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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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Just for fun when I get the robo calls al I do is press random numbers


I refuse to give them an honest answer.


------------------- from Yahoo News -

AMES, Iowa (AP) — A Republican appointed to the Electoral College, Melinda Wadsley was expected to cast her vote for Mitt Romney if he won the state of Iowa in the presidential election.

Wadsley decided Thursday she couldn't in good conscience vote for Romney — she had backed Ron Paul during the GOP primary — and resigned to allow the Iowa GOP to choose someone else for that duty.


"I have always been a straight-ticket Republican, and for the first time in my life I am an undecided voter, therefore, I need to resign my position as a Republican presidential elector," Wadsley said in an email exchange with The Associated Press.




Some electoral college voter resigns and you think it's a Wow moment? Who gives a crap? Those people perform a robotic function.

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Is that real or a spoof Wiki entry?


It's Wiki so who knows


Some electoral college voter resigns and you think it's a Wow moment? Who gives a crap? Those people perform a robotic function.


Look at the whole picture dude. MULTIPLE Republicans are implying the same damn thing PUBLICALLY. They don't want to support Romney!!!

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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It's Wiki so who knows




Look at the whole picture dude. MULTIPLE Republicans are implying the same damn thing PUBLICALLY. They don't want to support Romney!!!



Do you have a link, or are you going to say that I can click on the big link that is between your legs again?

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Some black clergy see no good presidential choice between a Mormon candidate and one who supports gay marriage, so they are telling their flocks to stay home on Election Day.


Next Pelosi, Reed, and the DNC will ask Eric Holder to file charges against the RNC for nominating a Mormon for President as an act of intentional voter suppression.

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Next Pelosi, Reed, and the DNC will ask Eric Holder to file charges against the RNC for nominating a Mormon for President as an act of intentional voter suppression.


That's ok, the New Black Panthers will be there to make sure the complaint is filled out and filed 'correctly'.

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Yep. This is the place.



No offense Ox, but that site looks very unprofessional. Plus it looks like they only take Rasmussen polls.


RCP, Polltracker, and 538 are probably your best bet for looking at polls since they take every poll into account. And 538 takes it even farther with the statistical analysis.

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what's it matter Doc the R's are trying to block the black vote regardless.



YOU need to worry about the the R's not wanting to vote for Myth,




Washington (CNN) -- One week past the conventions, a flood of polls have been released in crucial battleground states in the race for the White House. And some of them paint a picture that looks more favorable to President Barack Obama than to Republican nominee Mitt Romney.


The polls do have some things in common. They're all of the smaller pool of likely voters and all were conducted after the close of last week's Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

And several suggest that Romney's electoral path to victory on November 6 is becoming more difficult.

New national numbers in race for White House


Do you have a link, or are you going to say that I can click on the big link that is between your legs again?


Do you not know how to look somehting up on the internet? Does your mommy still wipe your butt too?


Or you could simply go back to page 25 for the link.

LYNCHBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.


So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.

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what's it matter Doc the R's are trying to block the black vote regardless.



YOU need to worry about the the R's not wanting to vote for Myth,




Washington (CNN) -- One week past the conventions, a flood of polls have been released in crucial battleground states in the race for the White House. And some of them paint a picture that looks more favorable to President Barack Obama than to Republican nominee Mitt Romney.


The polls do have some things in common. They're all of the smaller pool of likely voters and all were conducted after the close of last week's Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

And several suggest that Romney's electoral path to victory on November 6 is becoming more difficult.

New national numbers in race for White House




Do you not know how to look somehting up on the internet? Does your mommy still wipe your butt too?


Or you could simply go back to page 25 for the link.

LYNCHBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.


So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.



So, I ask you in post # 524 for a link to schit you posted in post # 523 on page 27 and you refer me to a link you made in a post on page 25? You actually tried to pass this off as a link in your post from 6 days ago? Are you under the illusion that you are in some way smarter than anybody on this board and can fool someone with this amateurish schit? I'm willing to bet that even Conner, Davey and Joe 6 IQ would have eventually figured this brilliant slight of hand out. Somehow you got confused recently and started boarding the long bus.

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what's it matter Doc the R's are trying to block the black vote regardless.

They are? Seems like the lead plaintiff in the Pennsylvania case was able to get her voter ID card without too much trouble. But let me guess: she's not poor enough. <_<

YOU need to worry about the the R's not wanting to vote for Myth,




Washington (CNN) -- One week past the conventions, a flood of polls have been released in crucial battleground states in the race for the White House. And some of them paint a picture that looks more favorable to President Barack Obama than to Republican nominee Mitt Romney.


The polls do have some things in common. They're all of the smaller pool of likely voters and all were conducted after the close of last week's Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

And several suggest that Romney's electoral path to victory on November 6 is becoming more difficult.

New national numbers in race for White House




Do you not know how to look somehting up on the internet? Does your mommy still wipe your butt too?


Or you could simply go back to page 25 for the link.

LYNCHBURG, Virginia (Reuters) - Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.


So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.

It's funny that they didn't mention who they voted from in 2008. Meaning they voted for Barry, And they're on public assistance. So no surprise who they're voting for again.


And "troubled by his religion?" WTF does that mean?

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Romney will be Judged on Actions, Not Coverage

by Byron York


Salena Zito, a reporter with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, watched Mitt Romney's Wednesday morning news conference from a diner in Wisconsin. Customers paid careful attention to the TV as reporters repeatedly asked Romney if he had made a mistake by criticizing President Obama's handling of the embassy crises in Egypt and Libya. The exchanges left no doubt that Romney's questioners thought he had made a mess of the situation.


But Zito found an entirely different reaction in the diner. "People were just floored by the press," she says. "The group was pretty mixed between Obama supporters and Romney supporters, and even the Obama supporters were astonished by how they felt the press was driving the story. One guy said, 'My God, six out of seven questions were the same question.' Another guy said, 'Why aren't they asking him anything serious?'"



What Zito saw was entirely anecdotal; maybe she just found a group of people who coincidentally thought the same thing. But the reactions at the diner raise a question: There's a near-consensus among the political class that Romney made a disastrous error in the embassy matter. But what do actual voters think?



It's too early to know the answer; Scott Rasmussen, who conducts a daily tracking poll on the race, saw no change in Romney's standing on national security issues the night after the controversy broke. (Rasmussen's Wednesday night polling found Romney leading Obama overall for the first time in a week, but by just a single point, 47 percent to 46 percent.) Still, there is no reason to assume the voters as a whole think like a small group of Washington- and New York-based journalists.



Riding a wave of media approval, Obama shows no outward signs of worry about the increasingly volatile situation for Americans in the Middle East. On the same day he announced the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya, and as protesters returned to the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, the president flew to Las Vegas for a little campaigning.



Speaking to a group of volunteers, Obama seemed to equate the fight for his re-election with America's long history of fighting for freedom. "The sacrifices that our troops and our diplomats make are obviously very different from the challenges that we face here domestically," the president told his campaign workers. "But like them, you guys are Americans who sense that we can do better than we're doing."





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President Obama continues to hold a clear lead over Mitt Romney in Virginia, a new Washington Post polls shows, buoyed by enthusiastic support rivaling what he marshaled in 2008 to snap the Democrats' 44-year losing streak in the state.


Likely voters in the Commonwealth favor Obama 52 to 44 percent. Among all voters, the president is up 50 to 43 percent, identical to his margin in a survey in early May.




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