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Have to agree with Jerry Sullivan this time


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Not just a .500 coach, but a .500 coach in maybe the weakest football conference in the country. Pretty sad hire. Hopefully it will turn out better then expected, but most likely we will be restarting this cycle in another 3 years, as always.


Why, because he tells the truth and doesn't drink the Bills Kool Aid?


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The best indicator of future success is past performance. The new Bills coaching staff is realtively speaking, unproven, so who knows what we are going to get. Marrone has never been an NFL head coach, and was only an NFL offensive cordinator by title. Hackett based on his resume is unqualified to be the Bills offensive coordinator. Was Pettine the real defensive coordinator for the Jets or was it Ryan? I would have liked to have seen a more veteran staff. I'm hoping for the best, but have no idea how this is going to go.

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Question for all of you who are so "worried" about the staff of assistant coaches hired by Marrone: how many football fans, or media, know the name of even ONE assistant coach (coordinators excluded) on any team other than (perhaps) their favorite team or the one they cover?


The assistant coaches are behind the scenes for a reason. This is so not a big story -- the important hires were OC, DC, and ST. The OC is young but has some NFL experience and ran Marrone's offense. The DC has been widely acclaimed by everyone as a home run hire. Crossman has had up and down results -- more down than up recently. It doesn't mean he can't coach, and he certainly has a boatload of NFL experience.


Can we just let this staff settle in and see some results?

Nothing you said is inconsistent with Sullivan's article.

I disagree completely with your assessment.

It is overly negative, and overly critical and the Spin level is pretty high. Plus he exaggerates Hacket's lack of experience.

Plus the summary is insulting "you can find good coaches anywhere." Yeah the fact that 25% of the NFL just cleaned house because of inept coaching proves that good coaches are sitting at home unemployed because there are just so many of them.


Pure Crap.

Please point out what is factually incorrect (other than Hackett working for Bills) or that which is negative. Sullivan merely reflects the record of the selected coaches. If their record comes accross as negative, maybe they weren't good hires.

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Nobody is suggesting there is reason to be upset. Rather, is it not appropriate to point out that Marrone is taking what appears to be a risky path? Sometimes doing so,leads to better reward. It can also lead to quicker failure.


Absolutely -- the problem is that not settling for status quo has been what EVERYBODY HAS BEEN SCREAMING FOR, yet when Marrone doesn't follow the beaten path our wonderful Buffalo media (and nincompoops on this board) rush to judgment that the staff is going to suck.

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Two weeks ago Sullivan was thrilled with the Marrone hire, yesterday he was dismayed we didn't interview Trestman (who may be a good coach, but there was probably a reason he lingered in the CFL for so long).


As for the youth on Marrone's staff, not sure if anyone saw "Cleveland '95" on NFLN, but one of the Belichick did was brought in a staff of young, hungry guys, many of whom had little experience. Now many of those guys are Head Coaches or GMs.



As has been said, let's at least see what this staff does before we declare them a failure...

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First off, like all media, you have to accept the fact that 99% are unqualified to pass judgement on coaching, player evaluation, ownership, finances, etc. their sole qualification is someone gave them a job to have an opiniion,, regardless if that opinion is grounded in reality or personal experience.


I don't read these jokers because they add nothing to my fan experience that I can't figure out myself. This is a case in point as the curmudgeon apparently has some issue with the coaches. Shocker. The ironic part is, this guy is on the radio constantly harped for the Bills to take be path less traveled and stop hiring retreats. So they do and be slams it as risky. Sounds right for this walking contradiction.


Has there ever been a more I likable writer, ever? When you hear other guys on the radio, you might disagree with them but there's not a single one I can think of where you say his miserable personality and anger taints his work as much as this guy. he's got anger issues and can't have a conversation without resorting to getting angry and resorting to pouting.


But it seems that his nasty attitude is rubbing off because now Gleason is becoming a crank.


Isn't it curious that just days after a thread emerges on TBD about Marrone hiring his buddies, there is Sully column on the same topic. Voice of the fan or lazy hack? Plus Jerry has heard that Marrone has a thin skin when it comes to the press. So he's breaking out his pitchfork to test him.


You want to see some thin skin? Confront Jerry about an old column where he contradicts his current stance. Stand back and watch the fireworks.



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Why ? I think Marrone has assembled a good defensive staff who were former coaches with the NY Jets. They have been a big proponent of an Attacking defense and I am excited for that. With regards to the Offense, Marrone went with familiarity. I don't see any problem with that. It happens in real life for almost everyone of us. The problem is that many folks on this board and Sullivan want the "Known" names to be hired as coaches. People would be happy if Frank Reich and Alex Van Pelt had been hired as WR and QB coaches and also retained the special teams coordinator. I agree that the new ST coach does not spell confidence considering that his unit allowed a KR/PR for TDs in back to back games. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong here.


To Be honest, I don't think Coaching is as big, as it is on Game Day. What counts is Talent of the Players here, Leadership, Work Ethic, Accountability and Killer Instinct. That's what builds a championship team. And Sadly the Bills are lacking this big time. Until they address this, we're never getting the playoffs, I don't care if Cowher, Reid, Smith, Marrone is coaching, makes no difference, this is on the players. And ON BUDDY NIX TO BRING THEM HERE. I Still don't get how he get's a free pass??? #1 The Bills Need a Franchise QB, No if's ands or Buts. Fitz should be sent packing, don't need him here anymore, thanks for your service... Buddy attached his wagon to him and should have been fired for doing it... This is the Big Problem for the Bills, now We're behind the rest of the league because of it.

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It is interesting to note that Marrone is getting a Mulligan here. Setting Sullivan aside, the fact is that his staff has little collective NFL experience and many have not coached what would be considered top units. This is especially the case on offense. Time will tell if this is a brilliant strategy or a poor one.


He is not getting a mulligan. You *want* to believe he is getting a mulligan. If his staff isn't successful, he'll face the consequences. However, that doesn't fit into your emotional response.

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A. I can't believe there are any "glass half full" Bills fans remaining, and

B. I can't believe that not even the hiring of Danny Crossman would give said fans a reason to question OBD about anything.


I just find it interesting that when someone questions a OBD decision, they are viewed as just being negative. That might be true if one were questioning someone in Foxboro. But the Bills have occupied the basement for over 10 YEARS!!!



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A. I can't believe there are any "glass half full" Bills fans remaining, and

B. I can't believe that not even the hiring of Danny Crossman would give said fans a reason to question OBD about anything.


I just find it interesting that when someone questions a OBD decision, they are viewed as just being negative. That might be true if one were questioning someone in Foxboro. But the Bills have occupied the basement for over 10 YEARS!!!




C. I can't believe folks aren't looking at Bobby April's ST units before, and after, arriving in Buffalo as the perfect example of why the Crossman hire shouldn't be blindly criticized.

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A. I can't believe there are any "glass half full" Bills fans remaining, and

B. I can't believe that not even the hiring of Danny Crossman would give said fans a reason to question OBD about anything.


I just find it interesting that when someone questions a OBD decision, they are viewed as just being negative. That might be true if one were questioning someone in Foxboro. But the Bills have occupied the basement for over 10 YEARS!!!



This is why. Because there is nothing to question. No one...not you, me, Jerry Sullivan...knows how these guys will turn out. So what is the point of casting doubt on the first moves of a new coach? If they are the guys he wants, it's his prerogative to hire his own staff. You, me, or Jerry can offer our feeble opinions but it doesn't make us right. All it does is add to the pervasive negative cloud that envelopes this team. We can't wait 5 minutes to start crapping on people. Who in their right mind would want to work in Buffalo?



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I know often members of this board have strongly disagreed with Jerry Sullivan. I have certainly been no stranger in this crowd. However, with this piece I agree with him. The selection of assistant coaches is puzzling and in many respects just ugly. The proof will ultimately come in wins or losses but on paper the bunch does not inspire fear in the hearts of other teams.


I am actually a bit surprised Marrone is not being called out on this issue more broadly.

I am no expert when it comes to assistant coaches (or any coaches for that matter). But two points:


1) People here are at the very least accepting of Marrone, just like they were Gailey. Don't expect to hear much negative about him now.

2) If you do like the Marrone hire, or at least ambivalent about it, it would seem to make sense to let him make his own choices about the other coaches and trust that he knows what he is doing.

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Jerry Sullivan doesn't know the first thing about what makes a "good" assistant coach. He's doing what he does best -- be overly critical and stir the pot. You realize all of the local media are upset right now because Marrone has limited their contact, right? The only quotes and true "stories" are coming out of bb.com. Jerry and his ilk are playing their game -- criticize, criticize, criticize, and hope they draw him out.

one thing I'd like to add to this. I haven't read the entire post or the Sullivan piece so I have no idea what he said. But I feel like Marrone will be one to quickly put Sullivan in his place. He seems like he has a good repor with most reporters and won't hesitate to call one out. Like in his initial interview when he said Sullivan was asking more questions than anyone else. He did it in a joking manner there but something tells me if you get this guy angry he will tell you where to stick it.
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Two weeks ago Sullivan was thrilled with the Marrone hire, yesterday he was dismayed we didn't interview Trestman (who may be a good coach, but there was probably a reason he lingered in the CFL for so long).


As for the youth on Marrone's staff, not sure if anyone saw "Cleveland '95" on NFLN, but one of the Belichick did was brought in a staff of young, hungry guys, many of whom had little experience. Now many of those guys are Head Coaches or GMs.



As has been said, let's at least see what this staff does before we declare them a failure...


Not taking a stance on Marrone...I honestly have no idea if this was a good hire or not. I have learned, over the last few years, not get too excited, or discouraged by what hasn't happened yet. So I agree....let's wait and see...


To your point about the New England/Cleveland Browns "hungry guys" though.... what "Cleveland '95" neglected to mention (I liked it, but it was much a Bellichek blow-fest as it was an ode to the Browns and their fans), and why speculating about guys just because they were associated with some success, is that all of the Bellechik disciples from Cleveland/New England have turned out to be busts at their next stop. Have any of them had any real success? They have had lots of opportunities, but little success.

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I know often members of this board have strongly disagreed with Jerry Sullivan. I have certainly been no stranger in this crowd. However, with this piece I agree with him. The selection of assistant coaches is puzzling and in many respects just ugly. The proof will ultimately come in wins or losses but on paper the bunch does not inspire fear in the hearts of other teams.


I am actually a bit surprised Marrone is not being called out on this issue more broadly.

I read the piece and it is just Sullivan being Sullivan. Almost all coaches hire assistants that they know and have worked with in the past. Nothing new here. No real story, so let's make one up.
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Jerry has a history of pointing out that we suck.


We have a history of sucking.


So far he's been mostly spot on. And until the team wins, he'll continue to be correct. Just because we hired new coaches means nothing. We won last offseason too. How'd that effect our record?

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