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Have to agree with Jerry Sullivan this time


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These writers are not overly negative or overly critical of the Bills. This team has been in the basement of it's division for 10 years. The writers are making observations. Sullivan states many FACTS to support his article. He does not exaggerate or spin the article unnecessarily. He does say that it could work out. I don't know how anyone could disagree with his article.

I disagree completely with your assessment.

It is overly negative, and overly critical and the Spin level is pretty high. Plus he exaggerates Hacket's lack of experience.

Plus the summary is insulting "you can find good coaches anywhere." Yeah the fact that 25% of the NFL just cleaned house because of inept coaching proves that good coaches are sitting at home unemployed because there are just so many of them.


Pure Crap.

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The proof will ultimately come in wins or losses but on paper the bunch does not inspire fear in the hearts of other teams.

Since when have assistant coaches EVER inspired fear in the hearts of other teams??? I expect few players know anything about any position coach on any other team unless they've worked with them in the past.

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This reminds me of Chan Gailey when he assembled his coaching staff, that consisted mostly of friends with limited NFL experience.

We have gone down this road before, only Gailey had more head coaching experience with a reputation of getting the most out of his players. I don't think we are initially primed for success. The question is how quickly can the new coaching staff learn on the job.

How dominant will Marrone and Pettine be in coaching this team because this is where the coaching talent seems to be.

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These guys are position coaches for the most part...many times they coach positions they never played---AVP in GB is the RB coach, Metzelaars was the OL coach in Indy, Mark Carrier is the Jets defensive line coach...he was a freaking safety in the NFL so how does that qualify him for that position?? As for Crossman, word out of Detroit is the players didn't want to play special teams...not hard to imagine why they were so bad...I will give him the benefit of the doubt...


Bills also hired some coaches from the Jets...not so sure what Sullivan is so up in arms about with position coaches...I agree with him about wanting D'Alessandris back tho...he did a very good job with the OL...



I disagree completely with your assessment.

It is overly negative, and overly critical and the Spin level is pretty high. Plus he exaggerates Hacket's lack of experience.

Plus the summary is insulting "you can find good coaches anywhere." Yeah the fact that 25% of the NFL just cleaned house because of inept coaching proves that good coaches are sitting at home unemployed because there are just so many of them.


Pure Crap.


Hackett has 29 years or so of experience...he has grown up with it since he could walk and talk...his dad was head coach and OC all over the place...he probably has an instinctual understanding that others may not...


Besides, Marrone was an OC so if he needs help he surely can bounce ideas off him...



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Jerry Sullivan doesn't know the first thing about what makes a "good" assistant coach. He's doing what he does best -- be overly critical and stir the pot. You realize all of the local media are upset right now because Marrone has limited their contact, right? The only quotes and true "stories" are coming out of bb.com. Jerry and his ilk are playing their game -- criticize, criticize, criticize, and hope they draw him out.


I've come to realize that anytime you do a reality check regarding the Bills, blinded-by-love fans at TSW get upset if it's not all wishful optimism.

Unless it's a synchophantic blind faith love affair with the Bills, praising their latest offseason brainstorm, you're labled as someone "stirring the pot" or being a "negative Ned", or even "a troll".


Sullivan laid out some interesting facts in his column. I'm not exactly feeling all warm and fuzzy inside about the new staff after reading that. This staff has repeat and rinse in 2016 written all over it.


What in the world could possibly justify the hiring of the Lion's ST coach? Maybe Marrone has a gambler's mentality of "he's been a loser his whole career - this year he's due to hit big.....due I tell ya!" WTF?


Last spring when so many of the wide-eyed optimist Bills fans had visions of a dominating defense and a division championship, I cautioned that the pattern in recent years is to make a few bold moves to get fans excited, only to have the same results. In this case it was the signing of Williams, Anderson, and the draft picks. I too was excited and hoped for the best, but was still aware that we'd all been there before, so my statement was "not so fast". Show me.

I said the Bills look good "on paper". That's when I first posted the "on-paper" Lombardi Trophy avatar you see to the left. Well....no dominating defense. Amazing, they stayed relatively healthy, and still ended up with one of the (statistically) worst defenses.


I was pummeled by the optimist club at TSW for being "a troll". A troll or a realist? No playoffs, but at least y'all still have the dubious "on-paper" trophy!


Here's the problem now....the new coaching staff doesn't even look good "on paper". We're screwed!

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Here is a quote from the article:


"Marrone said he wanted coordinators with solid NFL experience. He meant defense. Nathaniel Hackett, 33, the new offensive coordinator, is said to be bright and inventive. I'm guessing he'll be quarterbacks coach, too. But his NFL experience amounts to two years in quality control with the Bucs."


Every fan on this site knows that Hackett worked for the Bills, not the Bucs. But Sullivan doesn't know it. That doesn't stop him from writing an article condemning this coaching staff to failure after one week on the job. Does anyone even edit the Buffalo News? Seriously, that newspaper underachieves as much as the Bills, if not more. And now it's behind a paywall. The Buffalo News is toiletpaper.

He had the same position with both teams, so 4 years quality control IIRC.
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Except for Sully stating Hackett had only 2 yrs. with the bucs as NFL (he also had two with the Bills under Jauron) , Sully is just stating facts. So, what's the problem? Like I said from the beginning. No one knows what we've got til we see it on the field next season... so, if you think it smells, then don't buy tix or Bills merchandise until you're comfortable the stench has left OBD.

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These writers are not overly negative or overly critical of the Bills. This team has been in the basement of it's division for 10 years. The writers are making observations. Sullivan states many FACTS to support his article. He does not exaggerate or spin the article unnecessarily. He does say that it could work out. I don't know how anyone could disagree with his article.


I suspect most didn't even read it. We just seem to have a need for a "Jerry Sullivan sucks" or "WGR sucks" thread about every other day. No matter that most will be saying the same things that Sullivan is saying, if things don't go well with the Bills...but he is unqualified to comment! :rolleyes:

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I'm starting to think that Sullivan has some kind of personality disorder. Two weeks ago he was SCREAMING about the Bills going outside of the box and not hiring "retreads". So now they go out and hire a bunch of fresh, hungry young coaches and he's hammering them for that?


Head of nail, meet hammer.

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I know often members of this board have strongly disagreed with Jerry Sullivan. I have certainly been no stranger in this crowd. However, with this piece I agree with him. The selection of assistant coaches is puzzling and in many respects just ugly. The proof will ultimately come in wins or losses but on paper the bunch does not inspire fear in the hearts of other teams.


I am actually a bit surprised Marrone is not being called out on this issue more broadly.

I have to agree, this staff with it's very limited experience is really a head shaker and doesn't give much hope for the immediate future at One Bills Drive, but then the selection of Head Coach really didn't either.


I suspect most didn't even read it. We just seem to have a need for a "Jerry Sullivan sucks" or "WGR sucks" thread about every other day. No matter that most will be saying the same things that Sullivan is saying, if things don't go well with the Bills...but he is unqualified to comment! :rolleyes:

I agree, the Bills could have hired Rich Kotite, and when Sullivan said it was a bad hire, people on here would slam him for saying so. Kool Aid drinking is rampant around here.
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I suspect most didn't even read it. We just seem to have a need for a "Jerry Sullivan sucks" or "WGR sucks" thread about every other day. No matter that most will be saying the same things that Sullivan is saying, if things don't go well with the Bills...but he is unqualified to comment! :rolleyes:


Spot on. Sure, Sullivan can be abrasive, opinionated, and at times seem negative. But it's the duty of America's free press to hold those in the public spotlight accountable. Granted, a sports franchise doesn't have the same degree of import as those in the political arena, but it's the same idea.


Sullivan may not always be right, but at least he's doing the job of asking the questions instead of just fawning over the Bills like some wide-eyed 10 year old. Sullivan, like a Mel Kiper, Dan Dierdorf, or Theismann, is just one of those guys that so many love to hate. That's your right, but at least someone is trying to hold their (The Bills) feet to the fire.


The current assembledge of coaching staff is baffling for a team that desparately needs to rehab it's image and status as a contender. How many coaches straight out of the college ranks have been successful as NFL head coaches? Maybe Jimmy Johnson? Coaches far more successful than Marrone (Saban, Spurrier, Holtz, to name but a few) have used their college pedigree to secure NFL jobs. The vast majority have failed.


So Marrone, who doesn't even have that impressive a record - you really think he's gonna get them to the superbowl? That's the goal, isn't it?


Marrone is .500 coach. On second thought - he's a perfect fit for the Bills. :-)

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Marrone is .500 coach. On second thought - he's a perfect fit for the Bills. :-)

Not just a .500 coach, but a .500 coach in maybe the weakest football conference in the country. Pretty sad hire. Hopefully it will turn out better then expected, but most likely we will be restarting this cycle in another 3 years, as always.


Jerry Sullivan ought to know something about being second rate because he is nothing more than a second rate yellow journalist anyway and a first rate jackass. I take anything this hack says with a grain of salt.

Why, because he tells the truth and doesn't drink the Bills Kool Aid?
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Question for all of you who are so "worried" about the staff of assistant coaches hired by Marrone: how many football fans, or media, know the name of even ONE assistant coach (coordinators excluded) on any team other than (perhaps) their favorite team or the one they cover?


The assistant coaches are behind the scenes for a reason. This is so not a big story -- the important hires were OC, DC, and ST. The OC is young but has some NFL experience and ran Marrone's offense. The DC has been widely acclaimed by everyone as a home run hire. Crossman has had up and down results -- more down than up recently. It doesn't mean he can't coach, and he certainly has a boatload of NFL experience.


Can we just let this staff settle in and see some results?

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I wouldn't be too worried. Defensive staff is fine. The offense will be fine. We still have not signed our WR, O-Line and TE coaches. Those guys are the more important hires for your offense.

Are we going to have a QB coach? Sully and the news have left my life with that paywall. I hate Sully anyway, rarely says anything. Just makes a strange noise, if he was a part on my motorcycle, I'd replace it.

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Question for all of you who are so "worried" about the staff of assistant coaches hired by Marrone: how many football fans, or media, know the name of even ONE assistant coach (coordinators excluded) on any team other than (perhaps) their favorite team or the one they cover?


The assistant coaches are behind the scenes for a reason. This is so not a big story -- the important hires were OC, DC, and ST. The OC is young but has some NFL experience and ran Marrone's offense. The DC has been widely acclaimed by everyone as a home run hire. Crossman has had up and down results -- more down than up recently. It doesn't mean he can't coach, and he certainly has a boatload of NFL experience.


Can we just let this staff settle in and see some results?

I really don't care about the staffs on other teams, the Bills are my team and the fact that they scrape the bottom of the barrel for everything the do (or at least 95% of the time), is frustrating. They would have been better off not having a special teams coach instead of hiring someone who is consistent, consistently at the bottom on the league.
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Jerry Sullivan ought to know something about being second rate because he is nothing more than a second rate yellow journalist anyway and a first rate jackass. I take anything this hack says with a grain of salt.


BTW - Sullivan may be all those things, but like the work of Rush Limbaugh et al, controversy sells. They are in business afterall.


If his role was to be a mouthpiece for the Bills, how boring would that be? I frequently have posted contrary statements that I don't necessarily agree with or may question, with the sole intention of kickstarting a dialogue that will encourage various points of view. That's what makes it interesting. Otherwise, it's just a big virtual pep rally for the hapless Bills.


CJ Spiller sucks! Now let's talk. :w00t:

Edited by SouthernMan
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Not just a .500 coach, but a .500 coach in maybe the weakest football conference in the country. Pretty sad hire. Hopefully it will turn out better then expected, but most likely we will be restarting this cycle in another 3 years, as always.


Why, because he tells the truth and doesn't drink the Bills Kool Aid?

Oh come on quit being a Jerry Sullivan brown nose and quit drinking your own Kool Aid.
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I really don't care about the staffs on other teams, the Bills are my team and the fact that they scrape the bottom of the barrel for everything the do (or at least 95% of the time), is frustrating. They would have been better off not having a special teams coach instead of hiring someone who is consistent, consistently at the bottom on the league.


Where is the evidence Marrone "scraped the bottom of the barrel" for these hires? Why make this assumption? Because ESPN didn't tout the hiring of 10 assistant coaches on SportsCenter last night? You do realize consistency in ST is hard to come by? Everyone thought Bobby April was a freaking ST GOD, but look what his Philly units have done -- and more importantly, look at what his resume was in St. Louis before he came to Buffalo.



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Nobody is suggesting there is reason to be upset. Rather, is it not appropriate to point out that Marrone is taking what appears to be a risky path? Sometimes doing so,leads to better reward. It can also lead to quicker failure.


All the past coaches have had "quick failures." I think Marrone knows what he's doing. He's turned around the Saints offense, and the Syracuse team in short order. I think risky is the way to go here. Also, the defensive staff looks fantastic. Beating Brady is the #1 goal of this team if it is to win the division, bringing in coaches from the Jets D will weaken that D, and give us a better shot at the Pats.

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