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Gailey Not Behoven to Anyone


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Head Coach Gailey will pick the Best Players to make the 53 man roster. He owes NO allengience to any player.

Factors such as contracts, age, position, favorites of other coaches will play NO factor in deciding who will make the roster.

This is a rebuilding year to get the best players on this team as possible. I believe there will be some interesting cuts before the season begins. A trade or two might even be seen. This is a year to give younger players experience and to give the older more experienced players a chance to see if they belong. Nix showed us in the draft and free agency he is about to change the way the Bills look on the field. He can not do it all in one draft or off season. His predecessors were terrible selecting talent. (Primarily Levy and Jauron) Gailey now needs to take all the talent given to him by Nix and make it all work with cohevsiveness. Hard job to do, but he is up to it. I believe he will have a free hand picking the players on his team and we might see some old timers from last year cut for new blood.. I hope so...


We are going to have to live with the QBs now on the roster for one year. If they do not come through the Bills will have at least 4 top flight QBs to pick from next year.... Clausen and McCoy are warm weather QBs. Not right for the Bills cold weather. I am glad Nix chose to build other aspects of the team and take our chanches with the QBs now on the team for at least one more year. We are not going anywhere anyway...

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ho·ven   /ˈhoʊvən/ Show Spelled [hoh-vuhn] –adjective

1.affected with bloat.


2.bloat (def. 5).




1545–55; special use of ptp. of heave



bloat   /bloʊt/ –verb (used with object)

1.to expand or distend, as with air, water, etc.; cause to swell: Overeating bloated their bellies.

2.to puff up; make vain or conceited: The promotion has bloated his ego to an alarming degree.

3.to cure (fishes) as bloaters.

–verb (used without object)

4.to become swollen; be puffed out or dilated: The carcass started to bloat.


5.Also called hoven. Veterinary Pathology. (in cattle, sheep, and horses) a distention of the rumen or paunch or of the large colon by gases of fermentation, caused by eating ravenously of green forage, esp. legumes.

6.a person or thing that is bloated.

7.bloater (defs. 1, 2).





I guess what the original poster was trying to say, is a good cleansing is in order, perhaps suggesting a large gaseous wind pass from the sphincter of the team to release the bloated waste from the organization

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This is true. The Bills have added depth at alot of positions. Positions where their wasn't much competition in years past. this is one thing that i really like about Nix and Gailey. Force the vets no matter their contracts to compete. If the vets don't have young guys pushing them they can get lazy.


Poz, Kawika, Stroud, Kelsey are all going to have to justify staying in the starting lineup.

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I think the word the poster meant to use was 'beholden'


Meaning he owes nothing to anyone in his decisions.

Hey..he was just speaking Middle English!


be·hoove (b-hv)

v. be·hooved, be·hoov·ing, be·hooves


To be necessary or proper for: It behooves you at least to try.


To be necessary or proper.




[Middle English behoven, from Old English behfian; see kap- in Indo-European roots.]


I guess he thinks that Gailey is not proper to anyone....That bastard!!!!!!

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Dang, I come on here just to make either a Beethoven or Chris Hovan crack, and both are already taken!!!


We are a witty group, us wisecracking Bills' fans.... :thumbsup:


Really. I logged on WAY to late to nail the easy one-liners.


"Behoven". Jesus Christ. "Behoven".


The best I can do is something nautical. "Heaving to" is to put your bow into the waves merely to hang on in a storm. "Hove to" is past tense.


I guess that would mean that "Behoven" means "Hurling over the side", or something like that.

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This is true. The Bills have added depth at alot of positions. Positions where their wasn't much competition in years past. this is one thing that i really like about Nix and Gailey. Force the vets no matter their contracts to compete. If the vets don't have young guys pushing them they can get lazy.


Poz, Kawika, Stroud, Kelsey are all going to have to justify staying in the starting lineup.

I think you can add Evans to that list.

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