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Romney opens 5 point lead over Obama

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:unsure: Good lord even the Cain Train himself trying to pile on...


Herman Cain would have a "substantial lead" over President Barack Obama if Republicans had made him their nominee, according to Herman Cain, who spoke at the University of Florida on Thursday.

From The Gainesville Sun:

Cain told members of the media after the speech that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's recent "47 percent" comment was a "non-story" being blown out of proportion by the media. But Cain said he would have been doing better if he was the nominee, saying that he'd probably have a "substantial lead" on President Barack Obama at this point.

"The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas," he said.

Cain ran for the Republican nomination in 2011. He dropped out of the race in December and ultimately endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich before Mitt Romney sealed the nomination.


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:unsure: Good lord even the Cain Train himself trying to pile on...



Herman Cain would have a "substantial lead" over President Barack Obama if Republicans had made him their nominee, according to Herman Cain, who spoke at the University of Florida on Thursday.

From The Gainesville Sun:

Cain told members of the media after the speech that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's recent "47 percent" comment was a "non-story" being blown out of proportion by the media. But Cain said he would have been doing better if he was the nominee, saying that he'd probably have a "substantial lead" on President Barack Obama at this point.

"The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas," he said.


Cain ran for the Republican nomination in 2011. He dropped out of the race in December and ultimately endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich before Mitt Romney sealed the nomination.





I would have enjoyed seeing Cain run against Obama just to hear the MSM try to brand him as a racist :lol:

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I would have enjoyed seeing Cain run against Obama just to hear the MSM try to brand him as a racist :lol:


There should be a new rule in America...you are not allowed to complain about left wing media you think is stupid, if you consume right wing media that is also stupid

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There should be a new rule in America...you are not allowed to complain about left wing media you think is stupid, if you consume right wing media that is also stupid


I live in Canada


I don't consume right wing media.

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Obama’s Embassy Cover Story Dissolves. “There is ample evidence that the administration screwed up"






The Gang That Can’t Lie Straight: Team O At Odds On Libya Attack.

I've never seen a so-called "leader" refuse to take so little, if not no, blame for the problems under his watch. But that's the lib playbook: blame it on someone else. :rolleyes:

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As the seconds pass Myth's numbers drop



President Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney in Colorado, Iowa and Wisconsin, reaching the key 50 percent support threshold in all three battlegrounds, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls of these states.



In both Colorado and Wisconsin, Obama is ahead by 5 points among likely voters (including those leaning toward a candidate), 50 percent to 45 percent.




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Of course, I have no evidence to back this up, but my feeling is that Romney's statement on 47% will mean %$#&-all to those who are really independant...

Well now we all have evidence to back you up:


We see this with the now-infamous “47 percent” comment. Gallup described the statement and asked how it would affectrespondents’ votes. Twenty percent said it would make them more likely to vote for Romney, 36 percent said less likely, and 43 percent said it would make no difference.


Drilling down to self-described Independents, 15 percent said it would make them more likely to support Romney, 29 percent less likely, and 53 percent said it would make no difference. You can try to sex that up (as Gallup did) to read that Independents say it makes them less likely to vote for Romney by a 2-1 margin, but you could just as easily say that three-quarters of independents say the gaffe makes no difference or helps Romney."





The 36%, of all voters...are the people who are dependent on government...who Romney isn't targeting, and doesn't care if he offends, because as HE SAID, they aren't going to vote for him anyway. :wallbash:


And, while I am sure that Romney would rather not have offended ANY independents, we also KNOW that many of the people calling themselves "independent" this time around, weren't so independent last time. Many of them are "I don't want to call myself a D because they are stinking the place up"....so yeah...25% of would be Ds are offended...but 75% aren't. And, the 15% who like it...are the other "fringe Independents" who don't want to call themselves Rs for whatever reason. The middle...the real Independents....DON"T GIVE A F!


Ds need to own that, and move on to why their President felt it was necessary to lie about terrorism. That story will last the next 3 weeks, and into the debates. The 47% story dies...today. Own that too.

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The President is a failure. His wonderful centerpiece of statesmanship - his Middle East policy - is burning daily and the vision of the sodomized and suffocated American ambassador to Libya is tucked away next to those of Bin Laden. The Muslims there don't hate us because of a movie, they hate us because they !@#$ing hate us. It's that simple. They don't like Jews, they don't like us.

say what?

I heard this described as...."darker things are suggested to have happened to the body of the ambassador".


Sodomizing a dead guy? :sick: Or, was that done before he was killed? As he was being suffocated?


For Ron Paul supporters: What exactly is does more free trade with these people do...on the necrophiliac sodomizing front?


For Obama supporters: Of course we have to tolerate this, right? After all, sodomy has a long tradition in the war practices of the Muslim world. Or, do you think this isn't an act of war? :wacko: Just ask Vlad Tepes, who many think became Vlad the Impaler....primarily as revenge for his being sodomized by Muslims. But, according to you, not only should we be tolerant of the Muslim culture on display here, historically consistent mind you, but we must also be tolerant because gay sex is involved, right?




All sarcasm aside: it's far past time for both groups of children to grow up. There really is evil in the world, yes, there are good guys, and bad guys, you Jimmy Carter neophytes, and if the good guys do nothing, the bad guys, do...in fact...win.


You have no moral high ground. You never did. You merely deluded yourself. Even if there was moral high ground? You wouldn't know where to find it.

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For Ron Paul supporters: What exactly is does more free trade with these people do...on the necrophiliac sodomizing front?

Ask your question in English please


As I a Ron Paul supporter, I'll step up and respond

I'll go out on a limb and assume that you're asking what free trade in this scenario do to both America and Libyans

For Americans, we can choose to take our business elsewhere. Kind of like Dish TV not offering AMC. At the end of your contractual obiligations you are free to subscribe to a different provider and start watching Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Walking Dead, and Hell on Wheels

For Libyans, after the trade dollars and American food (we do kinda feed the world) stop pouring in their regime will start to feel the heat. They can either reform and play nice, or be dicks with no money nor food

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I heard this described as...."darker things are suggested to have happened to the body of the ambassador".


Sodomizing a dead guy? :sick: Or, was that done before he was killed? As he was being suffocated?


except that there was no sodomy, no dragging his body through the streets, nor any dark things actually happened. Eyewitnesses stated that his body was found still breathing in the burned out consulate, they picked him up, carried him outside and rushed him to the hospital in a private car. And it all jives with the doctor's statement.



Video taken by al-Bakoush and posted on YouTube shows Stevens being carried out of the room through a window with a raised shutter. “Bring him out, man,” someone shouts. “Out of the way, out of the way!”


“Alive, Alive!” come other shouts, then a cheer of “God is great.”


The next scene shows Stevens lying on a tile floor, with one man touching his neck to check his pulse. Al-Bakoush said that after that scene, they put Stevens in a private car to rush to the hospital.

Edited by In-A-Gadda-Levitre
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Ask your question in English please


As I a Ron Paul supporter, I'll step up and respond

I'll go out on a limb and assume that you're asking what free trade in this scenario do to both America and Libyans

For Americans, we can choose to take our business elsewhere. Kind of like Dish TV not offering AMC. At the end of your contractual obiligations you are free to subscribe to a different provider and start watching Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Walking Dead, and Hell on Wheels

For Libyans, after the trade dollars and American food (we do kinda feed the world) stop pouring in their regime will start to feel the heat. They can either reform and play nice, or be dicks with no money nor food


You are talking with a man who calls this "Muslim culture on display." You are more foolish than him.

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In my defense, I'm working my thru a case of beer. Tomorrow I will be sober


So what's your excuse?


All is forgiven. I rarely PPP during the day. And I rarely do not drink at night. :flirt:


I apologize for neither, despite not being Mitt Romney.

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