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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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Is the liberal echo chamber a trap?


By Jennifer Rubin



Ronald Reagan liked to say, “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” There is no better phrase than that to describe President Obama, hermetically sealed in leftist bubble to a greater extent than any Democratic president in history. He doesn’t imagine that there are facts or interpretations that lead his opponents to opposite conclusions. He therefore assumes they are dimwits or liars. Contrast that to Bill Clinton, who understood Republicans all too well and could cajole, deal and compromise, knowing what they wanted and how he could strike a deal.


We saw Obama’s insularity in his interview with the Associated Press when he boasted that it couldn’t be a “choice” election because Romney-Ryan have offered no ideas to help the middle class: “If they saw Governor Romney offering serious proposals that offered some sort of concrete ways in which middle-class families would be helped, then I could understand them thinking about that choice. But that’s not what’s happening.” Hmm. Does he really not know the Romney-Ryan tax cut of 20 percent across the board is for the middle class as well? Does he not think that expanding trade and domestic energy development is for the middle class? Maybe he does, and he is lying, but it’s just as likely no one has told him in any detail what the Republicans are proposing or how those are linked to job growth and wealth accumulation.




The right has traditionally had this sort of advantage over the left. (This is why a number of the best, smartest conservative figures hailed from liberal universities.) In the academy and media, conservatives are a minority. They must learn not only their own arguments but the other sides’s and what’s wrong with them. Liberals, secure in their elite bubble, need not bother themselves with conservative view or the facts they propound.


Understand there is not an Obama policy or position that Romney and Ryan haven’t studied, analyzed, deconstructed and researched. Ryan has been doing this for years on the House budget committee. Comprehending what the other guy thinks, why he thinks it and where the flaws are is essential in a debate. The Romney-Ryan team should be overjoyed to hear that Obama hasn’t gone through this process and is operating in the left’s echo chamber. Or then again, maybe Obama understands that the sorts of things he said in the AP interview are bunk; he just imagines that the electorate doesn’t know any better.




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I see you're still in the denial stage...





You have some catching up to do with Chris Matthews who hit the anger stage pretty hard today.


Why would I be in denial?


Oh, you must think that I want BO to win... :oops:


Maybe you're one of the ones who are satiated by one candidate or the other such that if you hear someone criticize one, they must be for the other.


Either way, your assumptions stink and you're wrong.

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Why would I be in denial?


Oh, you must think that I want BO to win... :oops:


Maybe you're one of the ones who are satiated by one candidate or the other such that if you hear someone criticize one, they must be for the other.


Either way, your assumptions stink and you're wrong.

There seems to be a fair amount of that here. Everyone seems to be absolutely enamoured of their (false) choice.
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Is the liberal echo chamber a trap?

I've been saying this for years. I don't think liberals have done any real thinking about their playbook for years.


I've haven't heard a liberal say something intriguing for years.


All that green crap was retreaded old stuff, and the easiest way to tell? It FAILed the same way the old stuff did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And once again ....



CNN: Poll: Obama expands advantage over Romney.


Three days after the Democratic convention wrapped up, President Barack Obama opened up his largest margin over Mitt Romney since early July in Gallup's daily tracking poll. According to the poll released Sunday, Obama has 49% among registered voters nationwide, while Romney has 44%.

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And once again ....



CNN: Poll: Obama expands advantage over Romney.


Three days after the Democratic convention wrapped up, President Barack Obama opened up his largest margin over Mitt Romney since early July in Gallup's daily tracking poll. According to the poll released Sunday, Obama has 49% among registered voters nationwide, while Romney has 44%.


1) Nationwide popularity doesn't matter. The electoral college matters.

2) I love how everyone picks the poll that best fits their preconceived notions.

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And once again ....



CNN: Poll: Obama expands advantage over Romney.


Three days after the Democratic convention wrapped up, President Barack Obama opened up his largest margin over Mitt Romney since early July in Gallup's daily tracking poll. According to the poll released Sunday, Obama has 49% among registered voters nationwide, while Romney has 44%.



And once again a liberal media (this time CNN) poll was rigged for Obama...







Did you know this? Did you actually believed Obama was at 52%?

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Who do you think will win, and do you think it will be close or not?


I think Romney will win and it won't be close. The media has distorted the narrative. I think the real narrative is that the majority of voters have moved past Obama and the far left liberal ideology. There's no glossing over Obama's failed record on the economy. The Walker recall election results tell you all you need to know about where we're heading. People have had it with the liberal dead end path and they are ready to give Romney the chance to put this country on the right track.


I see the 2012 election results flipping around in the GOPs favor...something like Romney 52, Obama 45.

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I think Romney will win and it won't be close. The media has distorted the narrative. I think the real narrative is that the majority of voters have moved past Obama and the far left liberal ideology. There's no glossing over Obama's failed record on the economy. The Walker recall election results tell you all you need to know about where we're heading. People have had it with the liberal dead end path and they are ready to give Romney the chance to put this country on the right track.


I see the 2012 election results flipping around in the GOPs favor...something like Romney 52, Obama 45.


Thank you for having the guts to make a prediction--most people here don't. We all know that the only poll that matters is in November but it's good to go out there and make your best call.. I hope you're right on all counts but I think Barry smokes Romney. I predict that Romney loses Michigan, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, and loses in the electoral college by a wide margin.


If Romney wins though, I hope he's not going to be as hard-line on fixing the debt as he keeps saying. Cutting the military budget must be part of cost cut discussion. And realistically, so should a tax increase--just to get the Dems to the table. The majority of budget reduction should be reducing spending but if the Dems won't even talk unless there's a tax increase on the table, put it on the table. It's better to get an imperfect plan passed than no plan (ie the Boehner/Obama way).

Edited by John Adams
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Polls are the lazy journalist's Cliff Notes.

And, if they don't fit their preferred scenario they make them up.



The Parade of Bad Polls Continues


Pointing out the flaws in worthless polls would be a full-time job, if anyone were willing to undertake it. Today’s example comes from CNN and ORC. News organizations report on polls like this one as though they meant something; this one will be popular with media organizations because it shows President Obama with a six-point lead over Mitt Romney among likely voters. But a cursory review of the poll data shows that if it means anything at all, it is good news for Romney.






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Thank you for having the guts to make a prediction--most people here don't. We all know that the only poll that matters is in November but it's good to go out there and make your best call.. I hope you're right on all counts but I think Barry smokes Romney. I predict that Romney loses Michigan, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, and loses in the electoral college by a wide margin.


If Romney wins though, I hope he's not going to be as hard-line on fixing the debt as he keeps saying. Cutting the military budget must be part of cost cut discussion. And realistically, so should a tax increase--just to get the Dems to the table. The majority of budget reduction should be reducing spending but if the Dems won't even talk unless there's a tax increase on the table, put it on the table. It's better to get an imperfect plan passed than no plan (ie the Boehner/Obama way).


He's lost the independent vote and there's no getting them back. Catholic, Jewish and young voters are peeling off. Also, I think about 5-10% of the white democrats are lying in the polls about voting for Obama. They fear being branded as racists because of the race card being used on an almost daily basis. Obama has been a failure and Americans don't vote for failures (see Carter v. Reagan).


BTW, I heard that polls a week or two before the election become serious in their prediction estimations because they're worried about looking silly and losing all credibility. I thought that was interesting and probably true. Although I wouldn't put it past the liberal media rig the polls one last time and throw a hail mary in an attempt to tamp down enthusiasm for Romney. They'll say..."Hey, we've already lost our credibility so why worry about it now"...lol

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Thank you for having the guts to make a prediction--most people here don't. We all know that the only poll that matters is in November but it's good to go out there and make your best call.. I hope you're right on all counts but I think Barry smokes Romney. I predict that Romney loses Michigan, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia, and loses in the electoral college by a wide margin.


If Romney wins though, I hope he's not going to be as hard-line on fixing the debt as he keeps saying. Cutting the military budget must be part of cost cut discussion. And realistically, so should a tax increase--just to get the Dems to the table. The majority of budget reduction should be reducing spending but if the Dems won't even talk unless there's a tax increase on the table, put it on the table. It's better to get an imperfect plan passed than no plan (ie the Boehner/Obama way).


I made a bet with a colleague sometime in June that Romney would win. Somehow, everyone seems convinced that BHO has this election locked up but I don't buy it.


I think Romney is a bright guy and he will be ready for the debates and that's where he wins.

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