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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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"We don't need leadership! We need friendship!"


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.


So, does Romney get any criticism for his lackluster campaign or is it just "America is stupid"?


Not as creative as Obama's teleprompter's tweets...really just reiterating the same tired old memes.


But turnabout is fair play.


Haven't seen that one. I'll have to check it out.

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So, does Romney get any criticism for his lackluster campaign or is it just "America is stupid"?




Haven't seen that one. I'll have to check it out.

Meh, his campaign hasn't really started yet.
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Lady Gaga has 28 million followers. Obama having 18 million after having the account open for probably 5 years isn't that outrageous.


There probably is a good chunk that are fake or spam, but not 13 million.

That's what's being reported, even by the liberal media. Take it up with them.

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That's what's being reported, even by the liberal media. Take it up with them.


Yeah...I have an issue with the definition of "fake" that they're using. It's probably much more accurate to say he has that many inactive followers.

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Lady Gaga has 28 million followers. Obama having 18 million after having the account open for probably 5 years isn't that outrageous.


There probably is a good chunk that are fake or spam, but not 13 million.


Gaga has fake followers too.

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But, I've been hearing that for 2-3 months now. Convention is next week. The time is now or never for him.

He's not the official nominee yet. Obama has been campaigning now for nearly five years and he still hasn't pulled away. Romney isn't allowed the full campaign funds untill he's nominated.
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CNN/ORC Poll today using likely voters for first time has Obama 49-47.

Did you read that poll...before you posted about it?


I suggest you do. Here: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2012/images/08/24/rel8a.pdf


Care to explain why it has both registered and likely voters(page 1)....and why they fluctuate between samples(page 5), which questions have said fluctuations, and why? I just thought you might want to examine these things.


Does anybody really think that Obama has 52% of the vote, under any condition, right now? :lol: If we use this poll's RV....he does. :lol:


A side note: notice how ALL of the polls are moving TOWARDS Rassmusen's methodology? Coincidence? Or, it is because they know they were dangerously close to losing all credibility? Hey, at least this one didn't have a D+9 bias in the sample. Progress! :lol: They stacked the deck on RV towards Republicans....but the big question....is based on LV.


But also notice...they don't tell us the breakdown of the Likely Voters. So...they can say "they used LV"...but they don't say how they constructed the sample. :rolleyes:


This isn't going to fly either....but at least it's not another RV D+9.

So, does Romney get any criticism for his lackluster campaign or is it just "America is stupid"?

I don't know....should we used Obama's stellar campaign ability, and then record on actually governing, as a standard?


If we do, I suppose I'd rather have a guy who is better at governing than campaigning. Since...y'know....governing is actually what matters.


Or...are we ready to admit that the 2008 campaign could have been run by Barney Fife, and Obama still would have won, given the conditions then, and the Obama campaign now?


It's one...or the other. If the Obama group is/was so effective....why aren't they raising the same money as Romney? Why are they spending faster than they can raise? Why did their $120 million effort to define Romney early....get defeated by a single Congressman from Wisconsin?


I know: it's the evil Republicans again, right? They are the reason the campaign that can do no wrong...is losing across the board? It's not Obama's failures, lack of leadership ability, aloofness, and unwillingness to actually do the job for the last year. Nah. the Republicans are the ones who have all the self-interested donors from the oil/coal industries. None of Obama's donors got a single dime for their alternative energy...projects.


:lol: Look, it's: defying logic, lying, phony moral superiority and massive hypocrisy! What a shocker.

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Obama is a Barnum & Bailey huckster. He doesn't even take the job seriously. He commissions Simpson-Boyles and puts together an economic advisory group. He's not done a thing they have recommended or even spent any time with the advisory group. He acts as if this country is here to serve him. I don't know if "King Obama" would be sufficient. Emperor? Exalted One? Messiah?

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Do you honestly believe that the polls are favoring Romney? Or are you being aspirational?

Actually, they are beginning to favor Romney. The Big Mo is on his side, many of the recent battle ground polls are now beginning to show either Romney with a lead, a tie or narrowly behind, same goes with the national polling as well.If you don't believe me, go to the RCP site and you will see it there ;)

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Actually, they are beginning to favor Romney. The Big Mo is on his side, many of the recent battle ground polls are now beginning to show either Romney with a lead, a tie or narrowly behind, same goes with the national polling as well.If you don't believe me, go to the RCP site and you will see it there ;)


The polls are trending Romney but wait until after the debates. Romney will get a post conventions bump then go down when 0bama gets his post convention bump.


If Romney does well it will sway the few undecideds left and draw a few tepid 0bama supporters over and the election will break his way

If Romney doesn't do well in the debates, 0bama will win with W's 2004 Red State/Blue State strategery

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I happen to agree with you... The debates will be extremely important, as well as the conventions. Obama is already a known product, the verdict is in, and he gets poor marks on the economy. No matter how beautiful of a speech he gets, it won't change how they feel about his stewardship of the economy. Romney stands more to gain and lose regarding the conventions, he is more of an unknown product, if he comes across as competent, he will gain a structural advantage of gaining some of those undecideds that disapprove of Obama.


So I believe the conventions are vitally important for Romney.

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