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This Team's Defining Moment


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In 2008 we started 5-1 and I was feeling good about the team. We lost to Miami and fell to 5-2 and I thought, oh well it's only 1 game, 5-2 is still good. Then we lost to the Jets and I was felt a sense of dread. Then we lost to the Pats and Browns then I hit the panic button.


Well I am in the same spot now as I was in 2008. If we lose to the Jets, then I won't panic yet, but I will get a sense of dread.


With that said, I'm confident we'll win.


GO BILLS!!!!!!

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That would have been the TD to tie it 24-24.


I assume you mean his catch and run to the one yard line. :nana:


You are correct.

And I guess if I can't even remember the playcall, then it wasn't all that defining was it?

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Last week, Scott Chandler came back from vacation, or something? Marcell Dareus had a breakout game, and the Defense had the game of the season--for them. So, where do you think the unexpected contribution comes from this week?

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I see (hope) bills defensive front 7 plays big, stops the run and pressures sanchez. We can rely on dareus presence but how about heard, carrington, Edwards, troupe, Barnett, moats etc etc. These guys are all big and can play. Edwards in particular may bust out because he'll have good vibes knowing the opposing coach thinks highly of him too.

Finer point is Sanchez is best when he rolls out to the right so try to contain him from that side. Make him go left. Hopefully kelsay can penetrate here and who ever is rotating at LDE.

If it's too late and Sanchez has space then at least get hands up and block throwing lanes. He throws kind of a flat ball.

Individually i hope to see McGee limiting plaxico.

Holmes will get some catches against Florence and leonidas but if we can at least limit their passing attack to one guy that helps us know where to bring pressure.

Stopping the run starts with keeping them from getting outside. Theyre not nearly as good runnig btw tackles. Put the defenders on high alert not to bite on inside fakes.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Ya. It's great. The more games we win, the more I enjoy each game. I'm so used to only getting super pumped for the opener and a handful of late games only cause I hope there might be a blizzard (like the colts game).

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on Offense

C.J. SHOULD have a break out game. The Jets are pretty stout at stopping the inside run, their major weakness this year has been sealing the edges. As much as I hate the idea of taking away touches from Freddy, this may be the time we try and use C.J.'s speed on the sweeps and flair passes. (then again I thought last week would be big for C.J. too, so who knows).


Also IMHO, the Jests have the best two cover guys in the league with Revis & Cro ... and I see them pretty much netralizing Stevie and Donald ... I see their next best guy (or a scheme rotating coverage) used on Chandler. Buffalo's "aces in the hole" are Nelson and Roosevelt, they don't get the hype or press, but I think they are pretty darn good when called on, I see a big game from one or both of these guys.


on Defense

I think Dareus has trouble collapsing the pocket this week (Mangold is a manamal), but I think Dareus helps in taking away their run game (it won't show in the stats, and won't be as much fun as 2.5 sacks, but he will play a good game). The Jests QB is "streaky", he's been playing well lately, but if we take away his run game, and fluster him early it could very well ruin his game. This is where the 12th man comes in ... if the fans at the Ralph are half as geeked as I will be in my living room he will be wetting himself during warmups. It also seems the Jests tend to turn over the ball a bit when they are "pressing", and for some reason this year we seem to be able to create turnovers, so this just may turn into a multipal turnover game.


There you have it ... my gameplan if I were Chan (and I'm not)


Sweeps and flair passes to get the ball to the edge, and a healthy dose of Nelson and/or Roosevelt with just enough attention to Steve and Donald to "keep the honest".


Throw up a brick wall to defend against the run, traumatize Shanchez, and let the turnovers begin.

Edited by macaroni
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I wouldn't be surprised if Chan gives Brad Smith some extra plays. He was talking up Smith in the press and saying he could have done more with Smith if not for the lockout.


Personally I would wait until the Miami game to take any personnel risks. Jets will be tough, even at home.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Chan gives Brad Smith some extra plays. He was talking up Smith in the press and saying he could have done more with Smith if not for the lockout.


Personally I would wait until the Miami game to take any personnel risks. Jets will be tough, even at home.


Brad Smith will definitely contribute in one way shape or form to our victory this Sunday. In a perfect world: Brad Smith will RUN OVER maybin at the LOS and break a 20yd run for a TD; Ex-Jet vs. Ex-Bill, and B. Smith conquers. :thumbsup:

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