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Nirvana back together with new singer!


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Poor choice my opinion of west! And what was he or she wearing ?


I agree he was a disaster. The hoody and skirt combo not even being the top reason.


The suggested Jayz likely would've fit well as a best choice - nas is an yet to be mentioned ny'er, and honestly I bet (and kill me on this one but...) someone like diddy bringing together a large NY crew on stage and some of his classic mass hits with a better stage sense than Kanye might've been vanilla enough but with enough ny ties to squeeze by in mainstream America (atleast he'd give a ny production instead of kanyes narcistic debacle)

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I agree he was a disaster. The hoody and skirt combo not even being the top reason.


The suggested Jayz likely would've fit well as a best choice - nas is an yet to be mentioned ny'er, and honestly I bet (and kill me on this one but...) someone like diddy bringing together a large NY crew on stage and some of his classic mass hits with a better stage sense than Kanye might've been vanilla enough but with enough ny ties to squeeze by in mainstream America (atleast he'd give a ny production instead of kanyes narcistic debacle)


We're talking egos here. Doubt that Jimmy Dolan (Knicks) would want to give Jay-z (Brooklyn) the stage at MSG

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We're talking egos here. Doubt that Jimmy Dolan (Knicks) would want to give Jay-z (Brooklyn) the stage at MSG


If that was even a consideration, that would be incredibly sad.


Ill stick my head in the sand and say it was scheduling, or just an easy connection based on common booking agents and labels for some artists.... Something other than team rivalry.

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lol! good to see you "enjoy" everything just like you do the Bills.


"Had a great time! Here's my list of complaints!"




Agreed on Daltrey keeping his shirt on though, no one needs to see all those operation scars. But it's kinda cool to see all of those guys still at it at ~70 years old.


I saw The Who from the third row in Toronto a few weeks ago. Daltrey's voice was great, so I didn't know what the Bulldog was talking about on the radio this afternoon about how shot his voice is...................Now, I've watched part of their performance and it does sound shot during Bell Boy. Strange how it went in a few weeks again.


And, I noticed in Toronto the scars on his stomach. Is that lyposuction scars or what?

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Thought I heard he was in Toronto.. don't know why. I hope its not a Dolan thing, that would be a bad business decision




If that was even a consideration, that would be incredibly sad.


Ill stick my head in the sand and say it was scheduling, or just an easy connection based on common booking agents and labels for some artists.... Something other than team rivalry.

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It was an extraordinary poor choice by the organizers. Jay-Z, LL Cool J, both NYC natives would have been better choices. They've both done elaborate sets with full bands and don't do a lot of over producing that Kanye does. The only worse choice would have been Lil Wayne but at least he would have been interesting.


That and he's a gay fish.

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Beiber sells millions of records too..............


And I am sure they would have been delighted to have him perform as well.


Oh, I don't care for Kanye West (or Bieber)...but if you are having a benefit concert, where you want lots of people to donate money for a cause, it would only make sense that you would try to get acts that are very popular, and would attract more viewers, attract a wider range of viewers, and thus increasing your chances of getting more donations... does that make any sense?


I saw The Who from the third row in Toronto a few weeks ago. Daltrey's voice was great, so I didn't know what the Bulldog was talking about on the radio this afternoon about how shot his voice is...................Now, I've watched part of their performance and it does sound shot during Bell Boy. Strange how it went in a few weeks again.


And, I noticed in Toronto the scars on his stomach. Is that lyposuction scars or what?


I haven't seen them live since their 3rd "farewell tour", but I remember when they performed at half time of the Super Bowl (granted, maybe 4 or 5 years ago now) Daltrey was really struggling to hit the highs. That has to be tough, cuz so much of the Who's stuff is anthem-like, and all about power...

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This farewell tour stuff is a myth! They had one farewell tour - in 1982......They came back in 1989 because Entwistle was having serious financial problems. They never again said it was a farewell tour (although Pete always complaining about his ears may have made people think that this was it).

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The 3 farewell tours has always been a joke not based on anything the band claimed... I was at Rich in 1982...what a show...David Johanson, The Clash and the Who

. Pete has solo stuff that was real good. Love his stuff with ronnie lane
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The 3 farewell tours has always been a joke not based on anything the band claimed... I was at Rich in 1982...what a show...David Johanson, The Clash and the Who


One of those bands blew the roof off the house.

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Ok so no reviews regarding the Nirvana "reunion" mini-tour?? That is what the thread is about.


My review:


It is a shame Dave didn't snap a drumstick in McCartney's ear. I'll never forgive him for ruining Christmas forever more with the worst song ever made - Having a Wonderful Christmas Time.


The song was forgettable, I am no Nirvana fanboy, but Dave Grohl plays the drums like no other. He should have just played a solo.

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The 3 farewell tours has always been a joke not based on anything the band claimed... I was at Rich in 1982...what a show...David Johanson, The Clash and the Who


Ah yes. Was there that day too. What a great show

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. Pete has solo stuff that was real good. Love his stuff with ronnie lane


The Chinese Eyes album is soooo great. Slit Skirts is in my top ten all time.


The 3 farewell tours has always been a joke not based on anything the band claimed... I was at Rich in 1982...what a show...David Johanson, The Clash and the Who


Looks like at least three or us were there. How about when they played Love Reign O'er Me and it started raining!.........After the song, Pete said "Not even the Stones can do that!"

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The Chinese Eyes album is soooo great. Slit Skirts is in my top ten all time.




Looks like at least three or us were there. How about when they played Love Reign O'er Me and it started raining!.........After the song, Pete said "Not even the Stones can do that!"


Was at that show too...as well as the Maple Leaf Gardens show, which IIRC, was the last stop on that tour...Clash was awesome too! If I had a scanner I could show you some great pics I took at that show...



Btw- the "3rd farewell tour" thing was just kind of a joke...I have been on a bit of a "Freaks And Geeks" bender...there is one episode that revolves around all the "freaks" going to see the Who on that tour (although they got it wrong and said it was 1981)...throughout the episode they keep saying things like "we gotta see them...it is their last tour"...just kind of funny...



The Chinese Eyes album is soooo great. Slit Skirts is in my top ten all time.



Fantastic song...that whole album is great...but "Slit Skirts" is just a great ode to getting old, but not too old to realize it... "slit skirts slit skirts, Jeanie isn't wearing no slit skirts...I ain't wearing no ripped shirt" Good call.. haven't listened to that album in years...might have to drag it out..screw the Christmas music! :thumbsup:

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Was at that show too...as well as the Maple Leaf Gardens show, which IIRC, was the last stop on that tour...Clash was awesome too! If I had a scanner I could show you some great pics I took at that show...



Btw- the "3rd farewell tour" thing was just kind of a joke...I have been on a bit of a "Freaks And Geeks" bender...there is one episode that revolves around all the "freaks" going to see the Who on that tour (although they got it wrong and said it was 1981)...throughout the episode they keep saying things like "we gotta see them...it is their last tour"...just kind of funny...


They came back to Maple Leaf Gardens? I went to the CNE show a few weeks after the Rich Stadium one. It literally was because "we gotta see them - it is their last tour!"................My mother told me I was a fool to believe it! Then 7 years later she said she was right, but to me 7 years in your 20s is a lifetime!


Fantastic song...that whole album is great...but "Slit Skirts" is just a great ode to getting old, but not too old to realize it... "slit skirts slit skirts, Jeanie isn't wearing no slit skirts...I ain't wearing no ripped shirt" Good call.. haven't listened to that album in years...might have to drag it out..screw the Christmas music! :thumbsup:


I think the lyrics to that song are tied with Nick of Time by Bonnie Raitt as the most poignant lyrics about life and aging, etc. Every word just hits home with me. Both before I was just 34 and still wandering in a haze and now after.


I just found out three weeks ago tonight from my Pete fanatic friend that I went up to TO to see them with - that it's Stardom in Acton, not Stardom in Action - which I've been singing for 30 years! Another favorite on that is People stop Hurting People.

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They came back to Maple Leaf Gardens? I went to the CNE show a few weeks after the Rich Stadium one. It literally was because "we gotta see them - it is their last tour!"................My mother told me I was a fool to believe it! Then 7 years later she said she was right, but to me 7 years in your 20s is a lifetime!




I think the lyrics to that song are tied with Nick of Time by Bonnie Raitt as the most poignant lyrics about life and aging, etc. Every word just hits home with me. Both before I was just 34 and still wandering in a haze and now after.


I just found out three weeks ago tonight from my Pete fanatic friend that I went up to TO to see them with - that it's Stardom in Acton, not Stardom in Action - which I've been singing for 30 years! Another favorite on that is People stop Hurting People.


I was at the CNE show too...I think me and my buddy went to just about every big show in WNY/Toronto area from about 1980-1986...I've seen the Who 8 times (I think) over the years...first time was the show at the Aud in 1979, the day after the Cincinnati incident...I had second row seats, as a high school friends' parents wouldn't allow him to go after what happened in Ohio. I was blown away...it was the first time I had ever sat that close for a big show (as opposed to those Melody Fair shows that granny used to take me to as a kid...Tony Orlando & Dawn, Bobby Vinton...all the greats! :lol: )...it was my first real taste of the power of rock n' roll.


At the end of tha 1982 tour, the Who played two nights at Maple Leaf Gardens, the second night was a pay-per view simulcast...we went to the first show, and got the pay per-view the next night. IIRC, it was a Thursday and Friday night thing...


I love Petes' solo stuff for the most part. For some reason though, while I had it all on vinyl at one time, I only have "Who Came First", "Rough Mix", "Empty Glass" and "All the Best Cowboys..." on CD now....they are tough to find. I work in a large CD/Record store, we carry pretty much everything (not necessarily all at once!), and they rarely come through used..and are out of print as new cd's both domestic and foreign. I would love to get a copy of "White City" and the live one he did (can't remember the name)...maybe the 80's production wouldn't age well, but I always loved that song "Second Hand Love"....kind of menacing sounding, in the vein of "Emminence Front" sound wise. Also loved that song "Somebody Saved Me".


Have you read Pete's book? I am anxious to read it...maybe when I am flying back to Texas from Buffalo for the holiday...I am about 99% certain my girlfriend purchased it for me as a gift, so I have been avoiding it...been killing me to wait... I hear it is quite good...


Just like the grub the wriggles to the top of mass...Stardom in action Acton, that's all they got!


As for "Slit Skirts" I was about 17 when it came out, but it always spoke to me....I have always had an old soul! :lol:



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