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Hello from Corey McIntyre's agent...

Brett Tessler

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Believe it or not, 2 years ago I ended up on an airplane with..... Leslie Nielsen!! We talked some football and he was a really great guy. Definitely one of the most surreal experiences ever.



Well, then let me offer this for both you AND Corey (who's definitely a favorite of THIS fan!):


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Believe it or not, 2 years ago I ended up on an airplane with..... Leslie Nielsen!! We talked some football and he was a really great guy. Definitely one of my most surreal experiences ever.

I'd have been worried - disaster follows that guy around

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The only issue I see with redoing Corey's contract is that I'm not sure what he will ask in part to what are front office is going to pay. Not because our front office is cheap but because Chan's offense doesn't incorporate a full back except in goal line situation. Even in short yardage we are using Brad Smith. I would love to see a traditional running back behind a fullback formation from time to time as I fell that Chan's pass happiness my bite us in the a** at some point.

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I for one am really glad to have Corey on the team especially now that they appear to have turned the corner and are winning......Corey toiled with us for far too long not to enjoy playing on a winning team.


A stud on special teams and a load as a blocker......Corey and Sam Gash have always been my favorite NFL fullbacks

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I for one am really glad to have Corey on the team especially now that they appear to have turned the corner and are winning......Corey toiled with us for far too long not to enjoy playing on a winning team.


A stud on special teams and a load as a blocker......Corey and Sam Gash have always been my favorite NFL fullbacks

^ + a ton well said. i also was a Sam G. fan. my kinda football John

Thanks for bringing him up for discussion Sir. and letting us know that our feelings are mutual for each other.

I am only dissapointed that we do not play using heavy two backs more, or an I formation with up the middle runs behind our new Five Horsemen, solely because i love to see Corey on the field. I mean he is always on the play with special teams and a huge asset of course and seems a leader in that area of play.

But we sure love the man. For his hardwork and getting it done day in day out. He and freddy are similar men in my eyes, and thats a nice compliment intended believe me.

Tell C mac to keep on keepin on for us.

Now that i think about i want his jersey too because i respect what he has done for us and most excellent attitude he is a role model player.

And that Block was an Nfl highlight for sure

Go Bills Go Corey!!

Oh and a serious PS

I want us to let Corey M. get us a touchdown. this is his year, i feel it.

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Corey always looks like he is having fun. He is a monster on special teams. That block on Kyle Love (#74) last week should be in a highlight reel. Too bad it wasn't Wilfork that he hit that time. I remember they used to pass to Sam Gash out in the flats every so often and it almost always got them a first down. I wonder if they could try that with Corey.

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Brett thanx for stopping in. As many have expressed we love Corey the guy is a warrior and love the hit last week. Let him know that the fans appreciate him and even though he isnt on the field enough we can always see his impact when his is on the field. I am sure he is setting a great role model for the younger players on STs

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The only issue I see with redoing Corey's contract is that I'm not sure what he will ask in part to what are front office is going to pay. Not because our front office is cheap but because Chan's offense doesn't incorporate a full back except in goal line situation. Even in short yardage we are using Brad Smith. I would love to see a traditional running back behind a fullback formation from time to time as I fell that Chan's pass happiness my bite us in the a** at some point.

Dogmatically keeping a tight end off the roster because 'you don't use a TE in a run & shoot' keep Pardee's Eulers from ever getting over the top. Because not having at least 1 on the roster for goal line situations cost them a lot of points. I'd be surprised if Nix & Gailey would be willing to make the same type of mistake.


Corey's great in short yardage blocking and on ST's. I see him being here a long time if he wants to be.


Back to OP, thanks for dropping in. Best of luck to Corey.

Edited by Taro T
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The block Corey made on the goal line speaks volumes about the type of player he is. I know that hurt him, perhaps even worse then it hurt NE's DT. When your outweighed by about 80 pounds going nearly full speed it doesn't matter if your the guy who initiated the hit, it still hurts like a SOB. That attitude can't be coached, you either have the balls to make that block or you don't. You got a great player. I hope he stays a Bill a long time.

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Corey always looks like he is having fun. He is a monster on special teams. That block on Kyle Love (#74) last week should be in a highlight reel. Too bad it wasn't Wilfork that he hit that time. I remember they used to pass to Sam Gash out in the flats every so often and it almost always got them a first down. I wonder if they could try that with Corey.


We threw to Corey a couple of times last year for completitions if I recall correctly.

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