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Kneeling Down


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Why all the hoop-a-la with the kneel down? Why was EJ even trying to draw it out. Didn't we have 45 seconds on the clock with two downs to go? Maybe I missed something?


Without the penalty we would've had to punt, so we were burning every second we could

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What I'd like to know is why they didn't run the ball on 1st or 2nd downs. What was Marrone planning on doing when he was going to be forced to snap the ball on 4th down with 5 seconds left? Safety? Squib kick? Just punt it away?

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What I'd like to know is why they didn't run the ball on 1st or 2nd downs. What was Marrone planning on doing when he was going to be forced to snap the ball on 4th down with 5 seconds left? Safety? Squib kick? Just punt it away?


This may be giving Marrone too much credit - but is it possible he was hoping the Ravens would take a Personal Foul?


If not, he mismanged the clock and got lucky.

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What I'd like to know is why they didn't run the ball on 1st or 2nd downs. What was Marrone planning on doing when he was going to be forced to snap the ball on 4th down with 5 seconds left? Safety? Squib kick? Just punt it away?

That's exactly what I was thinking. Why not just run once or twice? I guess the kneel downs were the safe way out, but it got a little dicey.

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What I'd like to know is why they didn't run the ball on 1st or 2nd downs. What was Marrone planning on doing when he was going to be forced to snap the ball on 4th down with 5 seconds left? Safety? Squib kick? Just punt it away?


I actually don't have a problem with not running it. Over the past few years we've all witness how both Freddy and CJ cough up the ball at the most inopportune times. Granted, the likelihood of them fumbling there would be low, but we're the Bills and that **** tends to happen quite often. With five seconds left i'd just tell the punter to punt the ball as high as possible and out of bounds.

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I'm sure he didn't run it because of the risk of a fumble on the exchange, or the Ravens desperately trying to strip the ball (remember the OT loss at the Ravens a couple years ago?). He probably also figured someone would take a dumb penalty with the prolonged kneel-down.

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He was pissed at Suggs, right? Because a QB's helmet should not come off on a kneel-down.

A QB should also not be tap dancing in the back field taking his sweet ass time doing a kneel down. If his helmet doesn't come off, which I don't think Suggs did intentionally (I don't think he touched his head), then it's not called a penalty. Bills got lucky. Should have ran the ball, even with the oh so scary possibility of fumbling. Good teams finish off other teams. They don't do gimmicky plays with faux kneel downs in the backfield risking gettin you QB injured.

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A QB should also not be tap dancing in the back field taking his sweet ass time doing a kneel down. If his helmet doesn't come off, which I don't think Suggs did intentionally (I don't think he touched his head), then it's not called a penalty. Bills got lucky. Should have ran the ball, even with the oh so scary possibility of fumbling. Good teams finish off other teams. They don't do gimmicky plays with faux kneel downs in the backfield risking gettin you QB injured.


There was no luck. Sorry. Run as much time as you can. Call it "tap dancing" if you must, but it was the right thing to do. And given how QB's are protected in this league, there was no chance that a wrap and throw (on a kneel-down) wouldn't be flagged.

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What I'd like to know is why they didn't run the ball on 1st or 2nd downs. What was Marrone planning on doing when he was going to be forced to snap the ball on 4th down with 5 seconds left? Safety? Squib kick? Just punt it away?

+1. Bad game management. If they ran two plays they could've just kneeled down on third down and run it out.

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