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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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I made a bet with a colleague sometime in June that Romney would win. Somehow, everyone seems convinced that BHO has this election locked up but I don't buy it.


I think Romney is a bright guy and he will be ready for the debates and that's where he wins.


Two words: "Romney's rich."


As long as Obama's campaign keeps repeating that, in the campaign and the debates, he'll win.

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Obama's not "rich" rich, because he's "in touch" with the middle class, whereas Romney's "fat cat evil banker" rich.


Can't say I disagree. Look at what Maher has to say:



Because starting Domino's and staples doesn't account for creating anything :rolleyes:

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The long national nightmare is almost over.

Because if Mitt Romney win the election, the problems in Congress will dissipate and he will get everything passed that he wants. After that happens, the worldwide economic problems will dissipate with equal ease and everything will go as planned.


Whichever wins the election is in for a nightmare. Things will get worse, long before they get better.

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As long as Obama's campaign keeps repeating that, in the campaign and the debates, he'll win.



Not sure I agree with that. No matter what the polls or talking heads say, the reality is that 24 millions ARE out of work. The number of people who actually quit looking for work just last month is equal to the number of all the students currently not being taught in Chicago public schools today. I think your average jobless Joe is looking at Obama, then at Romney, then back at Obama and thinking "I'll take my chances with the guy who has money instead of the guy who demonizes it."


Note...I'm not talking about Obama's base. I'm talking average Joe. Out of work. Bankruptcy pending. No sign of hope beyond the current guy saying things like "I need more time" and "When I said hope and change, I didn't mean tomorrow."

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Not sure I agree with that. No matter what the polls or talking heads say, the reality is that 24 millions ARE out of work.


"Because of the financial crisis caused by the rich bankers. Do you want them in control again, when we still have work to do fixing their mess?"


The number of people who actually quit looking for work just last month is equal to the number of all the students currently not being taught in Chicago public schools today. I think your average jobless Joe is looking at Obama, then at Romney, then back at Obama and thinking "I'll take my chances with the guy who has money instead of the guy who demonizes it."


Note...I'm not talking about Obama's base. I'm talking average Joe. Out of work. Bankruptcy pending. No sign of hope beyond the current guy saying things like "I need more time" and "When I said hope and change, I didn't mean tomorrow."


So'm I. Too many "average Joe's" have been spoon-fed the story that the banks are the reason their home values fell, and corporate America won't hire them because they're too busy hoarding cash, and food and energy prices are so high because the Big Energy and the food industry are conspiring to screw the working class, and Obama's the only one fighting the good fight at the gates of Mordor. The average Joe doesn't understand how the world actually works anymore...people actually believe that things like work and money and basic rights are provided BY the government.


Or maybe I'm too cynical. But this country is !@#$ed. It's just going to take longer to climax with Romney.

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"Because of the financial crisis caused by the rich bankers. Do you want them in control again, when we still have work to do fixing their mess?".

Maybe there should be something, like say, a stimulus, and as a result of that the bankers will start lending. Oh, wait a minute! :wallbash:

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LYNCHBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.


So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.



Guuud Golly !!!!!


Jersey can jump for joy all it wants... The Red States matter

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Random question from a Canadian poster who only gets a cursory view of American politics. I've heard over and over again that RomneyCare is what will doom Mitt. What are the key differences between RomneyCare and ObamaCare and why is Mitt's creation of it for Mass. considered a negative? Why are people saying he's distancing himself from it?


If it is a lot like Obama's plan, wouldn't embracing the creation of a functional version of it for his old state be something he could use to sway moderates?

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LYNCHBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.


So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.



Guuud Golly !!!!!


Jersey can jump for joy all it wants... The Red States matter


Yahoo is liberal. So is Reuters. Virginia being tied is not a good sign at all for Obama. VA will be close, but Romney will win it by a few points.


Congrads to yahoo for finding one GOP person who's going to vote for Obama...LOL That's like finding a unicorn.

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Yahoo is liberal. So is Reuters. Virginia being tied is not a good sign at all for Obama. VA will be close, but Romney will win it by a few points.


Congrads to yahoo for finding one GOP person who's going to vote for Obama...LOL That's like finding a unicorn.


So, a historically red state being tied is bad for Obama? Okay guy...

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So, a historically red state being tied is bad for Obama? Okay guy...


Pretty funny stuff fjl,


Historical reference is hysterical



Mr. Obama won Virginia easily in 2008, by over 6%, thats the only reference that counts .


Romney will win there, as will George Allen.



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As the Federal Government has grown so has the DC Metro area. But highly paid union employees don't want to live in a gang infested ghetto like DC so they move to the suburbs in Northern Virginia


Highly paid union employees? You mean highly paid military contractors and lobbyists?

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Pretty funny stuff fjl,


Historical reference is hysterical



Mr. Obama won Virginia easily in 2008, by over 6%, thats the only reference that counts .


Romney will win there, as will George Allen.




Virgil Goode factor!

Edited by TheNewBills
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Pretty funny stuff fjl,


Historical reference is hysterical



Mr. Obama won Virginia easily in 2008, by over 6%, thats the only reference that counts .


Romney will win there, as will George Allen.




What evidence do you have to backup your claim that Romney will win that state? He has barely been ahead in any polls in Virginia. He can't seem to gain ground for some reason.


Even if he does manage to win Virginia, it's a moot point since he isn't going to win Ohio.

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