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Bills hire Nathaniel Hackett for Offensive Coordinator


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I would think Marrone would want at least one familiar face at a new big job-- makes sense to bring a trusted deputy. And Marrone was an OC himself, so he can help on that side of the ball a lot. If Hackett has talent as many say, 33 for an OC is no big deal. Everyone has to be an OC in the NFL for the first time sometime, every great coach was a virgin at one time-- as was every failure. I'd give it a chance.

Agree the age isn't as big as the shoooort resume. May be fine, but it's questionable.

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The problem is, your stringing together every coach and his staff as if they are somehow related. I don't think anyone is saying you aren't entitled to your opinion, you certainly are. But I think some posters are taking a wait and see approach instead of cruicfying the guy before he's even had a chance to coach. ESPECIALLY because he is an unknown. You/Me/Everyone else has no idea is this is a good hire or not. Sure you can speculate and have an opinion on it that may be negative, so you can say I told you so. But we won't know until the season starts and how the team preforms.


The bottom line is this is entertainment. Why get so upset about it?


"Show me the baby"

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I think it is a great hire. SU didn't exactly have the greatest receivers the last few years. Lemon drops anyone? Mike Williams was amazing, but he left the school a few years ago and is playing for the Bucs. Point is, Hackett did a supreme job with limited talent at WR. The Bills also have limited talent at WR. Also, I feel that Hackett will be able to utilize CJ and the other RB's to their fullest potential. We got a winner here.

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I think it's an inspired hire.


My problem with Chan's playcalling is that if everyone in the stadium knew what was going to happen, the oppossing defense knew that play and the next five.


With a younger coordinator that doesn't have tape to analyze outside college ball, I see that as an advantage. I also have a tendancy to think that a younger coordinator is comfortable with making adjustments at halftime or from series to series, if neccessary.

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Wow 19 pages already. I personally don't give a **** if Hacket is 33 or 13. Marrone obviously thinks he is capable and that they work well together. This was obviously Marrones decision so why all the pissing and moaning? It matters not how old he is or what his experience is. The HC wanted him and got him. I hope the same thing happens for DC (someone who Marrone really wants) so that maybe 3 years from now we aren't going through the same process as now.

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If nothing else, the Bills AARP discount has been cancelled. Everyone can be upset or have a preference as to whom the Bills hire. They don't care. They have a plan and are going with it. Obvious they went much, much younger so far and went with no previous NFL experience in the positions for which the HC and OC were hired. I know this, it really can't be any worse than it has been and it just may work. If Hackett is an up and coming star, why retard his development as an OC by having him "learn" from some has been or never was guy just because he was in the NFL before? I'm totally on board with it, better than some old retreads that would just do the same old thing and just collect paychecks for a few years.

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I don't hate the signing, but I'm not in love with it either. I will reserve judgement until I see the product over a four game span, and am able to evaluate his ability to game plan, play call, and make adjustments. Based on everything I've heard about Hacket, he seems to be a bright and rising star; and his offense at 'Cuse was uptempo and dynamic.


I guess I'll step out and say I'm cautiously optimistic.

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And herein starts the rally


I wouldn't say rally but I can't bash Marrone or Hacket as I have no idea as to whether or not they are good choices. Could be a great move or it could be more of the same failure. I have no idea and until I do I think I will reserve judgement.

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Wow 19 pages already. I personally don't give a **** if Hacket is 33 or 13.



I'd have a problem with him if he was 13. He couldn't buy the beer OR be the designated driver...


Just sayin...


You wish has come true.


Consider that Hackett is the protege of Doug Marrone who was an NFL OC for 4 years.


My only serious concern is if this is another Curtis Modkins hire - IE, the thing I was most happy to hear from Marrone was that he's going to be the CEO - not the de facto OC the way Gailey was.


At least Marrone's still not calling the plays, so I guess I'll just trust this isn't a contradiction. Hackett has the pedigree, obviously, so I imagine he brings plenty of his own ideas to the table.

Edited by BobChalmers
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Anyways, Mike Shanahan was 32 when he first became an NFL OC, Kyle Shanahan was 28, Jon Gruden was 32, and Josh McDaniels was 30.


Sean Payton was 37.


BTW, what happened to the people who wanted to hire Kyle Shanahan as Bills OC?


This guy is 4 years older and also the son of a long-time and respected NFL coach. His Dad has coached in the NFL for over 20 years and has been an OC for 9 years.


This kid probably has a very high football IQ and will be working under the oversight of Marrone.


Hope it works.

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Ill say it again, I dont think this is a good hire. I think the superior defensive coaches in the division will eat this kid's lunch, especially with what the Bills have at QB.


I also dont like at all the impression Morrone gave about hiring experienced guys and less than 24 hours later, he goes against that.


Just my opinion and we know opinions are like [you know what] so there you go.

Edited by RkFast
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Dear god, speaking of embarrassing...


-The differences between McDaniels' and Hackett's situations and experience are like night and day, but nowhere have I said he *can't* be successful. As a matter of fact, I have repeatedly stated that he very well may succeed, I merely suggested that aside from age, the comparison is not a fair one.

-I haven't made any negative comments. I have consistently said "I'm nervous about his inexperience, but remain optimistic". It is a completely natural and pragmatic reaction. To suggest otherwise is inane.

-If I wanted to make negative comments, this would be the place to do so. If you don't like negative comments regarding the Bills' decision making, you have a strange way of showing it by reading this board.

-If you're going to participate and accuse other posters of actions and opinions of which you disapprove, perhaps it is best to read through the entire thread and obtain context before you do so.

-If having no NFL OC experience doesn't make you even a little bit anxious then you're not really paying attention.


I'll hang up and listen.

Maybe so. And perhaps he is truly a rising star prodigy and everything clicks.


But they've given themselves a small margin for error doing it this way. It's one thing to hire an unproven, paper boy-aged first-time OC to run your offense. It's quite another thing to pair him with a first time head coach. This type of hire would make much more sense if Hackett was coming into a stable coaching situation and replacing a departing OC on an otherwise unchanged staff. Even then it would be a stretch because you'd think it would be best to start him out as QB coach. But to put him with Marrone, who has never coached an NFL game before, is asking for trouble.


Again, it may work, and I certainly hope it does - but it's not the direction I would've gone.


And also - it's not just scheming and playcalling. He'll need to COACH on gameday, as well. Is 33 year-old Hackett gonna get in Stevie's face on the sideline for too much improvising? Is he going to reassure Freddie after yet another fumble?


His greenness will be an issue.


I'll add one more thing: it's pretty common for the team to delay an announcement about the HC, since there are a lot of contract terms to be worked out. But it's somewhat unusual for a team to delay announcing a coordinator hire, esp. where the media has already announced it. Does anyone else wonder whether Marrone jumped the gun on this one? Perhaps he interpreted his "final say" authority re: coaching hires too broadly, and told Hackett he could have the job before clearing it with OBD. Just pure, abject speculation on my part, but reading the tea leaves, I wonder how this went down...


Great posts.


It's not exactly the "no stone unturned" search promised by the "new organization". Marrone's search seems to have stretched all the way down the hall from his office at Syracuse.

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I was very impressed with that. He sounds like a great teacher and motivator.

I just hope his systems and adjustments are up to NFL standards.





I'm sold on this kid. I'd play for him. I think alot of coaching is relating to the players. This kid relates to young guys and I like that.

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Chan Gailey replaced by Nathanial Hawthorne? Thought he was dead.


Wouldn't mind the 33 years of age if it was some college OC who had proved something around the country, but when Marone hires the guy off his own college coaching team, it hardly smacks of thorough research. He probably didn't interview anyone else. Sort of like Ralph hiring Marv as GM.

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I am shocked people are so accepting of this hire.


A 33 year old kid with a few years as a low level assistant in the NFL and TWO years in college is going to go up against a Bill Belichick and Rex Ryan defenses with either Fitz or a project rookie QB and succeed?


ON WHAT !@#$ING PLANET??!!!!???

Sounds Like Josh McDaniel to me, how is that working out?
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Chan Gailey replaced by Nathanial Hawthorne? Thought he was dead.


Wouldn't mind the 33 years of age if it was some college OC who had proved something around the country, but when Marone hires the guy off his own college coaching team, it hardly smacks of thorough research. He probably didn't interview anyone else. Sort of like Ralph hiring Marv as GM.


Well this year Syracuse was the 21st best offense in the country (with hardly any draftable guys besides their QB). They improved over 120+ yards from 2011. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/stats/byteam?cat1=offense&cat2=Total&sort=524&conference=I-A_all&year=2012

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