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Miley Cyrus

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looks like a little girl to me. No thanks

This is a horrible picture. But it's not fair. You could do that the same thing to the hottest wowan on earth. Catch her sneezing or pushing out a fart and anybody can look bad. Anybody.


Like I previously stated, she is petite. Skinny and petite. I peronally love petite. Just not petite and skinny. I need some meat.


But this is the kind of girl you could do "things" standing up. I see nothing wrong if this was my chick.


Edit: Her alien tails on the top of her head look plain stupid. That is not defendable.


You think the managers and other people involved really CARE about Miley?


Money and publicity is what they care about. That's show business for ya.

Good point Mark. Unfortunately this is the same for a lot of businesses.

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If her daddy didn't have the most annoying song of 1992, her mug would have stopped her "career" dead in its tracks...years ago.



I wonder how many times Vivid Entertainment has called her this week.

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I too would spank her but it would be a little different I suppose

yea that too


she does have the twerking skills down pat tho...give her some credit :oops:


You think the managers and other people involved really CARE about Miley?


Money and publicity is what they care about. That's show business for ya.

True, but you think her parents....


well nevermind

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This is one of the reasons I'm really pulling for a zombie apocalypse. I would LOVE, I mean LOVE to see the Kardashians, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, the cast of the Jersey Shore, Paris Hilton and pretty much every reality "star" ever being viciously devoured by a pack of blood crazed, brain eating zombies.


If that lineup is the only thing on the menu, your brain-eating zombies will die of starvation pretty quickly.


If her daddy didn't have the most annoying song of 1992, her mug would have stopped her "career" dead in its tracks...years ago.

Def a butterface.


many are bashing her choice but this has been her best year yet in terms of music sales, youtube views, etc.... i believe


while i dont think they executed what they were going for that well, what they were going for is common place and does work. even in their underwhelming execution they are seeing a spike.

Yes, with a net worth in excess of $150M, it's hard to find too much fault with Miley's career choices (from a purely financial perspective.)

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