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the 50 worst quarterbacks ever


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that's a seriously terrible list. Jake Plummer, Dilfer, Bulger, Kordell Stewart, Charlie Batch, Derek Anderson among others are far from some of the worst Qb's in NFL history. Those guys had real NFL careers. Our representative though, GayPee Loserman, does belong on that list.

Edited by FluffHead
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that's a seriously terrible list. Jake Plummer, Dilfer, Bulger, Kordell Stewart, Charlie Batch, Derek Anderson among others are far from some of the worst Qb's in NFL history. Those guys had real NFL careers. Our representative though, GayPee Loserman, does belong on that list.


agreed. this list belongs on the top-50 worst lists of all-time.

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I find it hard to believe with a few on this list and wonder why others aren't higher or on the list at all.


Well I agree that Russell does belong on the list and possibly 1st where he resides but if he's so high, how can Vince Young not even have a mention? Because he still has a chance to prove people wrong you say? Well then why is Alex Smith on the list? Last I checked he's doing decently enough to have his team at 1st place in the division. Not saying Smith hasn't been horrible, just saying others deserve a higher ranking and used his status as an example. A few others that I don't agree with would be Dereick Anderson and Patrick Ramsey. 6th and 7th round picks and your harping on them for being considered the worst of all time? It's a miracle thier names are even known enough to be considered for this list. Why isn't someone like Hobert on this list? Because he was drafted so low or not drafted at all and no one expected anything out of him. It would be like Brady if he sucked, nobody would have thought any different since he was a 6th rounder that wasn't expected to even make the team. I'm just saying you can't put a guy not expected to do anything on this list, it would be like the Bills saying Brown was a huge bust because he didn't ever start. Dumb list IMO.

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that's a seriously terrible list. Jake Plummer, Dilfer, Bulger, Kordell Stewart, Charlie Batch, Derek Anderson among others are far from some of the worst Qb's in NFL history. Those guys had real NFL careers. Our representative though, GayPee Loserman, does belong on that list.

I agree, some of these guys did not live up to expectations. You could make a case for guys like Jake Plummer & Kordell Stewart for being on this list, even Ryan Leaf & Jamarcus Russell. Still there are some other players missing from this list.


I find it interesting that when it comes to the San Francisco 49'ers they have Alex Smith & Tim Rattay on the list, but not Steve Spurrier. I'm sure many Niner fans can give you an earful on him.

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that's a seriously terrible list. Jake Plummer, Dilfer, Bulger, Kordell Stewart, Charlie Batch, Derek Anderson among others are far from some of the worst Qb's in NFL history. Those guys had real NFL careers. Our representative though, GayPee Loserman, does belong on that list.

Dilfer has a super bowl ring as a starter, he may not have been great but far from the worst. Batch has been a solid backup for a number of year, Stewart started an AFC championship game, plummer was a solid starter for a number of years. Putting Tim Rattey on their too like that 7th round pick was supposed to be an all pro is laughable

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That list is pretty sad.. Trent Dreadwards has to be worst than Trent Dilfer. I also agree missing are Rob Johnson & Todd Collins.


Rob Johnson isn't even one of the five worst QB's in Bills history, let alone top 50 all-time.


That list is pretty bad...Jake Plummer actually had some decent seasons in Arizona, not great...but he did lead the Cardinals to their first playoff appearence in eons...and had a solid, if not spectacular stint in Denver. In fact, a lot of the guys on this list had at least a good season or two during their career. Now, someone like Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith...those were just flat out bad QB's. Knock Bubby Brister, but he had some memorable moments in his time. I didn't see Marks' brother, Dan McGwire, the #16 pick of the 1991 draft...truly an awful QB. Just a bad list...I could probably think of 50 that were worse than the 50 on this list...

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Rob Johnson isn't even one of the five worst QB's in Bills history, let alone top 50 all-time.


That list is pretty bad...Jake Plummer actually had some decent seasons in Arizona, not great...but he did lead the Cardinals to their first playoff appearence in eons...and had a solid, if not spectacular stint in Denver. In fact, a lot of the guys on this list had at least a good season or two during their career. Now, someone like Ryan Leaf, Akili Smith...those were just flat out bad QB's. Knock Bubby Brister, but he had some memorable moments in his time. I didn't see Marks' brother, Dan McGwire, the #16 pick of the 1991 draft...truly an awful QB. Just a bad list...I could probably think of 50 that were worse than the 50 on this list...

I agree with this post, and would like to expand on what you've written about Rob Johnson. Every quarterback needs a certain amount of pass protection to be effective. But the amount required varies from one QB to another.


Short amount of time in pocket required: Aaron Rodgers

Moderate amount of time required: Tom Brady

Long amount of time required: Drew Bledsoe

Very long amount of time required: Rob Johnson


Rob Johnson was certainly the most sack-prone QB in NFL history. But when you gave him lots of time to throw, he looked good. Often very good. At this point, some might respond with, "All quarterbacks look good if they're given all day to throw." My response to that is twofold. 1) That isn't necessarily the case. 2) Many starting quarterbacks given that kind of time don't look nearly as good as Johnson did when given lots of time to throw. There's a reason the Bills traded away a first round pick for him. When Tony Boselli protected his blind side, he played very good football! He threw the ball down the field, attacked defenses, and his intermediate and deep passes were things of beauty. Very accurate--well beyond the accuracy one associates with most Bills starting QBs.


If you protected Rob Johnson he'd carve the defense up. But if there was a flaw with the pass protection, the guy was a sack waiting to happen. Johnson had both significant virtues and significant shortcomings. Clearly there must be 50 QBs in NFL history with significant shortcomings, but without significant compensating virtues.

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