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Chan talking himself out of a job?


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I say no, but only because it would be unwise to disrupt what is supposed to be an admittedly 3 year rebuilding project (according to Nix). The Bills need stability and another re-do would be devastating at this point. I dont think he gets fired, but if you look at his record, he probably deserves to be fired. If this was Bills circa 1990-2000, he would have already been fired mid-season


Assuming he loses out, and goes on an unimaginable 9 game losing streak he will be:

9 Wins 23 Losses-That is AWFUL!


Tony Sparano got fired for a record of:29-32

Todd Haley Got Fired for a record of: 19-27, bad, but that is after being even more devastated by injuries than Buffalo and he got the Chiefs to the top of The NFC West last season and into the playoffs


I don't think Gailey is much of a head coach (maybe a good QB coach or Offensive Coordinator). I belive he needs a very strong supporting cast of assistant coaches in order to succeed. Let's hope they get him some help this offseason, or a year from now we'll be chatting about what coaches are available.


I still think he is better than Jauron.


I agree with everything you just said. I think he is like Dick LeBeau (sp). Great offensive coordinator, but is overwhelemed by being a head coach.

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I say keep him. Every time we fire coaches we are starting from scratch and we never give anyone the time to rebuild and get out of startup mode. I think we are like slot machine players. We think if we keep pulling the lever we'll hit the jackpot eventually.




I'm sure you said the same after 2 years of Gregg Williams and Jauron.


How about "...or we could pick a better HC and not have to do the 3 year with the lame duck thing"?


Should he lose nine straight games, unfortunately yes, he has to go. Should he break the streak or win both games, he stays.


As bad a choice as it looks and probably is, you promote Wannstedt to Head Coach if he's fired.


That would be a typically disastrous Bills FO move. Why would you even suggest this??

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I'm sure you said the same after 2 years of Gregg Williams and Jauron.


How about "...or we could pick a better HC and not have to do the 3 year with the lame duck thing"?




That would be a typically disastrous Bills FO move. Why would you even suggest this??


I agree promoting Wannstedt to HC is less (way less) than an inspiring move, but it provides some sort of coaching continuity. Bring in a whole new head coach and staff, and then you start overhauling the roster. Again.

Edited by dpberr
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yes he absolutely should be fired...back to back seasons with at least 7 game losing streaks and most likely 8 is awful and doesnt show any improvement which you would expect in a 3 year rebuilding project


i dont buy another re-do would be devastating, just look at San Fran...the problem isnt getting another head coach and starting over the problem is they havent hired the right head coach


I dont care what Schottenheimers playoff record is, he was the better choice and still is. He knows how to turn a team around and does it rather quickly


I agree. Marty could have been had, and he has clearly shown results. Gailey might be a good coordinator. He isnt a good head coach.


I think it is more likely that Gailey retires after this season than he is fired.

Damnit he is old...I believe he says he is like 58 right? Dont believe it. Didnt Levy admit that he had lied about his age when he was hired by Buffalo? Gaily has to be about 68. Have you watched him run into the tunnel at halftime? Ralph Wilson is more spry than Gaily!

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I love all the brilliant rationale that Chan should be fired because of the "9 game losing streak".


So if Fitz throws the ball a foot to the left in the end zone against the Jets (and Johnson actually catches it), that would mean they'd only lost 3 in a row and Chan shouldn't be fired??

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This is a very tough question to answer. Because to a large extent the problem is not Gailey, but injuries and questionable personnel moves by Nix. It was a mistake to think Merriman could handle the return back without a really good plan B option if he didn't work out. This defense is void of good LB's (Except Nick Barnnet) and the corners are average at best. We have no pass rushers to speak of. This defense needs two good drafts and at least four FA's to shore up this defense.


What I do lay at Gaileys feet is the lack of adjustments offense wise. I dont see any new wrinkles at all. The offense is predictable and defenses now know how to shut it down. This is partly due to injuries.


So unless you fire Nix and Gailey and have great replacements lined up, we might as well let these guys try to work it out and wait for a new owner to clean house. In the mean time, cancel press conferences and put up a sign saying we are working on it.

Edited by Fan in San Diego
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I like Chan. He answers questions like a man. He is a football junkie. His team was at least more fun to watch than Jaurons.


But it's hard to say he hasn't lost the team. We knew this was a rebuilding process but he keeps bring him "his guys" and Georgia Tech cast-offs because his offense is so complicated to learn. It doesn't seem so difficult to me... Dink and dunk. Throw short on 3rd and long. Throw long and 3rd and short. Defense is a disaster. Buddy and Chan aren't the guys to build a super bowl winner. Get a Mike Tomlin tough guy in here.

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I like Chan. He answers questions like a man. He is a football junkie. His team was at least more fun to watch than Jaurons.


But it's hard to say he hasn't lost the team. We knew this was a rebuilding process but he keeps bring him "his guys" and Georgia Tech cast-offs because his offense is so complicated to learn. It doesn't seem so difficult to me... Dink and dunk. Throw short on 3rd and long. Throw long and 3rd and short. Defense is a disaster. Buddy and Chan aren't the guys to build a super bowl winner. Get a Mike Tomlin tough guy in here.


This crap logic has been driving me crazy all year. If you need ten yards for 1st down, run at least an 11 yard pattern.

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I say no, but only because it would be unwise to disrupt what is supposed to be an admittedly 3 year rebuilding project (according to Nix). The Bills need stability and another re-do would be devastating at this point. I dont think he gets fired, but if you look at his record, he probably deserves to be fired. If this was Bills circa 1990-2000, he would have already been fired mid-season


Assuming he loses out, and goes on an unimaginable 9 game losing streak he will be:

9 Wins 23 Losses-That is AWFUL!


Tony Sparano got fired for a record of:29-32

Todd Haley Got Fired for a record of: 19-27, bad, but that is after being even more devastated by injuries than Buffalo and he got the Chiefs to the top of The NFC West last season and into the playoffs


I don't think Gailey is much of a head coach (maybe a good QB coach or Offensive Coordinator). I belive he needs a very strong supporting cast of assistant coaches in order to succeed. Let's hope they get him some help this offseason, or a year from now we'll be chatting about what coaches are available.


I still think he is better than Jauron.


Until a new era can be ushered in with a change of ownership, would a new coach really matter? Without a real organizational commitment to building a perennial championship contender, Buffalo will continue to be the Siberia of the NFL.


Bottom Line: No high caliber Coach or GM will come with Overdorf and Littman over them.

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The thing is that we are proving to be our own worst enemy when it comes to turnover.....


- The fact is that earlier in the year this offense WAS good.....and Gailey had a big hand in that. I have to believe that they can be good again with reinforcements.


- Injuries Injuries Injuries




I dont feel the same way on the defensive side.....as that defense has been horrid all year......so he needs to go. The only way I want Gailey canned is if he pulls a Wade Phillips.

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He should be fired because he actually thought Trent Edwards should have been the starter last year coming out of camp and I am sure he gave some sort of endorsement of Fitzpatrick. I seriously question his ability to assess a QB's abilities in this league.

I think he thinks he is such an offensive guru that he can just plug anyone in that position and things will work. It is obvious that the QB position is a gaping hole on this team and Gailey is directly responsible for that and should be canned because of it.

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