/05/03/vince-lombardi-accepted-gay-players-on-his-team/


“And if I hear one of you people make reference to his manhood, you’ll be out of here before your ass hits the ground.”



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Honestly, the fact that he is ever this far in life is pretty impressive. He has great character. http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/10429030/michael-sam-missouri-tigers-says-gay



"I endured so much in my past: seeing my older brother killed from a gunshot wound, not knowing that my oldest sister died when she was a baby and I never got the chance to meet her. My second oldest brother went missing in 1998, and me and my little sister were the last ones to see him ... my other two brothers have been in and out of jail since 8th grade, currently both in jail.

"Telling the world I'm gay is nothing compared to that."

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What if came out he was gay and was struggling with it because he was hanging around a guy like RI? Would that change your opinion?


Yes, but that won't happen. If that was indeed the case, we would certainly know, by the comments made by many who are directly involved, and the texts, VMs, etc., that this was a case of gay bashing.

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Yes, but that won't happen. If that was indeed the case, we would certainly know, by the comments made by many who are directly involved, and the texts, VMs, etc., that this was a case of gay bashing.


Probably or it could be the case of a confused guy trying to fit in. It's like the gay bashing preacher who gets caught with a guy.

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May I introduce you to the wife of the current Mayor of NY city, who by her own declaration, "used to be a lesbian." Pretty sure that there might be others like her. Not making any judgment or definitive statement....Just sayin' it is what it is

"used to be a lesbian" :lol: So she is bisexual and has had both gay and straight relationships? Did she choose to be bisexual?


I thought it was very obvious what I was saying, but I guess not. Sorry. So here it is: not everyone who is gay, is "born gay." Some people do indeed choose to be gay. That's not me making that up, rather, that's real world observations of peoples' behavior & actions.


Re the heteros "throwing around" their sexuality, or religion, or racial makeup: Not seeing it. If reporters ask athletes about it, they usually will answer truthfully (Tebow comes to mind as a good example), but very few athletes come out and just proclaim the things I mentioned, when no one is asking.

What real world observations? You pointed out a person who is bisexual and mislabeled herself as a lesbian? Why would people choose to be gay? Seriously give me one good honest reason. Please! I have never understood this argument.



Up above was given the example of the new NYC mayor's wife, who said she used to be a lesbian. You can think of a bunch of mostly women who fit into this in popular culture...........So, I don't think it's 100% born this way. Some are choices.


Again lesbian/bisexual. It would be interesting to see a survey to see if you could find anyone that openly would admit they chose being gay. Not bisexual but gay. I have several gay friends, family members, etc... All of them have told stories of knowing very early on that they were attracted to the same sex. My aunt changed my views on this entirely when she told me that she had a crush on the cute girl in kindergarten! So I am left to wonder bbb and John in Jax how many people have you talked to about this. How many people (can you find even one) have told you they chose to be gay?


Do you believe that everyone that opposes same sex is because of intolerance?


Intolerance or ignorance.


I am a catholic and have never understood the whole stance of the bible being against gay people. The new testament is much more open to acceptance while the old testament shows a much more judgemental and vengeful god. So leviticus says it is an abomination? What about "Do not oppress your neighbor" (leviticus) or how about "Do not hate in your heart" (also leviticus). What about " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John) The best one though is "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans). So there you have one quote against homosexuality and several that are accepting of people (including everyone yes even gay people 0:) ). That is the great thing about the Bible it is open for everyone to interpret in their own way. I will leave you with one last new testament verse from Matthew (you know the GOSPEL) "judge not lest ye be judged"

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