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VERY weak fan base in here....

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I am one of the most optimistic, look-for-the-silver-lining guys around, but I've finally come to the realization I'm wasting my time -- and furthermore, the Bills don't deserve my support for the product they've put on the field.

Exactly how I feel


12 yrs of non-playoff football wears even the best of fans down.

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I am one of the most optimistic, look-for-the-silver-lining guys around, but I've finally come to the realization I'm wasting my time -- and furthermore, the Bills don't deserve my support for the product they've put on the field.


Yet I know that, somehow, you'll manage to cast aside your discouragement by Sunday...


16 and 3 baby!!!!! :beer:

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Yet I know that, somehow, you'll manage to cast aside your discouragement by Sunday...


16 and 3 baby!!!!! :beer:


Senator, your posts bring a smile to my face. Wish this football team would do the same.

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This is the most pathetic bunch of losers I've seen play. I'm only 32 so I can't suffer the pain some of you felt in the 70s. The qb is just not good enough. The defense is putrid. Worst of all the coaching staff is completely inept. I was laughing by the 3rd quarter.


That said, I'll be watching next Sunday and every Sunday there is Bills football. Suck it up you wimps.

Edited by stevestojan
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This is the most pathetic bunch of losers I've seen play. I'm only 32 so I can't suffer the pain some of you felt in the 70s. The qb is just not good enough. The defense is putrid. Worst of all the coaching staff is completely inept. I was laughing by the 3rd quarter.


That said, I'll be watching next Sunday and every Sunday there is Bills football. Suck it up you wimps.


I assume you are referring to the tasty product of winning football the Bills organizaqtion has been offering fans for the last 12+ years?


Mmm,Mmm, Good!

Edited by kidprison
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hey JPS if your serious about learning how to play guitar, i cant recommend a better site than Jamplay.com, im self taught from that site. there is a ton of free stuff online for guitar, but none of it is structured, its $15/mth and its the best money I ever spent!

Seriously? Did you start from scratch? I'm all over that.

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The reason for the frustration is Chan and Buddy offer no solutions and the fans can clearly see the real problems.


So far all we hear is "We need to get better" Not good enough for the fans.Its been 3 years.

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How did you know? I didn't wear red, white, and blue zubaz to work today. Shame on me. But I am wearing a Darby the Dinosaur t-shirt. Hope that makes up for it.


Ray Bentley's greatest achievement! Excellent reference.



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don't let the door hit you whiny, bitchy, fair weather, lousy, ex Bills fans. Go whine elsewhere

wow. Not a single person on this board can be called a fair weather fan. To still be here after 12 years of futility is a testament. Being fed up is a fan's right. I would say the bad fans are the ones that aren't mad right now. Not caring about this product that is put on the field is what has allowed the team to be so poor for so long. Unfortunately they (think they ) have us by the balls and most fans do to. If we don't buy tickets/merchandise then sure they might move. However continuing to support this mickey mouse team means they will continue to not care about w's - because we don't. Fans want a team - Fans should be demanding a competitive team. Of all the blame to go around some of it does fall on the fans for continuing to support such a poorly run franchise (not from a business standpoint from a competition standpoint)


No doubt folks are in much better spirits after a win, but I can only surmise that the near-suicidal tendencies being displayed after consecutive, embarrassing, blow-out losses just reinforces how passionate Bills' fans are about their team.


Sure, we sucked the last two weeks - and sure, we not only sucked...we sucked really, really bad - but I am of the strong opinion that this board will have a completely different tone next Monday.


I'm thinking that a week back in his home town helps Fitz get his head screwed back on straight...


Buffalo Bills - 58

Arizona Cardinals - 0


As for any talk of relocation, the Buffalo Bills will be playing their home games here in WNY long after we are all food for worms.

It was proven the last 2 weeks how far the Bills are from being a championship contender. Those 2 teams are the class of the nfl and ran the Bills out of the stadium. It's not just that they were bad losses it's that the Bills were supposed to fight and put up a fight against these teams. Not lay down and die. I left your score in their as an indication that you too are feeling it. Each week your score gets lower and lower.

I do agree with your relocation comment. I think it is just hostage taking at its finest. Float the idea and fans will come out bc they are scared to lose their team.


Yet I know that, somehow, you'll manage to cast aside your discouragement by Sunday...


16 and 3 baby!!!!! :beer:

You know what usually I do. Every Sunday when I wake up I'm convinced the Bills will somehow pull it off. Yesterday? I couldn't have cared less. When I woke up and called to put in my bets I almost bet against the Bills (smart money lately). Couldn't bring myself to do it of course, but I also couldn't get excited for the game. I knew all week and yesterday that they would lose and lose bad. The Bills have sapped the fun out of Sundays for me :censored: . I'm a very big Polyanna for this team and I'm over it.

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It was proven the last 2 weeks how far the Bills are from being a championship contender. Those 2 teams are the class of the nfl and ran the Bills out of the stadium. It's not just that they were bad losses it's that the Bills were supposed to fight and put up a fight against these teams. Not lay down and die. I left your score in their as an indication that you too are feeling it. Each week your score gets lower and lower.


Au contraire...


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4








16 and 3 baby!!!!! :beer:

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Wow. Just wow. With 11 regular season games to be played, I cannot fathom such despondancy.


No doubt folks are in much better spirits after a win, but I can only surmise that the near-suicidal tendencies being displayed after consecutive, embarrassing, blow-out losses just reinforces how passionate Bills' fans are about their team.


Sure, we sucked the last two weeks - and sure, we not only sucked...we sucked really, really bad - but I am of the strong opinion that this board will have a completely different tone next Monday.


Possible QB questions for the Cardinals (Skelton is healthy and practicing) - plus facing "the lowly Bills", at home, after a long week, with the idea of traveling to Minnesota to face the Viking the following week looming in the back their minds - all could add up to a stunning upset by the Bills.



I'm thinking that a week back in his home town helps Fitz get his head screwed back on straight...



Buffalo Bills - 58

Arizona Cardinals - 0




As for any talk of relocation, the Buffalo Bills will be playing their home games here in WNY long after we are all food for worms.





16 and 3 baby!!!!! :beer:






Give me a break man. We are going to get killed against the Cardinals. This team has no heart. I understand how the offense stinks because you can not be successful with a noodle arm loser that we have at QB. But I don't get how the defense is this bad. I mean there is actual talent on that defense. It has got to be the schemes they are playing. I don't understand how a front four like we have just can not get any heat on the QB. It does not make any sense. On paper they are a top 5 defensive line.

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