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CJ Spiller calling Ricky Sapp a...


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Except for the fact that the term itself and it's usage IS derogatory towards gay people ... but don't let a little thing like logic get in the way of your own argument.


lol oh shut the !@#$ up. i have 2 gay friends. i just texted them both to see if they were offended. they !@#$ing weren't. talk about making something out of nothing - good lord guys, get a life. the hypersensitivity of our culture is a joke.

Edited by deep2evans
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It seems like they're joking, but CJ just called Ricky Sapp (former Clemson teammate) a fag on Twitter. I expect a little better judgement from our boy.


I would expect nothing less of an answer in such a freakin politically correct world !!! For god sake why do people have to be so damb critical about a word don't we have any thing better to do ???


It was nothing but to friends doing a little name calling i call my brother a fag too (not that there's any thing wrong with that) BS it is what it is and if we didn't live in such a damb politically correct world we could worry about things that truly are worth worrying about and not all this petty garbage !!


Remember stick & stones may break my bones but names will only hurt those that have a guilty conciense :bag: !!

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More than a poor choice of words it was a poor choice of communication medium. If they just called each other nobody would be the wiser about their conversation. The problem is almost everything said now is out on the public domain. So these guys need to be a little more aware of what they say and where they say it.


Along with that we as a society have become overly sensitive about everything. It might come as a revelation to a lot of folks but you don't have to like and approve of everything other people do or say. All I ever hear lately is somebody crying the blues about being 'offended'. I get offended too but I just deal with it, move on and don't make a felony case out of what somebody might say or do that has absolutely nothing to do with me personnally.


What I find most puzzling about all the PC police is how they preach constantly about diversity and tolerance but then they turn out to be the most intolerant of others. Their objective is to control everyone's thoughts and actions vs. truly being respectful and diverse.


People on this board might agree or disagree with me, but that's just the way things go.


You just move on? Well I gues you are just a lot braver and stronger than gay people and other minorities. I am sure you have been subjected to the same kind of constant harassment and violence that they have. I suppose you would prefer that they should just take their beatings in silence rather than speak out when a public figure uses the same language of those who harm them. People have the right to say what they want in this country, even bigots. But the rest of us have the right to use our free speech to express what we think about what they say and do. No one is saying that you can't use any word you want, but the Constitution doesnt give you a free pass when it comes to what the rest of us think or say in response. There are consequences to using your free speech to express bigotry. When people talk about diversity, they are talking about people of different faiths, political beliefs, races, sexual orientations, gender, etc. Do you really think that its inconsistent to be respectful of that kind of diversity and not be respectful of bigotry at the same time? False equivalency at its finest.

Edited by Mickey
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It was ill advised in this PC world, but is it enough to chastize the kid? TO just said that Fitz "runs pretty good for a white guy." How many here are offended by this? I sure as s--t am not.

Who cares what these guys say as long as they are not advocating violence?


There are ways to encourage violence without directly advocating that someone take a bat to someone else's head. Denigrating a group of people who historically have been the subject of harrassment and violence and to do so using the same language used by those who have harmed them, won't help in trying to get rid of that kind of violence. CJ's mistake was a small one and not a big deal but it was a mistake. It was a public comment, not a private one.


White people have not historically been the subject of such violence simply because they are white so I don't think the situation is the same. However you feel about gay rights, the fact is, they can't get married, in most places they can be legally fired from their jobs simply because they are gay. There are people who will, if given the chance, use violence against them. The situation is not the same.


CJ made a minor mistake, he said he was sorry, game over. Its just what happens in my family when my kids say something over the line. Its what civil human beings do. And if political correctness means that we are more respectful of people who historically have been treated abominably, then I am okay with that.

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