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~NG~ hasn't been on the board for two months

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Thanks for the concern and chuckles...I've been gone for a while, it's extremely personal and a frankly tragic family matter, but I think I owe some of you an explanation, and it will probably be cathartic to open up...I dunno...so I'll take this "public".


For those of you that have known me for...I don't know...maybe more than 17 years now, you've seen me go through the trials of my wife's breast cancer and her victory now going on 16 years. You've met my son and was amused by him, shared in his high school escapades as a star basketball player...now is the most difficult part of my life...


My son has been battling a serious addiction problem for the last few years...yeah...started with oxy and he went all the way to IV heroin. He's been in and out of rehabs now seven times over the past 3 years...it's driven me and the family to the brink. As I write this, he's back in another rehab in Florida and may not be back home for quite some time, if ever. This time though, for the first time, he initiated everything, so I am hopeful (as I was the other 6 times) that this one will "stick". He was brought up in an upper middle class home, went to a good school, was a great kid with a great personality, he got okay grades and was always an athlete, from the time he was just a little boy. He was a starting point guard as a freshman in high school, He went on to be an all county point guard his junior and senior years...he had it all...was recruited to go to a major prep school (South Kent) for a post grad year, then all hell broke lose...that was 3 years ago.


I had promised him back in February if he got it together and stayed sober we'd go to the home opener, that has always been his fondest memories growing up....well he relapsed, went to rehab and then a few months later relapsed again. I just went underground at that point, I have all kinds of feelings, shame, anger, anxiety, depression...and I just checked out...I know I screwed a friend on this board but there was no way for me to go without him and I just pussied out and disappeared...I know that was wrong but I had much larger issues in my life...so there it is...my big secret....and I've found out the hard way that this can happen to anyone...it was about the last thing I thought I would have to deal with.


Have you ever heard of Chris Herron or seen the documentary "Unguarded"??? Read this to get an idea of how destructive this whole thing has been...this guy is an inspiration to both my son and myself.




Oh man that sucks. The ray of hope is he initiated this last rehab. That's HUGE! I do feel for you but I especially feel for your son. Addiction has got to be awful. Wanting to stop but not being able had got to be a daily torture you may never get away from. Strength to you and great strenght to him. I hope he makes that home opener. Keep us posted and don't be a stranger. Because when you're not around we all get a little............you know.

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This would be a good time to mention that two of the really great posters (this means that they're also great people) here are going through very hard times.


One of them just lost his mother in a tragic accident, many years before she would have died a natural death. He laments that his twin one-year old sons will never know the grandmother who was prepared to be the best grandmother ever.


Another one of our great posters is battling an aggressive liver cancer and is fighting for his life.


Both of these guys are major figures on this board and both have been attacked and criticized in the not-so-distant past.


So please, when on TSW, try to be nice to others.


You never know what some people might be dealing with.


Best wishes to you NG.

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I just wanted to say thank you to all who offered support, it means a lot to this old bastard. It was the first time that I've expressed anything about this situation outside the family and it's been a heavy burden...that cool little kid you met at the tailgates is still there...I've seen him from time to time. I will never give up or let him give up. Again thanks for your support and prayers...it really helped...there are a bunch a really great folks in this community!



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Thanks for the concern and chuckles...I've been gone for a while, it's extremely personal and a frankly tragic family matter, but I think I owe some of you an explanation, and it will probably be cathartic to open up...I dunno...so I'll take this "public".


For those of you that have known me for...I don't know...maybe more than 17 years now, you've seen me go through the trials of my wife's breast cancer and her victory now going on 16 years. You've met my son and was amused by him, shared in his high school escapades as a star basketball player...now is the most difficult part of my life...


My son has been battling a serious addiction problem for the last few years...yeah...started with oxy and he went all the way to IV heroin. He's been in and out of rehabs now seven times over the past 3 years...it's driven me and the family to the brink. As I write this, he's back in another rehab in Florida and may not be back home for quite some time, if ever. This time though, for the first time, he initiated everything, so I am hopeful (as I was the other 6 times) that this one will "stick". He was brought up in an upper middle class home, went to a good school, was a great kid with a great personality, he got okay grades and was always an athlete, from the time he was just a little boy. He was a starting point guard as a freshman in high school, He went on to be an all county point guard his junior and senior years...he had it all...was recruited to go to a major prep school (South Kent) for a post grad year, then all hell broke lose...that was 3 years ago.


I had promised him back in February if he got it together and stayed sober we'd go to the home opener, that has always been his fondest memories growing up....well he relapsed, went to rehab and then a few months later relapsed again. I just went underground at that point, I have all kinds of feelings, shame, anger, anxiety, depression...and I just checked out...I know I screwed a friend on this board but there was no way for me to go without him and I just pussied out and disappeared...I know that was wrong but I had much larger issues in my life...so there it is...my big secret....and I've found out the hard way that this can happen to anyone...it was about the last thing I thought I would have to deal with.


Have you ever heard of Chris Herron or seen the documentary "Unguarded"??? Read this to get an idea of how destructive this whole thing has been...this guy is an inspiration to both my son and myself.



Everyone has problems. Time will pass.


Hope he can turn the corner this time. Man why cant the addiction be cleaning the house too much or raking leaves too often?


I've had the pleasure of watching a sibling struggle with heroin for the past 2 years or so. No fun.

Why pleasure?

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NG, I feel for you and your family. Glad to hear that he initiated the first step, that is a positive sign. You raised a good kid, he just lost his way a bit, your support will help guide him. Hang in there, tell him his buddies at TBD will hold a ticket for him

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God bless you and your family. You are living one of the nightmares of every parent, but you will come out on top. It's great you've stuck by your son, and that will go a long way to helping him in his rehab.


Anyone on here know Jim Kelly? Perhaps he could call this kid. Kelly kicked a booze addiction---less serious than hard drugs, but a struggle nonetheless. Just an idea.

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NG, my prayers are with you. As others have said every family in some way is dealing with the issue that you are dealing with. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Being open about your troubling issue is an act of courage.


I saw the documentary on Chris Herron. It was both gut wrenching and at the end inspirational. Best to you and your family.

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Thanks for the concern and chuckles...I've been gone for a while, it's extremely personal and a frankly tragic family matter, but I think I owe some of you an explanation, and it will probably be cathartic to open up...I dunno...so I'll take this "public".





Prayers and support for you and your family. Never hesitate to reach out.

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Oh Man! I hope everything turns out well. I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through.


Thanks for the concern and chuckles...I've been gone for a while, it's extremely personal and a frankly tragic family matter, but I think I owe some of you an explanation, and it will probably be cathartic to open up...I dunno...so I'll take this "public".

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Thanks for the concern and chuckles...I've been gone for a while, it's extremely personal and a frankly tragic family matter, but I think I owe some of you an explanation, and it will probably be cathartic to open up...I dunno...so I'll take this "public".


For those of you that have known me for...I don't know...maybe more than 17 years now, you've seen me go through the trials of my wife's breast cancer and her victory now going on 16 years. You've met my son and was amused by him, shared in his high school escapades as a star basketball player...now is the most difficult part of my life...


My son has been battling a serious addiction problem for the last few years...yeah...started with oxy and he went all the way to IV heroin. He's been in and out of rehabs now seven times over the past 3 years...it's driven me and the family to the brink. As I write this, he's back in another rehab in Florida and may not be back home for quite some time, if ever. This time though, for the first time, he initiated everything, so I am hopeful (as I was the other 6 times) that this one will "stick". He was brought up in an upper middle class home, went to a good school, was a great kid with a great personality, he got okay grades and was always an athlete, from the time he was just a little boy. He was a starting point guard as a freshman in high school, He went on to be an all county point guard his junior and senior years...he had it all...was recruited to go to a major prep school (South Kent) for a post grad year, then all hell broke lose...that was 3 years ago.


I had promised him back in February if he got it together and stayed sober we'd go to the home opener, that has always been his fondest memories growing up....well he relapsed, went to rehab and then a few months later relapsed again. I just went underground at that point, I have all kinds of feelings, shame, anger, anxiety, depression...and I just checked out...I know I screwed a friend on this board but there was no way for me to go without him and I just pussied out and disappeared...I know that was wrong but I had much larger issues in my life...so there it is...my big secret....and I've found out the hard way that this can happen to anyone...it was about the last thing I thought I would have to deal with.


Have you ever heard of Chris Herron or seen the documentary "Unguarded"??? Read this to get an idea of how destructive this whole thing has been...this guy is an inspiration to both my son and myself.




You're going through a terrible ordeal. Here's wishing your son the strength to battle the demons he's facing and you and your wife the strength to stay strong. You sound like a great guy and I wish you a rainbow to follow the storm you're enduring.

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