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If true, interesting insight into why Geno Smith fell in draft

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Jumping to conclusions much?


I'm talking about the difference in appearances and first impressions. Body language says a lot, even though we're taught to ignore basic human instincts of judging character. One guy is a dynamic magnetic personality, the other guy is very aloof. Which one do you think will have a better chance of rallying his teammates? I would have totally different conclusions of the two if I were picking an accountant.


Didn't think I was the one jumping to conclusions, but fine.

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Dodged a bullet with this guy. Who knows though, maybe he learned some humility in the process and will be a better man and QB for it...wait a second, he fired his agent, so I am guessing he is not taking ownership for his current circumstance...this guy is going Akili Smith or Andre Ware on the NFL.... Then again, I am just hoping our guy doesnt go Jason Campbell or Tavares Jackson on us, (distinct possibilities....).

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Got it. Yeah I would agree totally with that. RJ didn't have the mental makeup to be a leader or face of the franchise or any of that.


I have brought this up before but everyone should have known RJ was not going to be good. Here was a guy from a major program with good coaching, his dad was even a legendary HS coach, who was big, with a cannon, and could run. Those guys fly up the draft boards every single year. It's a scouts dream. Yet RJ went down on draft boards. Wasn't taken til the fourth. It wasnt like Barkley or Nassib that had severe question marks about their skills.


Even that famous game on Jax he wasn't all that good. He threw an int. got hurt in it. Didn't throw for an extraordinary amount of yards or Tds. He was just good in it. Fitz was far better in his first game.

I can't see why more people are not excited about EJ. Didn't we want a guy with Fitz's smarts, and VY's physical talents? I Loved Fitz. Right mind, wrong arm. Edited by JaxBills
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I can't see why more people are not excited about EJ. Didn't we want a guy with Fitz's smarts, and VY's physical talents? I Loved Fitz. Right mind, wrong arm.

Have you read the thread on him? Many of us are excited.

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There was also a report and rumor that he fired his agent(s) after the draft as he felt he should have gone #1 overall.


All I know for sure is that he did fire his agent, and was upset and embarrassed that he was just sitting there with the cameras on him not getting drafted - understandable. As far as expecting to go early in the first round or #1 overall.... I am glad the Bills decided to pass on that.


If all this is true, the Jets are in for a really bumpy ride.

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Well I 'picked up on it' just like any optimistic fan who wants his guy to succeed and our division rival's guy to fail. So, yes, with that bias, it rang loud and clear. Watching it objectively, however, and I didn't see anything overtly wrong with the way Geno conducted himself.


Ever see how Jay Cutler conducts himself?

Cutler ranks near the top on the douche scale.
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If Geno becomes one of those guys who decides to get revenge on all the team's that passed him up in the first round, the Jets really are in trouble because they passed on him twice.

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He didn't really fall as much as EJ rose. Many people felt none of the QB's were first round caliber. I hope the off the field stuff matters as much as people think. But in the end all that matters is how fast the QB can process information in 2.5 sec and deliver an accurate ball. Johnson and Losman could not read defenses. Trent and Fitz could not hit a pass more than 12 yards downfield.

I hope Geno is an absolute nightmare for the Jets and that EJ wins the job outright in camp.

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Jay Cutler is a more-than competent quarterback. The way Geno's behavior is being talked about, it's as though fans here expect him to fail. Jay Cutler is not a failure, by any stretch of the imagination. And if you contest that he is, then you're probably among the camp who essential believes Brady, Rodgers, Brees or GTFO.


Oh, Pretty Please. Can't I stay if I pick Manning?

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I almost got my head bit off here questioning Smith's personality a couple months ago...lol


I started to question my own original "bad vibes" I got from the guy and was getting on the bandwagon. No one's hit the field yet, but I'm still so relieved that draft turned out the way it did and we got EJ!

I said something about him hanging his head low in loses and people told me it was because his defense sucked.
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Franchise QBs do not get traded. Period. Cutler will put up some good numbers, but he won't be a consistent winner. Jeff George also put up some good numbers back in the day.


Nope they only get cut



Drew Brees

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I can't help feeling bad for the Jets and their fans. Their QB gets roundly criticized and to rub salt into the wound, the Bills QB gets praised - in the same article !! Oh the horror.

Forget that, I'm loving all this crud from the big apple about Mr Butt Fumble & Tim Tebow.


Have you met any of their fans, attended a Jets game? Besides GRR Martin and Adam Sandler the majority of their fans are total jerks. Not to mention BIG Mouth Rex with a tattoo on his arm of his wife wearing a Mark Sanchez jersey


Huge difference between attending a Jets game vs a Giants game. Jets fans suck worse then Dolphin / Patriots fans

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I have to agree. Not to be gratuitous in this "pile on" vis-a-vis Jets fans, so I'll speak as a parent. My daughters have now contracted the virus, and attend far more Bills games than do I. I have pictures of them at The Pinto, okay?


I've warned them about Jets fans. If you want historical rivalry, go to a Dolphins game. If you want bitterness and frustration (and exhultation upon victory), go to a Pats* game.


If you want fights in the stands, go to a Jets game. Those fans represent a lower form of life. Deride me if you will, but you know it's true. Do you want to see the guys in the yellow-green vests at work? Go to the Jets game, and keep your beer close to your chest. They tend to spill it as they drag the idiots down to the drunk tank.

Edited by Whites Bay
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